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Class: PHP RTF Tools
Parse and generate RTF documents using templates
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The RtfTexter abstract class allows you to extract text contents from an Rtf file, using one of the RtfStringTexter or RtfFileTexter derived classes.

It has been designed to be of simple use ; instantiate an object, then use either the AsText() or SaveTo() methods to retrieve the text contents from an Rtf file or save them to an output file, respectively.

Here is the version using Rtf contents available in a string :

	$contents 	=  file_get_contents ( 'myfile.rtf' ) ;
	$texter 	=  new RtfStringTexter ( $contents ) ;
	echo $texter -> AsText ( ) ;

And here is the file-based version :

	$texter 	=  new RtfFileTexter ( 'myfile.rtf' ) ;
	echo $texter -> AsText ( ) ;

Reference #

The following paragraphs describe the methods and properties available in the RtfTexter classes.



The constructor of the RtfStringTexter class has the following signature :

	$texter		=  new RtfStringTexter ( $rtf_contents, $options = self::TEXTEROPT_ALL, $page_width = 80 ) ;

while the RtfFileTexter version is :

	$texter		=  new RtfFileTexter ( $filename, $options = self::TEXTEROPT_ALL, $page_width = 80 ) ;

The meaning of the parameters is the following :

  • rtf_contents (string) : Rtf contents whose text parts are to be extracted.
  • filename (string) : name of a file contaning Rtf data whose text contents are to be extracted.
  • options (integer) : a combination of the following text-extraction options : - TEXTEROPT\_INCLUDE\_PAGE\_HEADERS : include page headers in the output (see Notes).

    - TEXTEROPT\_INCLUDE\_PAGE\_FOOTERS : include page footers in the output.

    - TEXTEROPT\_INCLUDE\_PAGE\_TITLES : A synonym for :


    - TEXTEROPT\_USE\_FORM\_FEEDS : use form feeds to seperate pages. Works only for new sections or new pages (\\setcd and \\page Rtf tags).

    - TEXTEROPT\_WRAP\_TEXT : normally, all the text is written on a single line, until a new paragraph, page or section is started. This option ensures some basic text wrapping over several lines, making sure each line does not exceed $page_width columns (or the value specified by the $PageWidth property).

    - TEXTEROPT\_EOL\_STYLE\_DEFAULT, TEXTEROPT\_EOL\_STYLE\_WINDOWS, TEXTEROPT\_EOL\_STYLE\_UNIX : specifies the end of line characters to be used for each end of line. The default one is given by the PHP_EOL constant.

    - TEXTEROPT\_ALL : enables all of the above options.

  • page_width (integer) : Indicates the maximum number of columns to be used when reformatting text (if the TEXTEROPT\_WRAP\_TEXT option has been specified).

Notes regarding page headers and footers :

Since the RtfTexter class does not try to evaluate the current vertical position in a page, page headers and footers will only appear once per section, unless a \\page tag is encountered.

AsText ( )

The AsText() method returns text contents extracted from the underlying Rtf data.

SaveTo ( $filename )

Extracts text contents from the underlying Rtf data and saves them to the specified filename.



Returns the string used for end of lines when generating extracted text contents.


Gets/sets the text extraction options (see the $options parameter of the class constructor).


Gets/sets the maximum number of columns to be used when the TEXTEROPT\_WRAP\_TEXT option has been specified.