* @author Dick Munroe <munroe@csworks.com>
* @copyright copyright @ Dick Munroe, 2005
* @license http://www.csworks.com/publications/ModifiedNetBSD.html
// Build the configuration file for accessing a database.
// $Author: munroe $
// $Date: 2006/03/14 13:49:33 $
// Edit History:
// Dick Munroe munroe@csworks.com 03-May-2005
// Initial Version Created
// Dick Munroe munroe@csworks.com 14-Mar-2006
// Change licensing, reorganize includes.
if (count($_SERVER['argv']) < 4)
buildDatabaseConf databaseName hostName userName password
Build the database configuration file of the form
\"config.databaseName.php\" which is included by both
the forms built by buildForm and the form processors
built by buildProcessForm.
") ;
return 0 ;
$theDatabaseName = $_SERVER['argv'][count($_SERVER['argv']) - 4] ;
$theHostName = $_SERVER['argv'][count($_SERVER['argv']) - 3] ;
$theUserName = $_SERVER['argv'][count($_SERVER['argv']) - 2] ;
$thePassword = $_SERVER['argv'][count($_SERVER['argv']) - 1] ;
// Preserve the outfile, if one already exists.
$theFileName = sprintf("config.%s.php", $theDatabaseName) ;
$theOldFileName = $theFileName . ".old" ;
if (file_exists($theFileName))
if (is_file($theFileName))
if (!rename($theFileName, $theOldFileName))
exit(1) ;
exit(2) ;
if (!($theStream = @fopen($theFileName, 'w')))
exit(3) ;
fwrite($theStream, sprintf('<?php
// Configuration file for:
// Database: %s
// Generated by buildDatabaseConf.php, written by Dick Munroe (munroe@csworks.com)
$the%sDatabase="%s" ;
$the%sHost="%s" ;
$the%sUser="%s" ;
$the%sPassword="%s" ;
', $theDatabaseName,
$theDatabaseName, $theDatabaseName,
$theDatabaseName, $theHostName,
$theDatabaseName, $theUserName,
$theDatabaseName, $thePassword)) ;
exit(0) ;