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my webhosting doesn't support mysqli

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Subject:my webhosting doesn't support mysqli
Summary:how to "convert those mysqli class to a "reguler" one
Author:cuma elp
Date:2010-01-12 04:55:32

  1. my webhosting doesn't support mysqli   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of cuma elp cuma elp - 2010-01-12 04:55:32
thanks for the advice about "join table query", it's quite clear to read. i had another problem, when i upload those class on my webhosting, the script doesn't work at all. it because it use mysqli class, but the server doesn't support it. is there a script to "convert" it to a regular database connection,query also the paging script

or it might be much better if there an option to choose, whether the user would like to use mysqli class or the "reguler" one instead.

thank you for your concern..