brbaso - 2015-11-23 09:25:41
Great work!, but when I included the mysql2i.class.php class in my project I got :
Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in C:\xampp182\htdocs\XXXXX\admin\include\mysql2i.class.php on line 59
Line 59 was:
59. if( empty(mysqli_errno($link)) ){
60. return true;
61. }else{
62. return false;
63. }
Obviously problem was in ' empty(mysqli_errno($link) '
A small change fixed things for me:
59. $e = mysqli_errno($link); // added this line
61. if( empty($e) ){ // replaced with $e ...
62. return true;
63. }else{
64. return false;
65. }
Also, replaced in the same way all other occurrences of the 'empty(mysqli_errno($link))' pattern in the mysql2i.class.php class. Now it works and no errors anymore. My PHP: 5.4.31 ...
Hope this make some sense.