Many thanks to Manuel Lemos for a very useful class. I am successfully connecting to QuickBooks Online using its OAuth facilities and pulling the list of Customers. I now need to add a new customer and add invoices.
If I read the Intuit API documents correctly I need to use
and pass the following for a new customer (in the Sandbox at present)
"BillAddr": {
"Line1": "123 Main Street",
"City": "Mountain View",
"Country": "USA",
"CountrySubDivisionCode": "CA",
"PostalCode": "94042"
"Notes": "Here are other details.",
"Title": "Mr",
"GivenName": "James",
"MiddleName": "B",
"FamilyName": "King",
"Suffix": "Jr",
"FullyQualifiedName": "King Groceries",
"CompanyName": "King Groceries",
"DisplayName": "King's Groceries",
"PrimaryPhone": {
"FreeFormNumber": "(555) 555-5555"
"PrimaryEmailAddr": {
"Address": ""
but cannot see how to pass these details using CallAPI.
If anyone has successfully done this, could they please let me know how they did it.