PHP Classes

please help me

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Subject:please help me
Summary:I have a php beatsubmit file that is not working
Author:Lyn Gill
Date:2008-10-06 02:28:16
Update:2008-10-06 02:55:01

  1. please help me   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Lyn Gill Lyn Gill - 2008-10-06 02:53:57
Can you please help me try to get this working, is driving me crazy.
thank you so much.


  2. Re: please help me   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2008-10-06 02:55:01 - In reply to message 1 from Lyn Gill
This what? Can you please be more specific about what is not working for you?