Mike Jordan - 2013-05-26 22:52:32 -
In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
PHP has had its detractors since version 3 and rightfully so in many situations. What makes PHP accessible for the beginning programmer/scripter has also been its own worst enemy. PHP is somewhat forgiving compared to other languages and it is easy to churn out spaghetti code that mixes functions with HTML, mixes datatypes and embeds DB login info and queries in the same script. PHP isn't alone as Javascript and even Visual Basic launched tons of poorly written applications and scripts. PHP really grew up with version 5 and with the myriad of libraries and platforms available, it isn't necessary to write everything from scratch and there are great examples and tutorials over the web to learn proper programming patterns. Any good application or library, regardless of language, needs proper docs and should adhere to conventional programming techniques. I suppose if you spent the time to pour through some C++, C#, etc. source files, you'd find just as much poor programming techniques as and other language. It's just fun to bash PHP for some folks.