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Classes specific for Russian Federation

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  Countries with specific classes  >  Russian Federation Classes specific for Russian Federation (9)  >  About Russian Federation  
  Files folder image 1. Base460 Parser  
Author: Dmitry A. Kirilin <e-mail contact>
Extract bar code information from Base460 files

  Files folder image 2. Dwords  
Author: Pashkov Denis Igorevich <e-mail contact>
Generate stems from UTF-8 encoded words

  Files folder image 3. Moy Sklad Rest Api  
Author: Dmitry Mamontov <e-mail contact>
Manage sales accounts of Moy Sklad using its API

  Files folder image 4. PHP Facebook Locale  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2019
Number 10
Author: Raskin Veniamin <e-mail contact>
Get the list of countries supported by Facebook

  Files folder image 5. PHP Faker Provider  
Author: Insolita <e-mail contact>
Provide fake data to test shopping pages

  Files folder image 6. PHP MoySklad Client  
Author: Oleksii Mylotskyi <e-mail contact>
Access the MoySklad API using ORM like objects

  Files folder image 7. PHP Prevod  
Author: Dragan Jankovic <e-mail contact>
Translate Cyrillic in other languages using Google

  Files folder image 8. Russian PHP Metaphone  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2020
Number 2
Author: Insolita <e-mail contact>
Generate a phonetic representation of Russian word

  Files folder image 9. Yandex.Market YML  
Author: Viktor <e-mail contact>
Generate a XML file for Yandex market products

For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.