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XOOPS works for me

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Subject:XOOPS works for me
Summary:While more of a "Content management system", it works for apps.
Author:Dave Edelhart
Date:2006-04-27 21:49:26
Update:2006-04-27 23:57:00

  1. XOOPS works for me   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Dave Edelhart Dave Edelhart - 2006-04-27 23:57:00
XOOPS is my framework of choice. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten half way through a custom code block when I remember to go back to the library and discover, "Oh, they already have one of those."

- It implements SMARTY templates
- has great form management
- supports a wide set of modules
- is OOP
- is NOT PHP 5 mandatory (though frankly I think it SHOULD be .. writing pre PHP 5 code is like refusing to adopt C++.)
- is skinnble
- has a powerful, open-ended user maagement system
- is multi-lingual friendly
- has mail notification

and is just in general fast as hell to work in. Plus the whole application allows for a wide variety of skins and is eminently customizable even without changing a single line of PHP.