// REMEMBER TO RENAME TO: phpodp.inc
// phpODP.inc - Version 1.0 - PHP Class phpODP for use with ODP (dmoz.org) data retrieval
// Copyright (c) 2000, Ryan Heggem.
// URL: http://www.gren.addr.com/
// EMAIL: gren@addr.com
// Please send questions, comments, whatever to the email address above.
// A demo of what this class can do can be found at:
// http://www.gren.addr.com/scripts/PHP/phpODP/directory.php
// Released under the GNU GPL.
// http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// usage:
// require('phpodp.inc');
// $odp = new phpODP;
// $odp->_init();
// returns:
// [ variable ] [ type ] [ description ]
// $odp->dirs array array of the current dir level chopped up err somethin...
// $odp->contents array dmoz.org gets split up into sections and put into this array
// $odp->page_title string the page title of the catagory fetched
// $odp->desc_file string html <a> tag w/ link to catagory description file if available
// $odp->faq_file string html <a> tag w/ link to catagory faq file if available
// $odp->a2z string html <a> tags w/ links to the single lettered catagories if available
// $odp->catagories string html chunk of the sub-catagory listing
// $odp->other_catagories string another (?) html chunk of the sub-directory listing
// $odp->links string html chunk of all the links in the current catagory
// TODO(s):
// 1) make a function to replace this line of code to check/set a cache'd (is that even a word?) version of the current catagory
// 2) add a little search box like the real ODP catagories
// 3) add an editors variable (array?) to help list out all the editors of a certain catagory
class phpODP {
function _init() {
header('Location: http://' . $SERVER_NAME . '' . $SCRIPT_NAME . '/Computers/');
// misc stuff...
$this->dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('|^/(.*)/$|', '\\1', $PATH_INFO));
// spit out each section of a dmoz.org catagory into an array
// TODO #1:
$this->contents = explode('<hr>', implode('', file('http://dmoz.org' . $PATH_INFO) ) );
// get page title
eregi('<title>(.*)</title>', $this->contents[0], $tmp_page_title);
$this->page_title = $tmp_page_title[1];
// check for description and faq files, then set up links to them
$this->desc_file = (preg_match('|desc.html|i', $this->contents[0])) ? ' <a href="http://dmoz.org' . $PATH_INFO . 'desc.html">Description</a> ' : '';
$this->faq_file = (preg_match('|faq.html|i', $this->contents[0])) ? ' <a href="http://dmoz.org' . $PATH_INFO . 'faq.html">FAQ</a> ' : '';
// check for an A-Z catagory listing, then set up links to each one
$a2zA = explode(',', strtoupper('a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z'));
if(preg_match('|/[A-Z]/|i', $this->contents[0])){
$sfx = ($z != 25) ? ' / ' : '';
$this->a2z .= '<a href="' . $PHP_SELF . $a2zA[$z] . '/">' . $a2zA[$z] . '</a>' . $sfx;
} else{ $this->a2z = ''; }
// this chunk of code...
// goes through each array element of $contents to see what's what
// replaces all the dmoz.org relative links with a local version
// sets a <font> tag in <td> tags to make the text in them look nice
// sets <img> tags to point to dmoz.org
if(preg_match('|href="/|i', $this->contents[1])){
$this->catagories = preg_replace('|href="/(.*)"|im', 'href="' . $SCRIPT_NAME . '/\\1"', preg_replace('|(<td valign=top>)|im', '\\1<font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2">', preg_replace('|(</td>)|im', '</font>\\1', $this->contents[1])));
if(preg_match('|href="/|i', $this->contents[2])){
$this->other_catagories = preg_replace('|href="/(.*)"|im', 'href="' . $SCRIPT_NAME . '/\\1"', preg_replace('|(<td valign=top>)|im', '\\1<font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="2">', preg_replace('|(</td>)|im', '</font>\\1', $this->contents[2])));
if(preg_match('|<li><a href="http://|i', $this->contents[3])){
$this->links = preg_replace('|src="/(.*)"|im', 'src="http://dmoz.org/\\1"', $this->contents[3]);
} else{ $this->links = ''; }
} elseif(preg_match('|<li><a href="http://|i', $this->contents[2])){
$this->links = preg_replace('|src="/(.*)"|im', 'src="http://dmoz.org/\\1"', $this->contents[2]);
} else{ $this->other_catagories = ''; $this->links = ''; }
} elseif(preg_match('|<li><a href="http://|i', $this->contents[1])){
$this->links = preg_replace('|src="/(.*)"|im', 'src="http://dmoz.org/\\1"', $this->contents[1]);
} else{ $this->catagories = ''; $this->other_catagories = ''; $this->links = ''; }