Dave Smith - 2017-11-20 15:16:24 -
In reply to message 3 from Ray Paseur
Oh okay, I didn't realize they where links to the php manual since I didn't hover over them.
As far as procedural vs object oriented methods, it is 6 of one or half a dozen of the other.
As far as your first argument, I would never recommend that someone migrate query by query, why they would even want to try it escapes me.
Your 4th argument is the only one that holds any weight with the implied connection. I still believe that most will want to just add the i to mysql and include the link in the arguments instead of getting the correct object and method.
Like I said though, it is a matter of personal preference.
After migration they should rewrite the code, which is where I recommend they move over to object oriented code and also start using prepared statements.