Version 0.5
Ryan Flynn (ryan@ryanflynn || DALnet->#php->pizza_milkshake)
Tuesday, June 26 2001
Alot of people have asked for VERY simple FTP functionality with PHP, so here it is.
This class was designed with very simplistic transfers in mind. You simple create the class,
get/send a file and then 'kill()' the object. It's that simple. I you find it useful.
//Get a file
$f=new PHP_FTP('ftp.somesite.com', 'username', 'password');
$f->get('html/test.txt', 'c:/php/ftp/blah.txt'); //yes, tested on Windows
//Send a file
$f=new PHP_FTP('ftp.somesite.com', 'username', 'password');
$f->send('c:/php/ftp/blah.txt', 'html/test.txt'); //yes, tested on Windows
//how to test for completion
if(!$f->send('c:/php/ftp/blah.txt', 'html/test.txt')){
echo "File sent successfully!";
echo "Error sending file.";
Remember to have all permissions set to their appropriate settings before using
this class
class PHP_FTP{
var $server='';
var $username='';
var $password='';
var $port=21;
//var $local_dir='';
var $remote_dir='';
function PHP_FTP($server, $username='anonymous', $password='e@mail.com', $port=21){
function send($filename='', $save_as='', $passive=TRUE){
$conn=$this->return_connection() or die;
@ftp_pasv($conn, $passive);
if(!ftp_put($conn, $save_as, $filename, FTP_BINARY)){
return false;
return true;
return true;
function get($filename='', $save_as='', $passive=TRUE){
$conn=$this->return_connection() or die;
@ftp_pasv($conn, $passive);
if(!ftp_get($conn, $save_as, $this->remote_dir.$filename, FTP_BINARY)){
return false;
return true;
function kill(){
function return_connection(){
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($this->server, $this->port) or die("Could not connect to FTP");
$login_result = @ftp_login($conn_id, $this->username, $this->password) or die("Could not login to FTP");
return $conn_id;
function set_remote_dir($dir){
$x = substr($dir, (strlen($dir)-1));
if($x != "/" && $x != "\\")