1.5 ~~ ` 2016-11-06` ~~
adding filterCallback function
removing exception when record not found
1.4 ~~ ` 2016-11-05` ~~
Improving error message
Adding interface to 'serialize' objects
Allowing call constructor with no parameters
1.3 ~~ ` 2016-08-27` ~~
Added control of exceptions when selecting records with ```findAll('fieldName','value')```
Added new parameter ```$key``` to simplify the constructor of a table
1.2 ~~ ` 2016-08-26` ~~
Added ```processRecord``` in order to filter or process somehow the current record when the table is populated.
Added BigExample folder in order to know the limits of the system.
1.1 ~~ ` 2016-08-24` ~~
Added more ways to populate database, from jsonFile and jsonString.
1.0 ~~ ` 2016-08-20` ~~