Michael J. Fuhrman - 2009-11-07 14:13:50 -
In reply to message 1 from geert van bommel
SQL Encode should have been in the Function.inc file. Unfortunately, I pulled it, since PHP has a similar function (mysql_real_escape_string) and apparently didn't update my code.
Provided here is the function. I will include it in the class library as well.
Function SQLEncode ($szString)
$szRtn = "";
$nlen = strLen($szString);
If ($nlen == 0) return;
For ($t = 0; $t < $nlen; $t++)
$szChar = substr($szString, $t, 1);
$szRtn .= $szChar;
If ($szChar == "'") $szRtn .= $szChar;
return ($szRtn);