Prashant Mehta - 2009-01-29 18:01:17
i m Prashant Mehta
i am facing a problem in data updation through
PHP in mysql
i am opening a Database conenction in every page and closing that connection at end of that page
i am firing manually updation statements like this
$result=mysql_query("Update abc set abcStatusId=3,
ApprovedDate='".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."',
LastUpdatedDate='".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."'
where PageId='".$PageId."'");
and then i am committing it through this statement of PHP
but the problem occurs is many times update statement failes without any error and it does not updates any data in back end.
Please help me out from this problem
Thanks & Regards,
Prashant Mehta