PHP Classes

There's a single line in the main description: "*This class...

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Subject:There's a single line in the main...
Summary:Package rating comment
Author:Alekos Psimikakis
Date:2017-10-19 09:14:59

Alekos Psimikakis rated this package as follows:

Utility: Bad
Consistency: Not sure
Documentation: Not sure
Examples: Not sure

  1. There's a single line in the main...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Alekos Psimikakis Alekos Psimikakis - 2017-10-19 09:14:59
There's a single line in the main description:
"*This class* can be used to convert objects to arrays."

What class? This package contains 1331 files, 758 folders!!!
And for just a simple thing as converting objects to arrays?
<php "convert an object to array"> (exactly as such) gives 22,000+ resultw in Google. Check the Web (esp. ...

I have not tested of course this package to see its results. How can one or would one want to do such a test for just convering objects to arrays?
So I am rating it for is "utility" based on what I mentioned above: It's close to 0.

  2. Re: There's a single line in the main...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Josantonius Josantonius - 2017-10-19 11:06:43 - In reply to message 1 from Alekos Psimikakis
Hi Alekos, thank you for the review.

I understand that for someone who doesn't use dependency management, version control, or unit testing, that amount of files it can be excessive, but they are necessary for quality, standardized, scalable, and testable development.

Thirteen days ago when the class was approved, I didn't have time to verify that the documentation had been added correctly. However, the section "Collaborate with this project", links to the repository where you can view the documentation.

The structure of the archives is well known and used. Composer, PSR4 standard, class loader... Maybe you'd like to review this article to be up to date with what about I'm saying:

In the documentation it's recommended that you install it from Composer, which only downloads 3 files; 'src/DataType. php', 'LICENSE' and 'composer.json'.

For now, it have only one method, just convert objects into array, this isn't a reason not to implement the above, maybe as tomorrow I will add 10 more methods. The usual in any open source project.

More than 90,000 results there are in Google on <php "CSV TO HTML"> and nevertheless, I appreciate your contribution.


  3. Re: There's a single line in the main...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Alekos Psimikakis Alekos Psimikakis - 2017-10-19 16:08:07 - In reply to message 2 from Josantonius
All what you say seem right and I didn't question your contribution. Indeed, it might be really enormous. Only that I couldn't judge that based on results from testing your PHP "class". *This is* the problem. In other words, this package has no utility (for most) within the huge casing it is presented. My suggestion is that you first submit a version of it with "no clothes", so that it can be tested on the spot and then in the enviroment you are talking about.

I wish I could relay this message to every one: I am 100% certain that the members of this great site would be benefited much more and in bigger numbers.

(As for my "CSV to HTML" class, it is certainly tiny compared to yours, but at least anyone can test it, see and judge its results in less than one minute. And as for its commonnness, it has been considered "Notable". I was surprised myself. It was actually the first class I submitted, and I did that as a "test", to see what is considered acceptable in

All that having been said, I believe you are a great PHP developper.

  4. Re: There's a single line in the main...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Josantonius Josantonius - 2017-10-26 23:42:27 - In reply to message 3 from Alekos Psimikakis
Yes, you're right, sometimes we forget that not everyone dedicate to this and doesn't know the standards establish by the community.

It would be impractical to create several versions, the idea is that when you update the repository in GitHub, it will spread to the rest of services, not go site by site.

What I will do is make it easier to install manually from the documentation (, I think that will help those who are unfamiliar.

Thank you, I'm sure you do too :)