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File: class.Scheduler.php

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File: class.Scheduler.php
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Description: source code & documentation
Class: PHP_Scheduler
cron-like automation
Author: By
Last change: errors updated
Date: 22 years ago
Size: 12,013 bytes


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<?php // THIS NEEDS TO BE RUN ON THE PHP CGI, PREFERABLY FROM THE CMDLINE, NOT THE APACHE MODULE // 4 SPACE TABS. "\t" -> " " /************************************************************************************ * * Scheduler 0.01 * * * * Ryan Flynn ( | | *>#php->pizza_milkshake * 10 JUL 2002 * * * I HAVE COMPLETELY REWRITTEN THIS CLASS. THIS VERSION DOES NOT WORK THE * SAME AS 0.5.1 FROM JUN 2001. THIS IS MUCH BETTER. * * THIS IS A 0.01 RELEASE. ASSUME NOTHING. SUSPECT EVERYTHING. IF YOU'RE * HAVING PROBLEMS, SEE IF YOU CAN GET THIS SIMPLE EXAMPLE TO WORK. IF NOT, * TRY TO FIGURE OUT WHY, AND EMAIL ME. THE MORE YOU TELL ME THE MORE I CAN * HELP YOU. * * Update History: * 10 JUL 2002 - Version 0.01 done. Took me about 4 hours. * So far it parses some sexy date rules, runs stuff and * optionally writes to an uber-cheesey logfile * * * WHY: This class is for those who are not lucky enough to have access to * cron[tab] on *nix systems * * * WARNING: this is for running commands on your *nix server. * Running just any commands can be very, very dangerous and * can do alot of damage. Be careful! * * DATE SYNTAX EXAMPLES: * * Remember: * - Whitespace (space, tab, newline) - delimited fields * - Single values, sets, ranges, wildcards * * SECOND MINUTE HOUR DAY MONTH * * * * * * (every second) * 0,30 * * * * (every 30 seconds) * 0 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * (every 10 minutes) * 0 0 * * * (beginning of every hour) * 0 0 0,6,12,18 * * (at midnight, 6am, noon, 6pm) * 0 0 0 1-7&Fri * (midnight, first Fri of the month) * 0 0 0 1-7!Fri * (midnight, first Mon-Thu,Sat-Sun of the month) * * * Example usage: * * require "class.Scheduler.php"; * $bob = new Scheduler(); * $bob->setLogFile("bob.log", 0755) or die("Don't have access to bob.log"); * // run this command every 5 minutes * $bob->addTask("perl", "0 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * *"); * // run this command midnight of the first Friday of odd numbered months * $bob->addTask("php -q somescript.php", "0 0 0 1-7&Fri 1,3,5,7,9,11"); * // also run this command midnight of the second Thursday and Saturday of the even numbered months * $bob->addTask("php -q somescript.php", "0 0 0 8-15&Thu,8-15&Sat 2,4,6,8,10,12"); * $bob->run(); * ***************************************************************************************************/ set_time_limit(0); class Scheduler { var $tasks = array(); var $uid_counter = 1; // every time a task is added it will get a fresh uid even if immediately removed var $logfile = false; var $chmod = false; function Scheduler(){ } function setLogFile($file, $chmod = 0700){ // returns false if can't touch or chmod $this->logfile = $file; $this->chmod = $chmod; return (touch($file) && chmod($file, $chmod)); } function addTask($cmd, $rules){ $ds = new SchedulerDate($rules); //print_r($ds); $this->uid_counter++; $this->tasks[] = array( "uid" => $this->uid_counter, "rules" => $ds, "cmd" => $cmd ); return $this->uid_counter; } function removeTask($uid){ $found = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tasks); $i++) if ($this->tasks["uid"] == $uid){ $found = $i; array_splice($this->tasks, $found); // nuke entry break; } return $found; } function run(){ if (!sizeof($this->tasks)) die("Give me some tasks with the ->addTask() method before you ask me to run anything."); while (1){ $t = time(); // check each task's candidacy foreach ($this->tasks as $task) if ($task['rules']->nowMatches()) $this->runcmd($task); // wait til the next second while (time() == $t) usleep(100000); } } /***** internal functions ******/ function runcmd(&$task){ exec($task["cmd"]); if ($this->logfile) $this->writelog($task["uid"], $task["cmd"]); } function writeLog($uid, $msg){ if (!($f = fopen($this->logfile, 'a'))){ echo "ERROR: Cannot write to logfile '".$this->logfile."'. Make sure user '".$_ENV["USER"]."' has write permissions on the file."; return; } $stamp = date('m-d-Y H:i:s'); fwrite($f, "[$stamp] ran #$uid: $msg\n"); fclose($f); } } class SchedulerDate { var $legalDays = array('MON', 'TUE', 'WED', 'THU', 'FRI', 'SAT', 'SUN'); var $sec; var $min; var $hour; var $day; var $month; function SchedulerDate($raw){ $raw = strtoupper($raw); // this'll work for now, Mon -> MON, tUe -> TUE $this->parse($raw); print_r($this->day); } function nowMatches(){ if ( $this->monthMatches() && $this->monthMatches() && $this->dayMatches() && $this->hourMatches() && $this->minMatches() && $this->secMatches() ) return true; return false; } function monthMatches(){ if ($this->month == '*') return true; $currentmonth = '-'.date('n').'-'; if(strpos($this->month, $currentmonth) !== false) return true; return false; } function dayMatches(){ if ($this->day["value"] == '*') return true; $currentdaynum = '-'.date('j').'-'; $currentdaytxt = '-'.strtoupper(date('D')).'-'; foreach ($this->day as $day) if (strpos($day["not"], $currentdaytxt) !== false){ // do nothing } else { $v1 = strpos($day["value"], $currentdaynum); $v2 = strpos($day["and"], $currentdaytxt); if ($day["and"] && ($v1 && $v2)) return true; else if (!$day["and"] && $v1) return true; } return false; } function hourMatches(){ if ($this->hour == '*') return true; $currenthour = '-'.date('G').'-'; if (strpos($this->hour, $currenthour) !== false) return true; return false; } function minMatches(){ if ($this->min == '*') return true; $currentmin = '-'.intval(date('i')).'-'; if (strpos($this->min, $currentmin) !== false) return true; return false; } function secMatches(){ if ($this->sec == '*') return true; $currentsec = '-'.intval(date('s')).'-'; if (strpos($this->sec, $currentsec) !== false) return true; return false; } function parse($str){ $s = array(); list($s["sec"], $s["min"], $s["hour"], $s["day"], $s["month"]) = split("[\n\t ]+", $str); foreach ($s as $k=>$v) if (strpos($v, '*') !== false) $s[$k] = array('*'); else if (!$this->generallyDecentSyntax($v)) die("Illegal syntax in '$v'\n"); else $s[$k] = explode(",", $s[$k]); //print_r($s); if ($s["sec"][0] == '*'){ $this->sec = '*'; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($s["sec"]); $i++) if ($this->isRange($s["sec"][$i])) $s["sec"][$i] = $this->expandRange($this->rangeVals($s["sec"][$i])); $this->sec = '-'.join('-', $s["sec"]).'-'; } if ($s["min"][0] == '*'){ $this->min = '*'; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($s["min"]); $i++) if ($this->isRange($s["min"][$i])) $s["min"][$i] = $this->expandRange($this->rangeVals($s["min"][$i])); $this->min = '-'.join('-', $s["min"]).'-'; } if ($s["hour"][0] == '*'){ $this->hour = '*'; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($s["hour"]); $i++) if ($this->isRange($s["hour"][$i])) $s["hour"][$i] = $this->expandRange($this->rangeVals($s["hour"][$i])); $this->hour = '-'.join('-', $s["hour"]).'-'; } // day is gonna be hard if ($s["day"][0] == '*'){ $this->day = '*'; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($s["day"]); $i++){ $tmp = array(); if (($char = $this->isCond($s["day"][$i])) !== false){ if ($char == '&'){ list($tmp["value"], $tmp["and"]) = explode($char, $s["day"][$i]); if ($this->isRange($tmp["and"])) $tmp["and"] = $this->expandRange($this->rangeVals($tmp["and"])); } else { list($tmp["value"], $tmp["not"]) = explode($char, $s["day"][$i]); if ($this->isRange($tmp["not"])) $tmp["not"] = $this->expandRange($this->rangeVals($tmp["not"])); } }else{ $tmp = array("value" => $s["day"][$i]); } $s["day"][$i] = $tmp; if ($this->isRange($s["day"][$i]["value"])) $s["day"][$i]["value"] = $this->expandRange($this->rangeVals($s["day"][$i]["value"])); } $this->day = $s["day"]; // no join } if ($s["month"][0] == '*'){ $this->month = '*'; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($s["month"]); $i++) if ($this->isRange($s["month"][$i])) $s["month"][$i] = $this->expandRange($this->rangeVals($s["month"][$i])); $this->month = '-'.join('-', $s["month"]).'-'; } } function isCond($s){ if (strpos($s, '&') !== false) return '&'; else if (strpos($s, '!') !== false) return '!'; else return false; } function isRange($s){ if (preg_match('/^\w+\-\w+/', $s)) return true; else return false; } function isCondRange($s){ if (isCond($s) && isRange($s)) return true; else return false; } function isCondVal($s){ if (isCond($s) && !isRange($s)) return true; else return false; } function rangeVals($s){ //echo "rangeVals: '$s'\n"; return explode('-', $s); } function expandRange($l, $h = ""){ // expand range from M-F -> "-M-T-W-R-F-" and 1-5 -> "-1-2-3-4-5-" if (is_array($l)) list($l, $h) = $l; //echo "expandRange: $l $h\n"; if ($this->isDigit($l)){ if ($this->isAlpha($h)) die("Invalid range '$l-$h' ... can't mix letters and numbers."); else if(!$this->isDigit($h)) die("Invalid value '$h' in range '$l-$h'"); // currently there is no possible reason to need to do a range beyond 0-59 for anything if ($l < 0) $l = 0; else if ($l > 59) $l = 59; if ($h < 0) $h = 0; else if ($h > 59) $h = 59; if ($l > $h){ $tmp = $l; $l = $h; $h = $tmp; unset($tmp); } // for some reason range() is fucking up w/o the explicit intval()s. weird. return '-'.join('-', range(intval($l), intval($h))).'-'; } else if ($this->isAlpha($l)){ if ($this->isDigit($h)) die("Invalid range '$l-$h' ... can't mix letters and numbers."); else if (!$this->isAlpha($h)) die("Invalid value '$h' in range '$l-$h'"); $d1 = $this->dayValue($l); $d2 = $this->dayValue($h); if ($d1 > $d2){ $tmp = $d1; $d1 = $d2; $d2 = $tmp; unset($tmp); } $r = '-'; for ($i = $d1; $i <= $d2; $i++) $r .= $this->legalDays[$i] . '-'; return $r; } else { //invalid die("Invalid value '$l' in range '$l-$h'"); } } function dayValue($s){ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->legalDays); $i++) if ($this->legalDays[$i] == $s) return $i; return -1; } function dayValue($s){ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->legalDays); $i++) if ($this->legalDays[$i] == $s) return $i; return -1; } function isDigit($s){ if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $s)) return true; else return false; } function isAlpha($s){ if ($this->isLegalDay($s)) return true; else return false; } function isLegalDay($s){ if (in_array($s, $this->legalDays)) return true; else return false; } function generallyDecentSyntax($s){ if ($s == '*' || preg_match('/^\d+(-\d+)?([!&][A-Z\*]+(-[A-Z\*]+)?)?(,\d+(-\d+)?([!&][A-Z\*]+(-[A-Z\*]+)?)?)*$/', $s)) return true; return false; } } /*** $bob = new Scheduler(); $bob->setLogFile("/tmp/bob.log", 0755); $bob->addTask("echo \"wazaaaaa\\n\" >> somefile", "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *"); $bob->run(); ***/ ?>