Version 0.5
Ryan Flynn (ryan@ryanflynn || DALnet->#php->pizza_milkshake)
Monday, June 25 2001
This is a class to simplify the listing of classes and allows for commandline-like
wildcards (i.e. '*.txt'). The class currently returns arrays of matching files or directories
at the user-specified path.
This class has been tested with PHP 4.0.5 on Windows 2k/IIS. I can't guarentee anything,
but will act upon any bug reports you send me.
This example returns all *.txt files in c:/
$d=new PHP_Dir(); //create a new PHP_Dir object
$d->set_mask("*.txt"); //set the default mask to '*.txt'
$files=$d->list_files("c:/"); //change this if you're a *nix or Linux user
// the above two lines could have been put into one like so:
// $files=$d->list_dirs("c:/", "*.txt");
// the ->set_mask() method allows you to alter the mask without
// creating a new PHP_Dir object
//print out a list of files returned matching "c:/*.txt"
echo $files[$i]."<br>\n";
// BTW, both file and directory matching use the same variable set by
// ->set_mask(), so make sure to change it if you're using the same PHP_Dir to
// list dirs and files in the same page
I don't have alot of everyday-use experience on Linux... should I add change
if(is_file($file)) to: if(is_file($file) || is_link($file)) ?
I'm not sure... waiting on your feedback on this one
If not, I may simply add a ->list_links() method
Add option in ->list_dirs() to traverse n directory levels
Maybe return a multi-dimensional array with file size, etc... depends what feedback I get
ALWAYS INCLUDE TRAILING SLASH IN DIR, i.e. "c:/", "c:\\" or "/usr/bin/"
Please email me with any question, comments, suggestions or bug reports.
class PHP_Dir{
var $mask='';
function PHP_Dir(){}
function set_mask($mask=''){
function list_files($dir='/', $mask=''){
This function returns a list of files from directory
$dir whose name matches $mask (default is '*')
$dir = directory to list files from
NOTE: ALWAYS INCLUDE TRAILING SLASH IN DIR, i.e. "c:/", "c:\\" or "/usr/bin/"
$mask = optional mask of files to return, i.e.
*.txt all text files
a* all files that begin with 'a'
a*.* all files that begin with 'a' and have an extension
$return = array();
echo "PHP_Dir: Directory does not exist";
return $return;
$d=opendir($dir) or die("PHP_Dir: Failure opening directory");
if(is_file($dir.$file) && $this->matches_mask($file, $mask))
return $return;
function list_dirs($dir, $mask=''){
Works exactly the same as ->list_files(), except of course,
on directories.
$return = array();
echo "PHP_Dir: Directory does not exist";
return $return;
$d=opendir($dir) or die("PHP_Dir: Failure opening directory");
if(is_dir($dir.$file) && $this->matches_mask($file, $mask))
return $return;
function matches_mask($file, $mask){
$mask = str_replace(".", "\.", $mask);
$mask = str_replace("*", "(.*)", $mask);
if(eregi("^$mask", $file, $blah))
return true;