PHP Classes

Make it the normal way

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Subject:Make it the normal way
Summary:Make it the normal way
Author:Omar Abdallah
Date:2010-01-19 20:54:17

  1. Make it the normal way   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Omar Abdallah Omar Abdallah - 2010-01-19 20:54:17
you can convert it to procedural or make a class that does the same:

to convert it to procedural

find every statement with $this->conn->query() and replace it with the procedural function mysql_query()

and $this->conn->fetch_assoc() with mysql_fetch_assoc()

$this->conn->affected_rows() with mysql_num_rows()

just make the normal mysql_connect() and mysql_select_db in the constructor

Don't worry, It's really easy

wish you good luck