PHP Classes

File: src/waPluginator.xml

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  Classes of Alexander Selifonov   waPluginator   src/waPluginator.xml   Download  
File: src/waPluginator.xml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: waPluginator
Generate sets of source files from templates
Author: By
Last change: Update of src/waPluginator.xml
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 2,474 bytes


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Configuration file for waPluginator.php --> <config> <credits author="My Name" email="" site="" /> <varsets> <varset id="landing"> <var name="sitename" type="text" width="300" label="Site Name" default="" /> <var name="short_desc" type="text" label="Short Description" /> <var name="signup_url" type="text" label="Signup URL" default="./#" /> <var name="redirect_url" type="text" label="Redirect URL" default="./thankyou.html" /> <var name="text_summary" type="textarea" height="80" label="Summary text" /> <var name="text_terms" type="textarea" height="40" label="Terms And Conditions" default="" /> </varset> <varset id="textblocks"> <var name="text_title_01" type="text" width="100%" label="Text Block 1 Title" default="Block 1 title" /> <var name="text_block_01" type="textarea" height="40" label="Block 1 text" default="Text in block 1" /> <var name="text_title_02" type="text" width="100%" label="Block 2 title" /> <var name="text_block_02" type="textarea" height="40" label="Text Block 2" /> <var name="text_title_03" type="text" width="100%" label="Block 3 title" /> <var name="text_block_03" type="textarea" height="40" label="Text Block 3" /> </varset> </varsets> <templates> <template basename="std" title="Simple Plugin Stub"> <files> <file name="../%moduleid%.php" src="main.php" /> <file name="backend.php" src="backend.php" makeif="create_backend"/> <file name="%moduleid%.js" src="std.js" makeif="create_js" /> </files> <vars> <var name="create_backend" type="checkbox" label="Generate backend" default="0" /> <var name="create_js" type="checkbox" label="Generate js module" default="0" /> <var name="currency" type="select" label="Currency" options="EUR=Euros;USD=US dollars;RUR=Russian rubles" /> </vars> </template> <template basename="landing_01" title="Landing page example" colorschemes="1" src=""> <vars> <usevarset>landing</usevarset> <usevarset>textblocks</usevarset> <var name="btn_enternow" type="text" width="200" label="[Enter] Button text" default="Yes, I want it!" /> </vars> </template> </templates> </config>