Csongor Halmai - 2016-03-03 01:45:40
I think I could use such a tool if it works really reliably. If the project contains hundreds of php files, or even more then there is no chance to check and test the result. That's the reason why it has to be reliable.
If I don't remember whether I had used variable variables in the code then the obfuscator might make to code wrong and my site won't work. This is unfortunately a deal breaker for me. It would be nice if the obfuscator could indicate that the name of a varible changed when this variable is used as a function name, variable name, class name, etc.
function sum($a,$b){
return $a+round($b);
$f = "sum";
echo $f(3.4, 5.6);
After obfuscation:
<?php function _1($_2,$_3){return $_2+$_3;}$_4="sum";echo $_4(3,6); ?>
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function sum() in /home/halmaic/private/packApp/packed.php:1