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File: CL/Types/Types.ini

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File: CL/Types/Types.ini
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Command Line Arguments Parser
Parse and extract arguments from the command line
Author: By
Last change: Update of CL/Types/Types.ini
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 3,828 bytes


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; ; Types.ini - ; Provides with the list of files that define the parameter types to be handled by the CrimsonCLParser class. ; Each section in the .INI file has the name of a file defined in the PHP/Utilities/CL/Types directory. ; If no suffix is provided, then the '.phpclass' suffix is assumed. ; ; Each section can have the following entries : ; Tag or Tags - ; Name of the tag(s) handled by the parameter class. ; This allows for specifying multiple tag names and aliases, or handle multiple parameter types. ; Name or Class or Classname - ; Parameter class name. If not specified, the section name is used to build a class name of ; 'CrimsonCLXXParameter', where 'XX' is the section name. ; File or Filename - ; File name. If not specified, the file name is assumed to be the section name, with the .phpclass ; suffix. ; Type - ; Gives the name of the parameter type. If this entry is not specified, the first value of the 'Tags' ; entry is used. [Standard] Tags = parameter, switch, option File = Standard.phpclass [String] Tags = string File = String.phpclass [Character] Tags = character, char File = String.phpclass [Byte] Tags = byte, ubyte File = Numeric.phpclass [SByte] Tags = sbyte File = Numeric.phpclass [Short] Tags = short File = Numeric.phpclass [UShort] Tags = ushort File = Numeric.phpclass [Integer] Tags = integer, int File = Numeric.phpclass [Unsigned] Tags = unsigned File = Numeric.phpclass [Long] Tags = long File = Numeric.phpclass [ULong] Tags = ulong File = Numeric.phpclass [Float] Tags = float, double, real File = Numeric.phpclass [ByteQuantity] Tags = byte-count, byte-quantity File = Numeric.phpclass [Flag] Tags = flag [List] Tags = list [Keyword] Tags = keyword, select [Boolean] Tags = boolean, bool [DateTime] Tags = datetime File = DateTime.phpclass [Date] Tags = date File = DateTime.phpclass [Time] Tags = time File = DateTime.phpclass [Email] Tags = email, mail, e-mail File = Internet.phpclass [File] Tags = file, filename File = File.phpclass [Directory] Tags = directory, dir File = File.phpclass [FileContents] Tags = file-contents File = File.phpclass [FileMask] Tags = filemask, file-mask File = File.phpclass [FileSystemTree] Tags = fstree, file-system-tree, file-tree File = File.phpclass [Capacity] Tags = capacity File = Measure.phpclass [Duration] Tags = duration File = DateTime.phpclass [MonthName] Tags = month, month-name File = DateTime.phpclass [DayName] Tags = day, day-name File = DateTime.phpclass [Url] Tags = url File = Internet.phpclass [Color] Tags = color File = Color.phpclass [IPAddress] Tags = ip-address, ip-addr File = Internet.phpclass [IPMask] Tags = ip-mask File = Internet.phpclass [IPRange] Tags = ip-range File = Internet.phpclass [DomainName] Tags = domain-name, domain File = Internet.phpclass [MimeType] Tags = mime-type, mime File = Internet.phpclass [Array] Tags = array File = List.phpclass [URLContents] Tags = url-contents File = Internet.phpclass [CountryCode] Tags = country-code File = Internet.phpclass [CommandLine] Tags = command-line, cmdline File = CommandLine.phpclass [Phone] Tags = phone-number, phone File = Internet.phpclass [Bitset] Tags = bitset File = Set.phpclass [Set] Tags = set File = Set.phpclass [Range] Tags = range, interval File = Range.phpclass [Drive] Tags = drive, drv File = File.phpclass [SortOptions] Tags = sort-options, sort-option File = SortOptions.phpclass