Hello Sir,
I am testing your code and I have a problem with url link. When I received the mail, url link are broken. All url are cut.
e.g :
Hello Mrs. or Mr. TEST,
In order to confirm your subscription request, please click on the following link :
I use this code where
MSG_CONF_NEWSLETTER1 is a constant. It depends of the Language used.
$cle_abonnement is a varchar(32).
// Message
$messageabonnement = $messageintro."\r\n" ;
$messageabonnement .= MSG_CONF_NEWSLETTER1 ."\r\n";
$adresse_confirmation_abonnement=$site_source_complet.'/confirmation.php?Langue='.$Langue.'&key='.$cle_abonnement ;
$messageabonnement .= $adresse_confirmation_abonnement."\r\n";
$messageabonnement .= "\r\n";
$messageabonnement .= "\n";
$messageabonnement .= '---------------------------------------'."\r\n";
$email_message=new email_message_class;
&& strcmp(substr(PHP_OS,0,3),"WIN"))
The result should be
In order to confirm your subscription request, please click on the following link :
Thank you for your answer and sorry for my poor english.