sending and receiving email with imap
version 0.4 - work in progress...
Copyright 2005-2006 V. Yanson <info@positiveblue.com>
Creation Date: 06/02/05
Last Update: 08/24/06 (Thanks Thomas James Hunkin)
to send message:
$imap = new imap();
$imap->from = "my name <my@email>";
$imap->sendMessage("send.to@address.com", "my subject", "my <b>html</b> message");
to receive message:
$mbox = imap::getMbox("my@user.name", "password");
$message = imap::getMessage($mbox, 10);
class imap
var $from = "";
var $to = "";
var $cc = "";
var $msgFooter = "";
// protected from public
protected $body = array(
// should start with 1... just in case ;)
1 => array(
"type" => TYPEMULTIPART, // we only send multipart
"subtype" => "mixed" // mixed formats
// someone calls class without any function
public function __toString()
return "rsIMAP v0.4";
// attach file to message composition
public function attachFile($filename)
$x = count($this->body) + 1; // next part
$this->body[$x] = array();
$this->body[$x]["type"] = TYPEAPPLICATION;
$this->body[$x]["encoding"] = ENCBASE64;
$this->body[$x]["subtype"] = "octet-stream";
$this->body[$x]["description"] = basename($filename);
$this->body[$x]["disposition.type"] = "attachment";
$this->body[$x]["disposition"] = array("filename" => basename($filename));
$this->body[$x]["dparameters.filename"] = basename($filename);
$this->body[$x]["parameters.name"] = basename($filename);
$this->body[$x]["contents.data"] = base64_encode(file_get_contents($filename));
public function addEmbeddedImage($filename, $cid)
$x = count($this->body) + 1; // next part
$this->body[$x] = array();
$this->body[$x]["type"] = TYPEIMAGE;
$this->body[$x]["encoding"] = ENCBASE64;
$this->body[$x]["subtype"] = "octet-stream";
$this->body[$x]["description"] = basename($filename);
$this->body[$x]["id"] = "<" . $cid . ">";
$this->body[$x]["disposition.type"] = "inline";
$this->body[$x]["disposition"] = array("filename" => basename($filename));
$this->body[$x]["content.type"] = "octet-stream";
$this->body[$x]["content"] = array("name" => $cid);
$this->body[$x]["dparameters.filename"] = basename($filename);
$this->body[$x]["parameters.name"] = basename($filename);
$this->body[$x]["cid"] = $cid;
$this->body[$x]["contents.data"] = base64_encode(file_get_contents($filename));
// create imap mbox object
public function getMbox($user, $pass, $host = "localhost", $port = 110, $box = "INBOX", $type = "pop3")
$mbox = imap_open("{" . $host . ":" . $port . "/" . $type . "}" . $box, $user, $pass);
return $mbox;
// send message
public function sendMessage($to, $subject, $message, $type = 'text', $subtype = 'html')
$this->to = $to;
// assemble envelop
$envelop = array (
"from" => $this->from,
"to" => $this->to,
"cc" => $this->cc
$x = count($this->body) + 1; // next part
$this->body[$x] = array();
$this->body[$x]["type"] = $type; // text
$this->body[$x]["subtype"] = $subtype; // sending in html
$this->body[$x]["description"] = "Message body"; // just a description for this part. can skip it
// footer of message is in $this->msgFooter (just if you want to put some ads in outgoing emails or something)
$this->body[$x]["contents.data"] = $message . $this->msgFooter;
// assemble message from parts
$message = imap_mail_compose($envelop, $this->body);
list($t_header, $t_body) = split("\r\n\r\n", $message, 2); // split headers and body
$t_header = str_replace("\r",'', $t_header);
// send it now
return imap_mail($to, $subject, $t_body, $t_header);
// retrieve message by it's id
public function getMessage($mbox, $messageid)
$message = array(); // it's an array
// get headers for message
$header = imap_header($mbox, $messageid);
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $messageid); // structure
// assign variables
$message['subject'] = $header->subject;
$message['fromname'] = $header->from[0]->personal;
$message['fromaddress'] = $header->from[0]->mailbox . "@" . $header->from[0]->host;
$message['toaddress'] = $header->toaddress;
$message['ccaddress'] = $header->ccaddress;
$message['date'] = $header->date;
// do we have any attachments?
$parts = $structure->parts;
$numparts = count($parts);
if ($numparts > 1) // yes we do
$endwhile = false;
$stack = array();
$content = "";
$attachment = array();
$i = 0;
// for every attachment
while (!$endwhile)
if (!$parts[$i])
if (count($stack) > 0) // have stacks?
{ // sure we do!
$parts = $stack[count($stack) - 1]["p"];
$i = $stack[count($stack) - 1]["i"] + 1;
} else { // or no...
$endwhile = true;
if (!$endwhile) // last loop?
$partstring = "";
foreach ($stack as $s)
$partstring .= ($s["i"] + 1) . ".";
$partstring .= ($i+1);
if (strtoupper($parts[$i]->disposition) == "ATTACHMENT") // attachment!!
$attachment[] = array(
"filename" => $parts[$i]->parameters[0]->value, // filename
"encoding" => $parts[$i]->encoding, // encodign
"filedata" => imap_fetchbody($mbox, $messageid, $partstring) // data, duhh!
} elseif (strtoupper($parts[$i]->subtype) == "PLAIN") { // message
$np = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $messageid, $partstring); // parse
$content .= nl2br($np); // add this part
if ($parts[$i]->parts)
$stack[] = array("p" => $parts, "i" => $i); // next stack
$parts = $parts[$i]->parts; // parts
$i = 0;
} else {
} else { // no attachments
$attachment = array();
$content = imap_body($mbox, $messageid);
$message['body'] = $content;
$message['attachment'] = $attachment;
return $message; // return message