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File: db_table.php

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File: db_table.php
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Description: db_table class
Class: db_table
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<?php // Get adodb package from // The adodb is installed at /home/httpd/www/html and // include_path setting in /etc/php.ini has /home/httpd/www/html include_once('adodb/'); // load code common to ADODB // Get require_once("table.php"); // This class displays the data from a database table. // Usage of this class "db_table" is given below: /* <?php require_once("db_table.php"); require_once("GetBrowserType.php"); //for ($sortcolno = 0; $sortcolno < 200; $sortcolno++) //{ // $sorder = ${"sortorder".$sortcolno}; // if (isset($sorder)) // break; //} $tb = new db_table; $brtype = new GetBrowserType; $tb->db_type = 'postgres7'; // access, ado, ado_access, vfp, ibase, // mssql, mysql, mysqlt, oci8, odbc, oracle, postgres, postgres7, // sybase, db2, fbsql, ado_mssql, odbc_mssql $tb->db_host = 'localhost'; $tb->db_user = 'xxxx'; // database username $tb->db_pw = 'xxxx123'; // password $tb->db_name = 'xxxx'; // database name $tb->db_title = 'employee list'; // Table Title header $tb->db_query = 'select lastname as "lastname ", firstname, location, extension, cellphone as "cell ", email as "email (URL Link)" '; $tb->db_from = ' from employeelist '; $tb->max_rows = 1000; //$tb->background = 'BGCOLOR=black'; //$tb->border_color = '#84ADE8'; // red, blue //$tb->border_width = '8'; //$tb->table_style = 'BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="1"'; //$tb->cell_style = 'WIDTH="100" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"'; //$tb->content_style = 'STYLE="font: bold 10pt monospace; font-family: Arial; "'; //$tb->col_style[2] = 'BGCOLOR="red"'; //$tb->col_cell_style[2] = 'STYLE="font: bold 12pt monospace; background-color: red; "'; $tb->col_email_href[6] = 1; // 1 for email, 2 for href if ($brtype->browser_type == 2 && $brtype->browser_version == 4) // netscape and version 4.x { // set border width to 0.0 for netscape 4.x $tb->header_style = "style='background-color: yellow; font: bold 11pt monospace; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; border: solid #84ADE8; border-width: 0.0em ' "; } else $tb->header_style = "style='background-color: yellow; font: bold 11pt monospace; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; border: solid #84ADE8; border-width: 0.3em ' "; // reads value from form fieldname 'sortorder' if (trim($sortorder) == '') { $sortorder = ' order by 1'; // default is - sort by 1st field // Now construct the where condition if (strlen(trim($FirstName)) > 0) // reads value from form fieldname 'FirstName' { if (strlen(trim($LastName)) > 0) $tb->db_where = ' where upper(firstname) like upper(\'%' . $FirstName . '%\') and upper(lastname) like upper(\'%' . $LastName . '%\') '; else $tb->db_where = ' where upper(firstname) like upper(\'%' . $FirstName . '%\') '; } else { if (strlen(trim($LastName)) > 0) $tb->db_where = ' where upper(lastname) like upper(\'%' . $LastName . '%\') '; } } else // user clicked sort field ... { $colno++; $sortorder = ' order by ' . $colno; // Remove back-slash \ before single-quote ' $db_where = stripslashes($db_where); $tb->db_where = $db_where; } //print "<br> db_where is $db_where"; $tb->sortorder = $sortorder; // query order by statement $tb->display(); php?> */ // You can also use adodb's display table function rs2html() as // show below. But rs2html() is not very clean as this db_table class. /* require_once("adodb/"); // use adodb's table rendering ADOLoadCode('postgres7'); $db = ADONewConnection(); $db->Connect('localhost','username','password','databasename'); //$rs = $db->Execute('select col1,col2,col3 from table'); $rs = $db->Execute('select employee_no, lastname, firstname, location, city, roomno, extension, pager, email, department from employeelist order by 2'); rs2html($rs, 'BORDER=2', array('Title1', 'Title2', 'Title3')); $rs->Close(); */ class db_table extends html_table_pretty { // Public variables - database specific var $db_type; // access, ado, ado_access, vfp, ibase, // mssql, mysql, mysqlt, oci8, odbc, oracle, postgres, postgres7, // sybase, db2, fbsql, ado_mssql, odbc_mssql var $db_host; // database server host name - "localhost" var $db_user; // database server user name var $db_pw; // database server password var $db_name; // database name var $db_title; // Title header of table var $db_query; // query to be sent to database var $db_from; // query from statement var $db_where; // query where statement var $sortorder; // query order by statement var $max_rows = 500; // limit the maximum number of rows returned from database // Public variables - style and colors, default values - do not change. // But you can override from calling function. var $background = 'BGCOLOR=black'; var $border_color = '#84ADE8'; // red, blue var $border_width = '8'; var $table_style = 'BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="1"'; var $cell_style = 'WIDTH="100" BGCOLOR="#cccccc"'; var $content_style = 'STYLE="font: bold 10pt monospace; font-family: Arial; "'; var $header_style = "style='background-color: yellow; font: bold 11pt monospace; font-family: Arial; font-weight: bold; border: solid #84ADE8; border-width: 0.3em ' "; // "style='color: red; font: italic 14pt sans-serif;'" // Private variables and functions always starts // with underscore _ and followed by lowercase letters var $_conn; var $_recordSet; var $_totalrows = 0; var $_totalcols = 0; // Protected variables and functions always starts // with _T and followed by lowercase letters //var $_Tsampvar; function display() // Public function { $this->_db_connect(); $this->_show_table(); $this->_cleanup(); } function _db_connect() // Private function { $this->_conn = &ADONewConnection($this->db_type); // create a connection if (!$this->_conn->PConnect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_pw, $this->db_name)) die("Cannot connect to database ". $this->db_name); // Find the number of rows returned by doing select count(*) $query_stmt = "select count(*) " . $this->db_from . $this->db_where; $this->_recordSet = $this->_conn->Execute($query_stmt); if (!$this->_recordSet) { print "<br>Fatal Error in count(*): May be a bad query. query_stmt was : $query_stmt"; exit; } //print "<br>count(*) is : " . $this->_recordSet->RecordCount(); $colno = 0; if ($this->_recordSet->fields[$colno] > $this->max_rows ) { print "<br><h1>Warning:</h1> <b>Too many rows returned from database."; print "<br> Number of rows returned is : " . $this->_recordSet->fields[$colno] . "</b>"; print "<br><br><b>Solution: Reconstruct your query so that the number of rows returned from database will be smaller.</b>"; exit; } /* $fld = $this->_recordSet->FetchField($colno); $fldmetatype = $this->_recordSet->MetaType($fld->type); print "Field value is " . $this->_recordSet->fields[$colno]; print "Field name is " . $fld->name . '<br>'; print "Field type is " . $fld->type . '<br>'; print "Field max length is " . $fld->max_length . '<br>'; print "Field metatype is " . $fldmetatype . '<br>'; */ $query_stmt = $this->db_query . $this->db_from . $this->db_where . $this->sortorder; $this->_recordSet = $this->_conn->Execute($query_stmt); if (!$this->_recordSet) { print "<br>Fatal Error: May be a bad query. query_stmt was : $query_stmt"; exit; } $this->_totalrows = $this->_recordSet->RecordCount(); $this->_totalcols = $this->_recordSet->FieldCount(); //print "Total rows = " . $this->_totalrows . " columns = " . $this->_totalcols .'<BR>'; if ($this->_totalrows == -1) "RecordCount returns -1<br>"; } function _show_table() // Private function { // define table size. //$this->init(array("cols"=>3, "rows"=>"3")); $this->init(array("cols"=> $this->_totalcols)); $this->add_rows($this->_totalrows + 1); // add 1 for the header // Print the table header /* print "<form> <b>Sort By:"; print "<select name='sortorder' size='1' > <option>val1 </option> <option>val2 </option> <option>val3 </option> <option>val4 </option> <option>val5 </option> <option>val6 </option> </select> "; print "</b></form>"; */ print "<html><head></head> <body> <h3><center><u><b>". strtoupper($this->db_title) . "</b></u></center></h3>"; /* print "<form> <b>"; print "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME='search' VALUE='Firstname'>"; print "</b></form>"; */ print "<form action='emp.php?sortorder=1'>"; print "<b>"; print "<center><font color='green'>(Click on title field buttons to sort "; print "- To make corrections email to </font> <a href=''>Name</a><font color='green'>)</font></center>"; print "<center>"; for ($colno = 0; $colno < $this->_totalcols; $colno++) { $tbcol = $colno + 1; $fld = $this->_recordSet->FetchField($colno); $fldmetatype = $this->_recordSet->MetaType($fld->type); /* print_r ($fld); print "Field name is " . $fld->name . '<br>'; print "Field type is " . $fld->type . '<br>'; print "Field max length is " . $fld->max_length . '<br>'; print "Field metatype is " . $fldmetatype . '<br>'; */ $this->cell[1][$tbcol]["cell_style"] = 'CLASS="header"'; //$this->cell[1][$tbcol]["style"] = $this->header_style ; //$this->cell[1][$tbcol]["content"] = $fld->name; // When a form is submitted, the current value of each INPUT element // within the FORM is sent to the server as name/value pairs. The // INPUT element's NAME attribute provides the name used. The value sent // depends on the type of form control and on the user's input. // Hence use the surrounding <form> tags, surrounding <td> tags ... $this->cell[1][$tbcol]["cell_form"] = 'Y'; $this->cell[1][$tbcol]["content"] = "<INPUT TYPE='SUBMIT'" . " title='Click on this to sort' id='idval' " . " NAME='sortorder' " . $this->header_style . " VALUE='". strtoupper($fld->name) . "'> <input type='hidden' name='colno' value='" . $colno. "'> <input type='hidden' name='db_where' value=\" " . $this->db_where . " \"> "; /* // If you do not use surrounding <form> tags, on submit it sends all the input fields $this->cell[1][$tbcol]["content"] = "<form><BUTTON NAME='sortorder' TYPE='submit' VALUE='x123' " . " TITLE='" . $fld->name . "' " . " onClick='submit();' " . $this->header_style . "> <b>" . strtoupper($fld->name) . "</b> </BUTTON> </form> " ; */ } for ($rowno = 2; !$this->_recordSet->EOF; $rowno++) { for ($colno = 0; $colno < $this->_totalcols; $colno++) { $tbcol = $colno + 1; // You can specify individual cell properties /* if ($rowno == 2 && $colno == 3) { $this->cell[$rowno][$tbcol]["rowspan"]=2; $this->cell[$rowno][$tbcol]["colspan"]=3; } */ // define fancy styles for individual cells. /* $this->cell[$rowno][$tbcol]["style"] = 'STYLE="color: red; font: italic 18pt sans-serif;"'; // 'STYLE="font: 18pt monospace;"', 'STYLE="background: red"' // 'STYLE="color: white; font: bold 18pt serif;"' $this->cell[$rowno][$tbcol]["cell_style"] = 'ALIGN="right" bgcolor="blue"'; */ // Define table content /* print $this->_recordSet->fields[0].' '.$this->_recordSet->fields[1].'<BR>'; print $this->_recordSet->fields[2].' '.$this->_recordSet->fields[3].'<BR>'; print_r( $this->_recordSet->fields); print '<BR>'; */ // In netscape if cell is blank the background is black, put some blankspace value if (trim($this->_recordSet->fields[$colno]) == "") $this->cell[$rowno][$tbcol]["content"] = "&nbsp;"; else $this->cell[$rowno][$tbcol]["content"] = $this->_recordSet->fields[$colno]; } $this->_recordSet->MoveNext(); } // code and display. $this->code_pretty(); $this->display_pretty(); print "</center> </b> </form> </body> </html>"; } function _cleanup() // Private function { $this->_recordSet->Close(); // optional $this->_conn->Close(); // optional } } // end of class db_table php?>