// set default options
$.iButton = {
version: "1.0.03",
setDefaults: function(options){
$.extend(defaults, options);
$.fn.iButton = function(options) {
var method = typeof arguments[0] == "string" && arguments[0];
var args = method && Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) || arguments;
// get a reference to the first iButton found
var self = (this.length == 0) ? null : $.data(this[0], "iButton");
// if a method is supplied, execute it for non-empty results
if( self && method && this.length ){
// if request a copy of the object, return it
if( method.toLowerCase() == "object" ) return self;
// if method is defined, run it and return either it's results or the chain
else if( self[method] ){
// define a result variable to return to the jQuery chain
var result;
this.each(function (i){
// apply the method to the current element
var r = $.data(this, "iButton")[method].apply(self, args);
// if first iteration we need to check if we're done processing or need to add it to the jquery chain
if( i == 0 && r ){
// if this is a jQuery item, we need to store them in a collection
if( !!r.jquery ){
result = $([]).add(r);
// otherwise, just store the result and stop executing
} else {
result = r;
// since we're a non-jQuery item, just cancel processing further items
return false;
// keep adding jQuery objects to the results
} else if( !!r && !!r.jquery ){
result = result.add(r);
// return either the results (which could be a jQuery object) or the original chain
return result || this;
// everything else, return the chain
} else return this;
// initializing request (only do if iButton not already initialized)
} else {
// create a new iButton for each object found
return this.each(function (){
new iButton(this, options);
// count instances
var counter = 0;
// detect iPhone
$.browser.iphone = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iphone") > -1);
var iButton = function (input, options){
var self = this
, $input = $(input)
, id = ++counter
, disabled = false
, width = {}
, mouse = {dragging: false, clicked: null}
, dragStart = {position: null, offset: null, time: null }
// make a copy of the options and use the metadata if provided
, options = $.extend({}, defaults, options, (!!$.metadata ? $input.metadata() : {}))
// check to see if we're using the default labels
, bDefaultLabelsUsed = (options.labelOn == ON && options.labelOff == OFF)
// set valid field types
, allow = ":checkbox, :radio";
// only do for checkboxes buttons, if matches inside that node
if( !$input.is(allow) ) return $input.find(allow).iButton(options);
// if iButton already exists, stop processing
else if($.data($input[0], "iButton") ) return;
// store a reference to this marquee
$.data($input[0], "iButton", self);
// if using the "auto" setting, then don't resize handle or container if using the default label (since we'll trust the CSS)
if( options.resizeHandle == "auto" ) options.resizeHandle = !bDefaultLabelsUsed;
if( options.resizeContainer == "auto" ) options.resizeContainer = !bDefaultLabelsUsed;
// toggles the state of a button (or can turn on/off)
this.toggle = function (t){
var toggle = (arguments.length > 0) ? t : !$input[0].checked;
$input.attr("checked", toggle).trigger("change");
// disable/enable the control
this.disable = function (t){
var toggle = (arguments.length > 0) ? t : !disabled;
// mark the control disabled
disabled = toggle;
// mark the input disabled
$input.attr("disabled", toggle);
// set the diabled styles
$container[toggle ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](options.classDisabled);
// run callback
if( $.isFunction(options.disable) ) options.disable.apply(self, [disabled, $input, options]);
// repaint the button
this.repaint = function (){
// this will destroy the iButton style
this.destroy = function (){
// remove behaviors
$([$input[0], $container[0]]).unbind(".iButton");
$(document).unbind(".iButton_" + id);
// move the checkbox to it's original location
// kill the reference
$.data($input[0], "iButton", null);
// run callback
if( $.isFunction(options.destroy) ) options.destroy.apply(self, [$input, options]);
// create the wrapper code
.wrap('<div class="' + $.trim(options.classContainer + ' ' + options.className) + '" />')
'<div class="' + options.classHandle + '"><div class="' + options.classHandleRight + '"><div class="' + options.classHandleMiddle + '" /></div></div>'
+ '<div class="' + options.classLabelOff + '"><span><label>'+ options.labelOff + '</label></span></div>'
+ '<div class="' + options.classLabelOn + '"><span><label>' + options.labelOn + '</label></span></div>'
+ '<div class="' + options.classPaddingLeft + '"></div><div class="' + options.classPaddingRight + '"></div>'
var $container = $input.parent()
, $handle = $input.siblings("." + options.classHandle)
, $offlabel = $input.siblings("." + options.classLabelOff)
, $offspan = $offlabel.children("span")
, $onlabel = $input.siblings("." + options.classLabelOn)
, $onspan = $onlabel.children("span");
// if we need to do some resizing, get the widths only once
if( options.resizeHandle || options.resizeContainer ){
width.onspan = $onspan.outerWidth();
width.offspan = $offspan.outerWidth();
// automatically resize the handle
if( options.resizeHandle ){
width.handle = Math.min(width.onspan, width.offspan);
$handle.css("width", width.handle);
} else {
width.handle = $handle.width();
// automatically resize the control
if( options.resizeContainer ){
width.container = (Math.max(width.onspan, width.offspan) + width.handle + 16);
$container.css("width", width.container);
// adjust the off label to match the new container size
$offlabel.css("width", width.container - 5);
} else {
width.container = $container.width();
var handleRight = width.container - width.handle - 6;
var positionHandle = function (animate){
var checked = $input[0].checked
, x = (checked) ? handleRight : 0
, animate = (arguments.length > 0) ? arguments[0] : true;
if( animate && options.enableFx ){
$handle.stop().animate({left: x}, options.duration, options.easing);
$onlabel.stop().animate({width: x + 0}, options.duration, options.easing);
$onspan.stop().animate({marginLeft: x - handleRight}, options.duration, options.easing);
$offspan.stop().animate({marginRight: -x}, options.duration, options.easing);
} else {
$handle.css("left", x);
$onlabel.css("width", x + 0);
$onspan.css("marginLeft", x - handleRight);
$offspan.css("marginRight", -x);
// place the buttons in their default location
var getDragPos = function(e){
return e.pageX || ((e.originalEvent.changedTouches) ? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX : 0);
// monitor mouse clicks in the container
$container.bind("mousedown.iButton touchstart.iButton", function(e) {
// abort if disabled or allow clicking the input to toggle the status (if input is visible)
if( $(e.target).is(allow) || disabled || (!options.allowRadioUncheck && $input.is(":radio:checked")) ) return;
mouse.clicked = $handle;
dragStart.position = getDragPos(e);
dragStart.offset = dragStart.position - (parseInt($handle.css("left"), 10) || 0);
dragStart.time = (new Date()).getTime();
return false;
// make sure dragging support is enabled
if( options.enableDrag ){
// monitor mouse movement on the page
$(document).bind("mousemove.iButton_" + id + " touchmove.iButton_" + id, function(e) {
// if we haven't clicked on the container, cancel event
if( mouse.clicked != $handle ){ return }
var x = getDragPos(e);
if( x != dragStart.offset ){
mouse.dragging = true;
// make sure number is between 0 and 1
var pct = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (x - dragStart.offset) / handleRight));
$handle.css("left", pct * handleRight);
$onlabel.css("width", pct * handleRight + 4);
$offspan.css("marginRight", -pct * handleRight);
$onspan.css("marginLeft", -(1 - pct) * handleRight);
return false;
// monitor when the mouse button is released
$(document).bind("mouseup.iButton_" + id + " touchend.iButton_" + id, function(e) {
if( mouse.clicked != $handle ){ return false }
// track if the value has changed
var changed = true;
// if not dragging or click time under a certain millisecond, then just toggle
if( !mouse.dragging || (((new Date()).getTime() - dragStart.time) < options.clickOffset ) ){
var checked = $input[0].checked;
$input.attr("checked", !checked);
// run callback
if( $.isFunction(options.click) ) options.click.apply(self, [!checked, $input, options]);
} else {
var x = getDragPos(e);
var pct = (x - dragStart.offset) / handleRight;
var checked = (pct >= 0.5);
// if the value is the same, don't run change event
if( $input[0].checked == checked ) changed = false;
$input.attr("checked", checked);
// remove the active handler class
mouse.clicked = null;
mouse.dragging = null;
// run any change event for the element
if( changed ) $input.trigger("change");
// if the value didn't change, just reset the handle
else positionHandle();
return false;
// animate when we get a change event
.bind("change.iButton", function (){
// move handle
// if a radio element, then we must repaint the other elements in it's group to show them as not selected
if( $input.is(":radio") ){
var el = $input[0];
// try to use the DOM to get the grouped elements, but if not in a form get by name attr
var $radio = $(el.form ? el.form[el.name] : ":radio[name=" + el.name + "]");
// repaint the radio elements that are not checked
// run callback
if( $.isFunction(options.change) ) options.change.apply(self, [$input, options]);
// if the element has focus, we need to highlight the container
.bind("focus.iButton", function (){
// if the element has focus, we need to highlight the container
.bind("blur.iButton", function (){
// if a click event is registered, we must register on the checkbox so it's fired if triggered on the checkbox itself
if( $.isFunction(options.click) ){
$input.bind("click.iButton", function (){
options.click.apply(self, [$input[0].checked, $input, options]);
// if the field is disabled, mark it as such
if( $input.is(":disabled") ) this.disable(true);
// special behaviors for IE
if( $.browser.msie ){
// disable text selection in IE, other browsers are controlled via CSS
$container.find("*").andSelf().attr("unselectable", "on");
// IE needs to register to the "click" event to make changes immediately (the change event only occurs on blur)
$input.bind("click.iButton", function (){ $input.triggerHandler("change.iButton"); });
// run the init callback
if( $.isFunction(options.init) ) options.init.apply(self, [$input, options]);
var defaults = {
duration: 100 // the speed of the animation
, easing: "swing" // the easing animation to use
, labelOn: "ON" // the text to show when toggled on
, labelOff: "OFF" // the text to show when toggled off
, resizeHandle: "auto" // determines if handle should be resized
, resizeContainer: "auto" // determines if container should be resized
, enableDrag: true // determines if we allow dragging
, enableFx: true // determines if we show animation
, allowRadioUncheck: false // determine if a radio button should be able to be unchecked
, clickOffset: 120 // if millseconds between a mousedown & mouseup event this value, then considered a mouse click
// define the class statements
, className: ""
, classContainer: "ibutton-container"
, classDisabled: "ibutton-disabled"
, classFocus: "ibutton-focus"
, classLabelOn: "ibutton-label-on"
, classLabelOff: "ibutton-label-off"
, classHandle: "ibutton-handle"
, classHandleMiddle: "ibutton-handle-middle"
, classHandleRight: "ibutton-handle-right"
, classHandleActive: "ibutton-active-handle"
, classPaddingLeft: "ibutton-padding-left"
, classPaddingRight: "ibutton-padding-right"
// event handlers
, init: null // callback that occurs when a iButton is initialized
, change: null // callback that occurs when the button state is changed
, click: null // callback that occurs when the button is clicked
, disable: null // callback that occurs when the button is disabled/enabled
, destroy: null // callback that occurs when the button is destroyed
}, ON = defaults.labelOn, OFF = defaults.labelOff;