Manuel Lemos - 2013-05-02 20:44:08 -
In reply to message 3 from Beat Ottiger
I think you should create a test environment in your development machine to test what you are doing in a environment that you can control. I mean, install PHP and a Web server in your machine using a WAMP, XAMP or some other installation. Then you can control your PHP error log file to see any errors.
You need to set the user id to one that exists in your user system. If you already have a user system in place, use that. It would not make sense to use some other system.
The actual user id to set you need to determine from the context. You can query the OAuth server API to get for instance the user email address.
If there is already a user in your system with that email address, get its user id and set it in the OAuth class.
If the user does not exist with that email address, create a new user record in your system with that email address, get the created user id and set that to the OAuth class.