Kevin Rank - 2011-07-31 02:48:48 -
In reply to message 15 from Manuel Lemos
thanks for reply. same thing happens. for some reason it will not go through. I completely redid it and still get same errors. I am no php expert so this may be over my head. I get the plain smtp class to work but when i do the smtp_message class so I can use html it does not seem to work
Here is the beginning of my document that I changed. the rest I left how you wrote. I also added my host, user, password to the smtp.php
I really appreciate your time. I am trying to do on on line registration for our group and then send them a email when they register. I can get plain text to go but then the href links do not work.
* test_html_mail_message.php
* @(#) $Header: /home/mlemos/cvsroot/mimemessage/test_html_mail_message.php,v 1.14 2008/04/07 22:19:08 mlemos Exp $
* Trying to guess your e-mail address.
* It is better that you change this line to your address explicitly.
* $from_address="";
* $from_name="My Name";
* Change these lines or else you will be mailing the class author.
$subject="Testing Manuel Lemos' MIME E-mail composing and sending PHP class: HTML message";
$email_message=new smtp_message_class;