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  Classes of Guido Pietrella   MySQLDataViewer   Download  
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Description: The base class to display data
Class: MySQLDataViewer
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Date: 23 years ago
Size: 9,641 bytes


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<?php /*************************************************************************** * MySQLDataViewer: a class to quickly display the result of a MySQL query * as a table * * Written by Guido Pietrella <> * This software is released for Public Domain under the GPL License * * Version: 1.0 - June 30 2001 ***************************************************************************/ class MySQLDataViewer { /* events */ var $fOnEmptySet; // Occurs when there are no records to print out var $fOnCheckData; // Occurs when a new record is fetched from the result set var $fOnTitlePrint; // Occurs before printing the title of a column var $fOnCellParams; // Occurs before printing the <td> tag to put special params in it var $fOnDataPrint; // Occurs just before printing data /* internal data */ var $aColumns; // Columns definition array var $nMaxRow; // Maximum number of rows to display var $bBrowserSafe; // Whether to convert HTML tags to text or not var $oResultSet; // Query result to be processed; var $aColumnsTitle; // Columns titles array /* bacgrounds and params */ var $sTitleBgColor; // Background color for columns title var $sRow1BgColor; // Background color for odd rows var $sRow2BgColor; // Background color for even rows var $sTableParams; // Parameters for the <table> tag (eg. align='center' etc...) var $sCellParams; // Default parameters for the <td> tag (eg. align='center' etc...) /* fonts */ var $sTitleFontTagOpen; // Opening font tag for columns title var $sTitleFontTagClose;// Closing font tag for columns title var $sDataFontTagOpen; // Opening font tag for cells var $sDataFontTagClose; // Closing font tag for cells /***************/ /* CONSTRUCTOR */ /***************/ function MySQLDataViewer($BrowserSafe = true) { $this->bBrowserSafe = $BrowserSafe; $this->oResultSet = ""; $this->nMaxRow = -1; } /******************************/ /* PRINTS OUT THE WHOLE TABLE */ /******************************/ function Display($Result, $NoTitle = false) { if($Result == "") return(false); $this->oResultSet = $Result; /* is the set empty?? */ if(@mysql_num_rows($Result) <= 0) { if($this->fOnEmptySet != "") { $fCallback = $this->fOnEmptySet; $fCallback(); } return(true); } if(!@mysql_data_seek($Result, 0)) return(false); /* prints out the <table> tag */ $this->DisplayTableHeader(); /* prints out the columns title */ if(!$NoTitle) { if(!$this->DisplayTitle()) return(false); } /* prints out the cells */ $this->DisplayData(); /* prints out the </table> tag*/ $this->DisplayTableFooter(); } /*******************/ /* PRINTS OUT DATA */ /*******************/ function DisplayData() { if($this->oResultSet == "") return(false); if(!is_array($this->aColumns) || @count($this->aColumns) <= 0) $this->GetColumnsFromFields(); $nRows = 0; while($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($this->oResultSet)) { if($this->nMaxRow > -1 && $nRows >= $this->nMaxRow) break; if($this->fOnCheckData != "") { $fCallback = $this->fOnCheckData; if(!($fCallback($aRow, $nRows))) continue; } print("\n<tr>"); $nCols = 0; reset($this->aColumns); while(list($k, $v) = each($this->aColumns)) { if(!$this->DisplayCell($aRow, $k, $v, $nRows, $nCols)) return(false); $nCols++; } print("</tr>"); $nRows++; } return(true); } /****************************/ /* PRINTS OUT THE DATA CELL */ /****************************/ function DisplayCell($aRow, $sField, $aColDef, $nRow, $nCol) { $sData = $aRow[$sField]; $bHtml = !$this->bBrowserSafe; if($this->sCellParams != "") $sParams = $this->sCellParams; if($this->fOnCellParams != "") { $fCallback = $this->fOnCellParams; $fCallback(&$sParams, $sData, $aRow, $sField, $nRow, $nCol); } $sParams = trim($sParams); print("\n<td"); /* bgcolor definition */ if(!preg_match("~bgcolor=~i", $sParams) && $this->sRow1BgColor != "" && $this->sRow2BgColor != "" ) { if($aColDef["BgColor"] != "") printf(" bgcolor='%s' ", $aColDef["BgColor"]); else printf(" bgcolor='%s' ", (($nRow % 2) ? $this->sRow1BgColor : $this->sRow2BgColor)); } /* align definition */ if(!preg_match("~align=~i", $sParams) && $aColDef["Align"] != "") printf(" align='%s' ", $aColDef["Align"]); /* width definition */ if(!preg_match("~width=~i", $sParams) && $aColDef["Width"] != "") printf(" width='%s' ", $aColDef["Width"]); if($sParams != "") printf(" %s ", $sParams); print(">"); if($this->sDataFontTagOpen != "") print($this->sDataFontTagOpen); if($this->fOnDataPrint != "") { $fCallBack = $this->fOnDataPrint; $fCallBack(&$sData, $aRow, $sField, $nRow, $nCol, &$bHtml); } if(trim($sData) != "") { if($bHtml) print(trim($sData)); else print(nl2br(htmlentities(trim($sData)))); } else print("&nbsp;"); if($this->sDataFontTagClose != "") print($this->sDataFontTagClose); print("</td>"); return(true); } /********************************/ /* PRINTS OUT THE COLUMNS TITLE */ /********************************/ function DisplayTitle() { if($this->oResultSet == "") return(false); if(!is_array($this->aColumnsTitle) || @count($this->aColumnsTitle) <= 0) $this->GetTitlesFromFields(); print("\n<tr>"); reset($this->aColumnsTitle); $nCol = 0; while(list($k, $v) = each($this->aColumnsTitle)) { print("\n<td"); if($this->sTitleBgColor != "") printf(" bgcolor='%s' ", $this->sTitleBgColor); print(">"); if($this->sTitleFontTagOpen != "") print($this->sTitleFontTagOpen); if($this->bBrowserSafe) $v = nl2br(htmlentities($v)); if($this->fOnTitlePrint != "") { $fCallback = $this->fOnTitlePrint; $fCallback(&$v, $nCol++); } if(trim($v) != "") print(trim($v)); else print("&nbsp;"); if($this->sTitleFontTagClose != "") print($this->sTitleFontTagClose); print("</td>"); } print("</tr>"); return(true); } /*******************************/ /* PRINTS OUT THE TABLE HEADER */ /*******************************/ function DisplayTableHeader() { print("<table"); if($this->sTableParams != "") printf(" %s ", $this->sTableParams); print(">"); return(true); } /*******************************/ /* PRINTS OUT THE TABLE FOOTER */ /*******************************/ function DisplayTableFooter() { print("\n</table>"); return(true); } /*********************/ /* SETS TITLE PARAMS */ /*********************/ function SetTitleParams($BgColor = "", $FontTagOpen = "", $FontTagClose = "") { /* set background color for title */ if($BgColor != "") $this->sTitleBgColor = $BgColor; /* set font tag open */ if($FontTagOpen != "") $this->sTitleFontTagOpen = $FontTagOpen; /* set font tag close */ if($FontTagClose != "") $this->sTitleFontTagClose = $FontTagClose; } /*********************/ /* SETS DATA PARAMS */ /*********************/ function SetDataParams($BgColor1 = "", $BgColor2 = "", $FontTagOpen = "", $FontTagClose = "") { /* set background color for odd data rows */ if($BgColor1 != "") $this->sRow1BgColor = $BgColor1; /* set background color for even data rows */ if($BgColor2 != "") $this->sRow2BgColor = $BgColor2; /* set font tag open */ if($FontTagOpen != "") $this->sDataFontTagOpen = $FontTagOpen; /* set font tag close */ if($FontTagClose != "") $this->sDataFontTagClose = $FontTagClose; } /*********************/ /* SETS TABLE PARAMS */ /*********************/ function SetTableParams($sParams = "") { if($sParams != "") $this->sTableParams = $sParams; } /**********************************/ /* GETS COLUMNS TITLE FROM FIELDS */ /**********************************/ function GetTitlesFromFields() { if($this->oResultSet == "") return(false); $this->aColumnsTitle = array(); /* if there are specific cols to display */ if(is_array($this->aColumns) && count($this->aColumns) > 0) { reset($this->aColumns); while(list($k, $v) = each($this->aColumns)) { if(is_array($v)) { if(isset($v["Title"])) $this->aColumnsTitle[] = $v["Title"]; else $this->aColumnsTitle[] = $k; } } } else { $nNumFields = @mysql_num_fields($this->oResultSet); for($i = 0; $i < $nNumFields; $i++) $this->aColumnsTitle[] = @mysql_field_name($this->oResultSet, $i); } return(true); } /************************************/ /* GETS COLUMNS TO SHOW FROM FIELDS */ /************************************/ function GetColumnsFromFields() { if($this->oResultSet == "") return(false); if(is_array($this->aColumns) && count($this->aColumns) > 0) return(true); $this->aColumns = array(); $nNumFields = @mysql_num_fields($this->oResultSet); for($i = 0; $i < $nNumFields; $i++) { $sFieldName = @mysql_field_name($this->oResultSet, $i); $this->aColumns[$sFieldName] = array(); } return(true); } }; ?>