| http://www.SysTurn.com |
It's a PHP class to simplify ip2country functions
and also let you know more info about the IP address
like Country, ISO2 Code, ISO3 Code, FIPS104 Code, ISO Number,
Region, Capital, Currency, Currency Code and flag (small & big)
If you also have registeration form (or similar forms)
where user should select his country from list, ip2more class
has a built-in function which will print dropdown list options
and (optionaly) selects user's country based on his IP address
The class doesn't need any database, as it depends on flat files
which can be updated later easily and works very fast because
it uses indexies in the search.
Changes In V3:
- If the IP address was not found in the local database, Its info will be fetched from Whois server.
- A new function added "is_valid_ip": it will check the validity of the passed IP address
- A new function added "find_country": This function was suggested by 'Nizam <info AT singlesburg DOT com>', It will find a country by providing any info about it (name, iso2, iso3, fips104 OR even the Capital)
- The fips104 field in countries list, was updted. thanks to 'Nizam <info AT singlesburg DOT com>'
Bakr Alsharif
bakr at systurn dot com |