PHP Classes

recommended API for Facebook, Google and co

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Subject:recommended API for Facebook, Google...
Summary:package recommendation:Create an own API works together with oth
Date:2015-07-28 14:14:18

  1. recommended API for Facebook, Google...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Karl Karl - 2015-07-28 14:14:18
Yes, your OAuth class was my first choice, but it is a huge class with some dependencies to other classes (needed classes).
I had some Errors a few weeks ago using it on my Server so I decided to take some small simple API as recommended.
My Server don't have the "file_get_contents" but I could use a get_data () function.
I guess I should test your API class again, but could I use it in my scripts that I hopefully sell for free.
Does this API Support the Facebook SDK or is Facebook php SDK Installation recommended. How about other php SDK's or JavaScript SDK's.
Do you have a conf_test.php where I could test my Server if all php functions needed for the class are available.
If I install all dependencies do I have to take that in some order or simply upload anything.
Most of my used API's at the moment require only that you are logged in at Facebook, Google and co. What are the requirements of a Facebook user if he like to use my script with your API OAuth protocol class.
If I will be stopped do some Errors, do you like to assist me.

At the package recommendation is no answer or a direct contact possible.

  2. Re: recommended API for Facebook, Google...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2015-07-28 20:41:04 - In reply to message 1 from Karl
This class only need the HTTP class to send HTTP requests to OAuth API servers. It does not need any other external classes.

The HTTP class does not use file_get_contents. Currently it uses fsockopen or Curl depending on the case.

It is impossible for me to test the class in all types of PHP hosting companies that may exist.

If you are getting any errors, just post a message with the errors so we can see what is going on. Here is the best place to ask for support because the site notifies me and all responses are made public, so they can be helpful to others.

Sometimes it can be temporary errors of the OAuth servers. Your applications need to deal with those errors because they really happen some times.

You can ship this class with any other script you have because the license is BSD. You just cannot claim you wrote it.