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File: app/class.license.gen.php

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  Classes of Oliver Lillie   PADL (PHP Application Distribution License System)   app/class.license.gen.php   Download  
File: app/class.license.gen.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Subclass Source
Class: PADL (PHP Application Distribution License System)
Generate PHP application license keys
Author: By
Last change: Important Security and Consistency updates
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 8,570 bytes


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    * Project: Distrubution License Class
    * File: class.license.gen.php
    * Copyright (C) 2005 Oliver Lillie
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
    * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
    * any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
    * for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
    * @link
    * @link
    * @author Oliver Lillie, buggedcom <publicmail at buggedcom dot co dot uk>
    * @version 0.5
    * @history---------------------------------------------
    * see CHANGELOG
class license_architect extends license_application {
        * Constructor
        * @access public
        * @param $use_mcrypt boolean Determines if mcrypt encryption is used or
        * not (defaults to true, however if mcrypt is not available, it
        * is set to false)
        * @param $use_time boolean Sets if time binding should be used in the
        * key (defaults to true)
        * @param $use_server boolean Sets if server binding should be used in
        * the key (defaults to true)
        * @param $allow_local boolean Sets if server binding is in use then
        * localhost servers are valid (defaults to false)
function license_architect($license_path='license.dat', $use_mcrypt=true, $use_time=true, $use_server=true, $allow_local=false)
# check to see if the class has been secured
$this->license_application($license_path, $use_mcrypt, $use_time, $use_server, $allow_local);
        * writeKey
        * writes the key
        * @access public
        * @param $key string The key string
          * @return boolean Returns boolean on success
function writeKey($key)
# check to see if the class has been secured
# open the key file for writeing and truncate
$h = fopen($this->_LICENSE_PATH, 'w');
# if write fails return error
if(fwrite($h, $key) === false) return false;
# close file
# return key
return true;
        * register_install
        * registers the install with the home server and if registration is
        * excepted it then generates and installs the key.
        * @access public
        * @param $domain string the domain to register the license to
        * @param $start number the start time of the license, can be either
        * the actuall time or the time span until the license is valid
        * @param $expire_in number/string number of seconds untill the license
        * expires after start, or 'NEVER' to never expire
        * @param $data array Array that contains the info to be validated
        * @param $dialhost string Host name of the server to be contacted
        * @param $dialpath string Path of the script for the data to be sent to
        * @param $dialport number Port Number to send the data through
          * @return string Returns the encrypted install validation
function register_install($domain, $start, $expire_in, $data, $dialhost, $dialpath, $dialport='80')
# check to see if the class has been secured
# check if key is alread generated
if(@filesize($this->_LICENSE_PATH) > 4) return array('RESULT'=>'KEY_EXISTS');
$data = array('DATA'=>$data);
# if the server matching is required then get the info
# evaluate the supplied domain against the collected ips
if(!$this->_compare_domain_ip($domain, $this->_IPS)) return array('RESULT'=>'DOMAIN_IP_FAIL');
# check server uris
if(count($this->_SERVER_INFO) < $this->REQUIRED_URIS) return array('RESULT'=>'SERVER_FAIL');
$data['SERVER']['MAC'] = $this->_MAC;
$data['SERVER']['PATH'] = $this->_SERVER_INFO;
$data['SERVER']['IP'] = $this->_IPS;
$data['SERVER']['DOMAIN'] = $domain;

# if use time restrictions
$current = time();
$start = ($current < $start) ? $start : $current+$start;
# set the dates
$data['DATE']['START'] = $start;
$expire_in == 'NEVER')
$data['DATE']['SPAN'] = '~';
$data['DATE']['END'] = 'NEVER';
$data['DATE']['SPAN'] = $expire_in;
$data['DATE']['END'] = $start+$expire_in;
# includethe id for requests
$data['ID'] = md5($this->ID2);

# post the data home
$data = $this->_post_data($dialhost, $dialpath, $data, $dialport);
# return the result and key if approved
return (empty($data['RESULT'])) ? array('RESULT'=>'SOCKET_FAILED') : $data;

        * generate
        * generates the server key when the license class resides on the server
        * @access public
        * @param $domain string The domain to bind the license to.
        * @param $start number The number of seconds untill the key is valid
        * if the value is 0 then the current value given by time() is
        * used as the start date.
        * @param $expire_in number The number of seconds the key will be valid
        * for (the default reverts to 31449600 - 1 year)
        * @param $other_array array An array that can contain any other data you
        * want to store in the key
          * @return string key string
          * @return string KEY_EXISTS - key has already been written and thus can't write
          * DOMAIN_IP_FAIL - means the domain name supplied doesn't match the corresponding ip
          * SERVER_FAIL - enough server vars failed to be found
function generate($domain='', $start=0, $expire_in=31449600, $other_array=array())
# check to see if the class has been secured
# check if key is alread generated
if(@filesize($this->_LICENSE_PATH) > 4) return 'KEY_EXISTS';
# check if target exists
if(!@file_exists($this->_LICENSE_PATH) || !@is_file($this->_LICENSE_PATH)) return 'WRITE_TARGET_404';
# key file doesn't exist
if(!@is_writeable($this->_LICENSE_PATH)) return 'WRITE_TARGET_UNWRITEABLE';
# if the URIS returned are false it means that there has not been
            # enough unique data returned by the $_SERVER so cannot generate key
if($this->_SERVER_INFO !== false || !$this->USE_SERVER)
# set the id
$DATA['ID'] = md5($this->ID1);
# set server binds
# evaluate the supplied domain against the collected ips
if(!$this->_compare_domain_ip($domain, $this->_IPS)) return 'DOMAIN_IP_FAIL';
# set the domain
$DATA['SERVER']['DOMAIN'] = $domain;
# set the mac id
$DATA['SERVER']['MAC'] = $this->_MAC;
# set the server arrays
# set the ip arrays
$DATA['SERVER']['IP'] = $this->_IPS;
# set time binds
if($this->USE_TIME && !is_array($start))
$current = time();
$start = ($current < $start) ? $start : $current+$start;
# set the dates
$DATA['DATE']['START'] = $start;
$DATA['DATE']['SPAN'] = $expire_in;
$expire_in == 'NEVER')
$DATA['DATE']['END'] = $start+$expire_in;
# if start is array then it is the other array and time binding is not in use
                # convert to other array
$other_array = $start;
# set the server os
$other_array['_PHP_OS'] = PHP_OS;
# set the server os
$other_array['_PHP_VERSION'] = PHP_VERSION;

# merge the data with the other array
$DATA['DATA'] = $other_array;

# encrypt the key
$key = $this->_wrap_license($DATA);
# write the key
if(!$this->writeKey($key)) return 'WRITE_FAILED';
# return the key
return $key;
# no key can be generated so returns false
return 'SERVER_FAIL';
