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File: examples/beautifier/beautifier_perf.php

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  Classes of Christian Vigh   PHP RTF Tools   examples/beautifier/beautifier_perf.php   Download  
File: examples/beautifier/beautifier_perf.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP RTF Tools
Parse and generate RTF documents using templates
Author: By
Last change: Modified the RtfDocument source to include the SearchableFile class, so that scripts will have to include only one file. Modified the examples accordingly
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 2,346 bytes


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     * This script uses the RtfStringBeautifier and RtfFileBeautifier classes to process the following
     * files :
     * - bigfile.rtf
     * - verybigfile.rtf
     * (note that these files are generated by the create_samples.php script).
     * It generates the following files :
     * - bigfile.string.txt, the beautified contents of bigfile.rtf using the RtfStringBeautifier class
     * - bigfile.file.txt, the beautified contents of bigfile.rtf using the RtfFileBeautifier class
     * - verybigfile.txt, the beautified contents of verybigfile.rtf using the RtfFileBeautifier class
     * (the RtfStringBeautifier class won't be used on this file since it's too large to fit into memory)
     * In each case, it outputs the elapsed time in seconds/milliseconds taken by each operation.

include ( '../../sources/RtfBeautifier.phpclass' ) ;

     if ( !
file_exists ( 'bigfile.rtf' ) )
"You need to run the \"create_samples.php\" file first before running ths script." ;
        exit ;

// Process 'bigfile.rtf' using the RtfStringBeautifier class
$tm1 = microtime ( true ) ;
$pp = new RtfStringBeautifier ( file_get_contents ( 'bigfile.rtf' ) ) ;
$pp -> SaveTo ( 'bigfile.string.txt' ) ;
$tm2 = microtime ( true ) ;

     echo (
"Elapsed time for processing 'bigfile.rtf' using RtfStringBeautifier : " . round ( $tm2 - $tm1, 3 ) . "\n" ) ;

// Process 'bigfile.rtf' using the RtfFileBeautifier class
$tm1 = microtime ( true ) ;
$pp = new RtfFileBeautifier ( 'bigfile.rtf' ) ;
$pp -> SaveTo ( 'bigfile.file.txt' ) ;
$tm2 = microtime ( true ) ;

     echo (
"Elapsed time for processing 'bigfile.rtf' using RtfFileBeautifier : " . round ( $tm2 - $tm1, 3 ) . "\n" ) ;

// Process 'verybigfile.rtf' using the RtfFileBeautifier class
$tm1 = microtime ( true ) ;
$pp = new RtfFileBeautifier ( 'verybigfile.rtf' ) ;
$pp -> SaveTo ( 'verybigfile.file.txt' ) ;
$tm2 = microtime ( true ) ;

     echo (
"Elapsed time for processing 'verybigfile.rtf' using RtfFileBeautifier : " . round ( $tm2 - $tm1, 3 ) . "\n" ) ;