FILENAME: calendar_vars.php
PURPOSE: Contain non default variables and functions
AUTHOR: Matthew Malenski
DATE CREATED: Thu Jun 30 09:39:25 2005
require_once 'Smarty.class.php';
//--- w3c validator compliant
ini_set("arg_separator.output", "&");
//--- CREATE an array of month names to use
for($i=1; $i<=12; $i++){
$GLOBALS['cal_months'][] = array('id'=>$i,'name'=>date('F',mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,2005))); ;
//--- Create an array of years to use (start at 2005 and go 10 years past current year)
for($i=2004; $i<(date('Y')+10); $i++){
$GLOBALS['cal_years'][] = $i;
//--- Misc Functions
function html_get($name,$default=''){
$value = ($_GET[$name])?$_GET[$name]:$_POST[$name];
return ($value)?trim($value):trim($default);
function week_of_year($timestamp){
$year = date('Y',$timestamp);
$day_of_year = date('z',$timestamp)+1;
$offset = date('w',mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$year));
$week = ceil(($day_of_year+$offset)/7);
return $week;