* This is an EXAMPLE file that processes the input
* Please note that you need a drawings/ folder with write access for this script
if( !function_exists( 'file_put_contents' ) )
function file_put_contents( $filename, $data )
$fp = @fopen( $filename, 'w' );
fwrite( $fp, $data );
fclose( $fp );
require_once 'OekakiInput.php';
$OekakiInput = new OekakiInput;
$applet = $_GET['applet'];
$data = $OekakiInput->autoprocess( $applet, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, $anim_ext, $print_ok, $print_error_prefix, $response_mimetype, $error );
if( $error )
$save_id = basename( $_GET['saveid'] );
$save_dir = "drawings/{$save_id}/";
@mkdir( $save_dir, 0777 );
if( !is_writable( $save_dir ) )
$error = 'CANNOT_WRITE';
file_put_contents( $save_dir . 'image', $data['IMAGE'] );
$image_info = getimagesize( $save_dir . 'image' );
if( $image_info == FALSE )
$error = 'NOT_IMAGE';
@unlink( $save_dir . 'image' );
if( $image_info[2] != 2 && $image_info[2] != 3 )
@unlink( $save_dir . 'image' );
if( $image_info[2] == 2 )
rename( $save_dir . 'image', $save_dir . 'image.jpg' );
elseif( $image_info[2] == 3 )
rename( $save_dir . 'image', $save_dir . 'image.png' );
file_put_contents( $save_dir . 'appletinfo', $applet );
if( $data['ANIMATION'] )
file_put_contents( $save_dir . 'animation.' . $anim_ext, $data['ANIMATION'] );
while( FALSE );
header( "Content-type: {$response_mimetype}" );
if( $error )
$errors = array(
'INVALID_APPLET' => 'An invalid applet was specified. Save a screenshot of your work in case of continued failure.',
'NO_IMAGE_DATA' => 'There was no image data sent. Please reattempt your save (and save a screenshot just in case of continued failure).',
'INVALID_DATA' => 'Invalid image data was sent. The error may be that the applet you are using is configured incorrectly (POO compatibility was be enabled). Save a screenshot of your work in case of continued failure.',
// Following errors introduced by the script
'CANNOT_WRITE' => 'The server has encountered an error saving your image. Save a screenshot of your work in case of continued failure.',
'NOT_IMAGE' => 'The data sent was not an image. Please reattempt your save (and save a screenshot just in case of continued failure).',
'INVALID_FILETYPE' => 'The data sent was not a JPG or PNG file. Please reattempt your save (and save a screenshot just in case of continued failure).',
echo( ( $print_error_prefix ? "error\n" : '' ) . $errors[ $error ] );
elseif( $print_ok )
echo "ok";