jainjerome - 2013-08-16 08:39:13 -
In reply to message 8 from Manuel Lemos
[下午 04:38:34] Potato(烤蕃薯)-漂亮了~讚啦~: Hi,
Thanks for your quickly response. I try to describe my problem more details for your reference.
I Wnat to create the OAuth Server on my local machine. And use your PHP OAuth client library.
1) I reference the below site step by step to generate the my local server environment.
OAuth-Server Download: https://github.com/php-loep/oauth2-server
OAuth-Server Document: https://github.com/php-loep/oauth2-server/wiki/Developing-an-OAuth-2.0-authorization-server
2) In the official document about the install library after create composer.json. In my environment, I can't exec this UNIX command "composer install".
composer.json - example.
"require": {
"league/oauth2-server": "2.*"
3) Because my environment is windows base. I cna't exec this command "composer install" or "composer update". Have any suggestion or reference URL can help me, thanks.
Please help me again.