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File: vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Resources/views/Collector/explain.html.twig

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  Classes of Murat Cileli   Papernic   vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Resources/views/Collector/explain.html.twig   Download  
File: vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/Resources/views/Collector/explain.html.twig
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Papernic
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 885 bytes


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{% if data[0]|length > 1 %} {# The platform returns a table for the explanation (e.g. MySQL), display all columns #} <table style="margin: 5px 0;"> <thead> <tr> {% for label in data[0]|keys %} <th>{{ label }}</th> {% endfor %} </tr> </thead> <tbody> {% for row in data %} <tr> {% for key, item in row %} <td>{{ item|replace({',': ', '}) }}</td> {% endfor %} </tr> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> {% else %} {# The Platform returns a single column for a textual explanation (e.g. PostgreSQL), display all lines #} <pre style="margin: 5px 0;"> {%- for row in data -%} {{ row|first }}{{ "\n" }} {%- endfor -%} </pre> {% endif %}