; Defines the mathematic functions authorized for a numeric parameter.
; Each section can contain the following entries :
; Name -
; Function name. If not specified, the section name is used. Note that if function name search is not case sensitive,
; it will be significant however.
; Note that you can specify a comma-separated list of names and aliases.
; Class -
; If needed, specifies the class in which the function is implemented. This allows for specifying custom functions.
; Function -
; Function name, if the implementation specifies a different name.
; If not specified, the section name will be used.
; Help -
; A brief help string.
; Internal -
; A boolean value indicating if the function is internal to PHP. The default value is true.
; Type -
; Either "function" or "constant". The default value is "function".
Help = Absolute value
Help = Arc-cosine
Help = Hyperbolic arc-cosine
Help = Arc-sine
Help = Hyperbolic arc-sine
Name = asuite
Help = Computes an arithmetic suite with a starting value, an ending value and a step.
Class = \Thrak\Math
Function = ArithmeticSuite
Internal = false
Help = Arc-tangent
Help = Arc-tangent of two variables
Help = Hyperbolic arc-tangent
Name = base_convert, bconv
Help = Converts from one base to another
Help = Converts from binary to decimal
Help = Rounds a number to its upper value
Name = combinations, comb, c
Help = Computes the number of combinations between two numbers.
Class = \Thrak\Math
Function = Combinations
Help = Cosine
Help = Hyperbolic cosine
Help = Converts from decimal to binary
Help = Converts from decimal to hexadecimal
Help = Converts from decimal to octal
Name = deg2rad, rad
Help = Converts a number from degrees to rads
Help = Exponential
Help = Accurately computes exp(number) - 1, even if 'number' is near zero
Help = Rounds a number to its lower value.
Help = Modulo on floating-point values
Name = getrandmax, randmax, maxrand
Help = Greatest random value
Name = gsuite
Help = Computes a geometric suite with a starting value, an ending value and a step.
Class = \Thrak\Math
Function = GeometricSuite
Internal = false
Help = Converts a number from hexadecimal to decimal
Name = hypot, hyp
Help = Computes the value of the hypothenuse
Name = factorial, fact, fac
Help = Computes the factorial of a value. A factorial can also be expressed as : number!
Class = \Thrak\Math
Function = Factorial
Internal = false
Name = gcd, pgcd
Help = Computes the greatest common divisor between two numbers.
Class = \Thrak\Math
Function = GCD
Internal = false
Name = log, ln
Help = Natural logarithm
Help = Base-10 logarithm
Name = log2, ln2
Help = Base-2 logarithm
Class = \Thrak\Math
Function = Log2
Internal = false
Help = Greatest value of a set
Help = Smallest value of a set
Help = Converts from octal to decimal
Name = permutations, perm, p, a
Help = Computes the number of permutations between two numbers.
Class = \Thrak\Math
Function = Permutations
Name = power, pow
Help = Computes the power of a number. power(a,b) can also be expressed as : a^b.
Name = rad2deg, deg
Help = Converts from rads to degrees
Help = Generates a random value
Help = Generates a random value between limits
Class = \Thrak\Math
Function = Random
Internal = false
Name = mt_rand, mt_rand
Help = Generates a random value between two limits
Help = Rounds a number
Name = scm, ppcm
Help = Computes the smallest common multiple between two numbers.
Class = \Thrak\Math
Function = SCM
Internal = false
Help = Sine
Help = Hyperbolic sine
Name = sqrt, sqr
Help = Square value
Help = tangent
Help = Hyperbolic tangent
; Constants
Help = Value of PI
Type = constant
Constant = M_PI
Help = Value of e
Type = constant
Constant = M_E
Help = Log2(e)
Type = constant
Constant = M_LOG2E
Help = Log10(e)
Type = constant
Constant = M_LOG10E
Help = Ln2(e)
Type = constant
Constant = M_LN2
Help = Ln10(e)
Type = constant
Constant = M_LN10
Help = sqrt(2)
Type = constant
Constant = M_SQRT2
Help = sqrt(3)
Type = constant
Constant = M_SQRT3
Help = log_e(pi)
Type = constant
Constant = M_LNPI
Help = Euler constant
Type = constant
Constant = M_EULER