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Who benefits?

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Subject:Who benefits?
Summary:Who benefits from killing the original MySQL implementation?
Author:Gerry Danen
Date:2011-07-15 15:53:02
Update:2011-07-15 16:34:29

  1. Who benefits?   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gerry Danen Gerry Danen - 2011-07-15 16:34:29
Certainly not I, as a programmer with many of those "ancient" MySQL implementations.

Why are the core developers not considering how much unproductive work they are causing to the development community?

As I see it, I have two choices:
1. I upgrade and do a lot of work that I cannot charge back to my clients;
2. Don't upgrade and lose out on new features.

Are those choices I like? Absolutely not. There is no "win" option for me. Now if the original MySQL extension would still be available as an optional install, that would make more sense. Then eventually the old sites and applications would die a natural death, and the issue would go away.
