Richard Robertson - 2011-02-28 21:57:34
The subject matter of the recent podcast #9 was interesting to me because I program in both PHP and C#. During the segment in question the person (who I guess is supposed to be an industry professional) who was interviewed had some interesting ways of identifying the programming languages discussed. I was listening for the the naming of the programming language by the interviewee. I had to rewind the podcast and re-listen to it again to even find it mentioned. Why? Because instead of using the official, named as such by the creator, pronunciation, the person kept referring to it as "C Hash". The standardized pronunciation of the name "C#" is "C SHARP". It's from the musical term and uses the same symbol. It has a similar implied meaning as the creator of C++ in using "++" in the name of the language. It means a positive increase or step. I certainly don't refer to that language as "C cross cross" or "C ankh ankh" or "c sum sum" or similar. If I did so people in the field would look at me, rightly, as someone who really doesn't know what he is talking about. While something like "SQL", which has more than one creator, can have several common pronunciations, when the item is question has a single creator and they have taken the time and trouble to establish a standard name and pronunciation (and it IS an establishedinternational standard name),