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File: HISTORY.txt
Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: PHP PDF to Text
Extract text contents from PDF files
Author: By
Last change: Updated for version 1.6.6
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 59,929 bytes


Class file image Download
    [Version : 1.6.6]	[Date : 2017/05/22]     [Author : CV]
	. Completely rebuilt the page layout rendering algorithm
	. Some character widths were not correctly extracted because of line breaks in the widths list.
	. Fixed an issue where a character map was sometimes instantiated with the wrong parameter.
	. Correctly handle character widths for characters defined by CharProcs (ie, for which the only
	  information we have is how to draw the glyph, but no Unicode equivalent) and the corresponding
	  character names that may have been passed to the AddAdobeExtraMappings() method.
	. Properly decode sequences of hex digits when there is no current font applicable.
	. Completed the Unicode to Ansi character map

    [Version : 1.6.5]	[Date : 2017/05/20]     [Author : CV]
	. Complemented the Unicode to Ansi mapping table.
	. Added the AddAdobeExtraMappings() method, to complement the standard Adobe character maps when given
	  character names refer to a glyph that has no Unicode equivalent.
	. Added the MarkTextLike() method to mark certain portions of text based on their font name and size.
	. Changed the GetCaptures() method to return by default a collection of stdClass objects instead of
	  PdfToText objects whose contents takes time to be displayed when using the print_r() function.
	  The new boolean parameter $full allows to return PdfToText objects instead when set to true.
    [Version : 1.6.3]	[Date : 2017/05/17]     [Author : CV]
	. Changed the $CharacterClasses table, which was causing some constructs, such as T*, not to be 
	  recognized as a single instruction.
	. Fixed a decoding bug when a series of hex digits enclosed in '<>' also contained spaces and newlines
	  (which should have been ignored).
	. Allow names in the /Differences array to use the '#xy' notation, where 'xy' are hex digits.
	. Significantly complemented character maps for the four Adobe predefined character sets.
	. Text captures : changed the behavior of the <rectangle> definitions ; now, captured areas are
	  accessible by their page number, instead of a sequential index starting from zero. A capture is
	  defined for each page of the document, even if not in the list of applicable pages. Of course, empty
	  captures will be contained in the list if nothing was captured on the corresponding page.
    [Version : 1.6.2]	[Date : 2017/05/17]     [Author : CV]
	. The file was searched in the wrong directory.	

    [Version : 1.6.1]	[Date : 2017/05/12]     [Author : CV]
	. Text captures :
	  - Fixed a mistake where columns having empty values were not present in the object returned by the
	    GetCaptures() method.
	. Complemented the table that maps Unicode special characters such as spaces, quotes, hyphens, etc. to
	  their Ascii counterpart (mainly for quotes)
	. Enforced the ability of the class to work in 'degraded mode' whem some external tables are missing.
	. Complemented the four Adobe standard character sets with more entity names, such as Polish characters,
	  Greek characters and special symbols (hundreds of symbols added).
	. Moved the file to the new Maps directory
	. Created a Maps/ mapping file.
    [Version : 1.6.0]	[Date : 2017/05/08]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the possibility to capture areas of text :
	  - The SetCaptures() and SetCapturesFromString() methods define the pages and areas of text within the
	    pages to be captured (see file for more information). It can be used to define rectangle
	    shapes or line/columns information
	  - The GetCaptures() method returns an object containing the captured text areas
	  - Added the PDFOPT_LOOSE_X_CAPTURE and PDFOPT_LOOSE_Y_CAPTURE to include text that might exceed the
	    captured area, but whose top/left coordinates are included in the captured area.
	. Complemented the Adobe 4 standard character set encodings, to include Polish characters.
	. Exported the Adobe standard character sets to external file ''.
    [Version : 1.5.8]	[Date : 2017/05/01]     [Author : CV]
	. Added undocumented aliases for stream encoding (for example, /Fl stands for /FlateDecode).
    [Version : 1.5.7]	[Date : 2017/04/26]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the possibility to extract form data :
	  - Added the HasFormData(), GetFormCount() and GetFormData() methods
	  - Data extraction based on XML form templates, which maps form fields to human-readable ones
	  - Form data is returned as an object inherited from the PdfToTextFormData class
	. Added the PDFOPT_DEBUG_SHOW_COORDINATES option, which shows coordinates of every text block in the 
	  output text. This option has been designed for the future feature to be implemented, that will allow
	  to capture text areas.
	. Added the Subject and Keywords properties regarding author information
	. Changed the text/document_strxpos() methods to use the mb_strxpos() functions instead of strxpos().
	  The supplied searched string must be encoded in UTF-8.
	. Added the PdfToTextBase::GetStringParameter() method, which is able to retrieve parameter values such
	  as :
		/FlagName (parameter value)
	  and :
		/FlagName <parameter value as hexdigits>

    [Version : 1.5.6]	[Date : 2017/04/21]     [Author : CV]
	. Added font metrics information for the Adobe Standard 14 fonts, which are hardcoded (in new directory
	  FontMetrics). This includes Times, Helvetica and Courier with their variations (bold, italic, etc.)
	  along with the Symbol and ZapDingbats fonts. Currently, font information relates to individual 
	  character widths, which are used for page layout rendering.
	. Enhanced layout rendering, which was giving strange results due to improper handling of certain
	  positioning instructions.
	. Complemented the $UnicodeToSimpleAscii table to include special hyphens

    [Version : 1.5.5]	[Date : 2017/04/20]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the $UnicodeToSimpleAscii table, which maps Unicode characters which can have an ASCII
	  equivalent. For example, German "fi" with ligature (U+FB01) becomes ASCII string "fi" ; special
	  spaces (such as unbreakable space) become an ASCII space (0x20), etc.
	. Fixed a warning issued when a page entry does not contain a width and a height.
	. Suppressed a warning in non-debug mode when an unsupported encryption algorithm has been found
    [Version : 1.5.4]	[Date : 2017/04/07]     [Author : CV]
	. Fixed an issue with the /Kids flag, whose parameters are normally the ids of the objects containing
	  a page's contents. Sometimes, there is an additional indirection level : the parameter of the /Kids
	  flag is an obect which in turn contains the ids of page contents objects. Not handling this
	  situation caused some page contents to be missed.
	. Some line breaks were not respected
    [Version : 1.5.3]	[Date : 2017/04/06]     [Author : CV]
	. Enhanced page layout rendering :
	  - Better handle text positioning, especially when a line contains super/subscripted text
	  - Implemented additional text positioning instructions
	  - First experimental implementation of templates (which are correctly implemented in the non-page 
	    layout version)
	  - Fixed a regression intoduced in versions 1.5.1 and 1.5.2.
	. Completed some missing codes for the WinAnsiEncoding font, which is far bigger than stated in the
	  PDF specifications.
	. Modified the default value of the ExtraTextWidth property to -5%, since most of the widths 
	  computed by the GetStringWidth() method are a little bit too large.
    [Version : 1.5.2]	[Date : 2017/04/05]     [Author : CV]
	. Page layout rendering enhancements :
	  - Interpret more instructions
	  - Fixed a problem where two lines, the first one having the biggest font, were joined together
	. Fixed a bug in the Unescape() method which allowed octal sequences of more than 3 characters to be 
	  interpreted, giving an incorrect character code as output.
	. Some drawing objects were not recognized in the input ; this could affect page layout rendering.
	. The document_strpos() methods were not returning the correct page number, but a zero-based offset
	  (the Pages property is indexed by the actual page number)
    [Version : 1.5.1]	[Date : 2017/03/31]     [Author : CV]
	. Corrected a bug in the LZW decompression algorithm.
    [Version : 1.5.0]	[Date : 2017/03/31]     [Author : CV]
	. Implemented page layout rendering !!!
	  - Text parts are displayed in the same order as Acrobat Reader displays them
	  - Spaces are inserted in the same line when necessary (the BlockSeparator property can be used
	    to separate items that are on the same line, at different -x-coordinates)
	  - The PDFOPT_RAW_LAYOUT and PDFOPT_BASIC_LAYOUT options have been added. The default is 
	    PDFOPT_RAW_LAYOUT, which behaves as in the previous versions. The PDFOPT_BASIC_LAYOUT will 
	    activate layout rendering.
	  - The new ExtraTextWidth property allows to adjust the computed text widths to help determine if
	    two consecutive blocks of text on the same line should be separated by a whitespace or not.
	  - Hold a separate set of instructions to be removed from PDF stream before interpretation,
	    depending on whether the page layout option has been activated or not. This is done not to impact
	    the performance of this class for callers that use it the traditional way.
	  This new feature allows to process more efficiently PDF files presenting tabular data or form data
	  (such as tickets reservations for example). Note that the PDFOPT_BASIC_LAYOUT option simply ensures
	  that items coming from the PDF file are shown in the correct order and not improperly concatenated ; 
	  it does not visually reproduce  what you could see with Acrobat Reader.
	. Font descriptors were mistakenly interpreted as font entries.

    [Version : 1.4.19]	[Date : 2017/03/25]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the PDFOPT_ENHANCED_STATISTICS flag (for debugging/optimization purposes)
	. Added more useless instructions to be removed from the PDF input stream before processing
	. Fixed a warning issued when processing certain objects not having stream data
	. Fixed a warning issued when a character map does not contain a begincodespacerange/endcodespacerange
	. Fixed a warning issued by the MapKids() method when a page catalog refers to a non-existing object.
	. Re-established PCRE error handling during PDF file processing, since the pcre.backtrack_limit clearly 
	  imposes a limit on the size of the data that can be captured (it does not only depends on the 
	  complexity of the regular expression). This means that PDF file scanning will be stopping with an 
	  exception if the size of the object to be captured exceeds such a limit.
	. Fixed inappropriate warnings about undefined fonts
    [Version : 1.4.18]	[Date : 2017/03/25]     [Author : CV]
	. Fixed a warning issued when author information in buggy PDFs referred to non-existing objects.
	. The PageSeparator property was not taken into account by the GetPageFromOffset() method.
	. Fixed a regression which caused an exception to be thrown if the PDF document did not exactly start
	  with '%PDF'
	. Remove more useless instruction from the input stream before processing it (graphic-related
	. Trying to process object streams that contain invalid gzip data led to an infinite loop.
	. Handle buggy PDF containing object streams which do not start with an even number of integer values
	  (this should normally be a list of object number/offset pairs)
	. The CodePointToUtf8() function was running into an inifinite loop when the high order bit of the
	  supplied value was set (unsigned right-shift operator does not exist in PHP 5.*).
	. Handle another kind of buggy PDF that have a page catalog referring to a non-existing object ; in this
	  case the behavior is the same as if there is no page catalog at all : everything is grouped onto a
	  single page.
    [Version : 1.4.17]	[Date : 2017/03/21]     [Author : CV]
	. Drawing instructions between BX/EX were unduly removed, causing some text to be missing sometimes in
	  the output.
	. Fixed an inappropriate property setting in class PdfTexterTimeoutException
	. Handle the case where /XObjects contents are not inline but specify another object with the inline
	  contents. This caused some text to be missed in the output.
	. When a Unicode font had a secondary character map (representing the /Differences array), the 
	  secondary cmap was not searched if the character to be mapped was not also defined in the primary
	  cmap. This caused some mappings to be missed.
    [Version : 1.4.16]	[Date : 2017/03/19]     [Author : CV]
	. Completely reviewed the way PDF objects are parsed ; the original code sometimes forced the user to
	  change the pcre.backtrack_limit PHP setting to abnormal values (14 000 000 for parsing the Adobe
	  PDF Specifications document itself !)
	. Implemented the LZW decompression algorithm for text objects.
    [Version : 1.4.15]	[Date : 2017/03/17]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the PDFOPT_IGNORE_HEADERS_AND_FOOTERS option. The previous behavior was to ignore them
	. Changed the PdfTexterFont object to handle basic encodings
	. Refactored class for decryption support :
	  - Moved some functions to the PfTexterObjectBase object
	  - Created the PdfEncryptionData class to hold encryption data defined in the PDF file, by
	    transfering all the encryption-related properties from the PdfToText class to PdfEncryptionData
	  - Added the EncryptionData property, which currently has the "protected" visibility
	  - Renamed the IsPasswordProtected property to IsEncrypted
	  Note : processing of encrypted files is not yet functional

    [Version : 1.4.14]	[Date : 2017/03/14]     [Author : CV]
	. Fixed a regression in text decoding when compound text contained angle brackets and right square 
	  brackets (originally fixed in 1.4.12, but regressed in 1.4.13).
    [Version : 1.4.13]	[Date : 2017/03/13]     [Author : CV]
	. Updated IDENTITY-H CID font mapping to add more characters.
	. Handle the case where a character map states that it handles 2-bytes character codes (using the 
	  begincoderange/endcoderange constructs) while the map itself only contains 1-byte character codes...
	. Changed character maps that are secondary to a Unicode map to handle only the characters listed in
	  the /Differences parameter.
	. Updated the offical Adobe WinAnsi character map to include UTF8 codes which have no Windows
	  equivalent (PdfTexterEncodingMap::$Encodings array).
    [Version : 1.4.12]	[Date : 2017/03/12]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the LoadFromString() method, which allows to process PDF contents directly from a string.
	. Changed the Load() method to be able to handle remote urls.
	. Fixed a bug in the __next_token() method which caused contents following a regular square bracket
	  character to be wrongly interpreted.
	. Integrated a modification resolving the interpretation of escaped octal sequences, that was missed
	  in version 1.4.11.
	. Fixed : The new PdfToTextDecodingException class did not report the supplied error message.

    [Version : 1.4.11]	[Date : 2017/03/11]     [Author : CV]
	. Corrected decoding of Ascii85 data (the original version from the 'unknown developer' did consider
	  that the '%' character was the start of a comment, which is not the case in Ascii85 encoded data)
	. Handle the case where data using Ascii85 encoding contains in turn gzipped data
	. Optimized the __decode_ascii85() method
	. Characters using octal escape sequences were not correctly interpreted when followed by digits after
	  the 3rd one of the escape sequence. This so&metimes caused incorrect character decoding.
	. Added timeout handling features ; when the PDFOPT_ENFORCE_EXECUTION_TIME or 
	  PDFOPT_ENFORCE_GLOBAL_EXECUTION_TIME are specified, the $MaxExecutionTime property and 
	  $MaxGlobalExecutionTime static property (respectively) will be used to prevent exceeding the PHP setting
	  'max_execution_time'. If such a situation happens, a PdfToTextTimeoutException exception will be
	. Added the $MaxExtractedImages property, to limit the number of extracted images.

    [Version : 1.4.10]	[Date : 2017/03/09]     [Author : CV]
	. Fixed an issue when decoding object streams : a lack of whitespace after the list of object number/
	  offset pairs implied a shift of one character in object data extraction, making most of the objects
	  contained in the object stream to be missed.
    [Version : 1.4.9]	[Date : 2017/03/09]     [Author : CV]
	. Handle the case where character mappings specified through the /Differences keyword can contain
	  constructs such as '/uniabcd', where 'abcd' is a sequence of hex digits representing a Unicode code
	. Found rare cases where a Unicode map mapped character IDs to a value between 0xF000 and 0xF0FF, which
	  do not correspond to any Unicode codepoint, but rather to an undocumented font. The class
	  PdfTexterAdobeUndocumentedFont has been designed to handle such mappings.

    [Version : 1.4.8]	[Date : 2017/03/08]     [Author : CV]
	. The new PdfTexterAdobeMap classes did not specify the width of character codes, which caused bad
	  interpretation of characters expressed as octal escaped sequences.
	. Fixed a regression, where the numeric value of octal escape sequences was displayed as is
	. Fixed a warning issued when an empty date is specified in Author information
	. Fixed a warning issued when instantianting objects of class PdfTexterFont with a missing 4th argument.
	. Object streams (compound objects) are now discarded from the object list after processing their 
	  embedded objects
	. Fixed bad interpretation of font sizes less than 1 with no leading zero (eg, '.93')
	. Better process text contents using characters escaped in octal notation
    [Version : 1.4.7]	[Date : 2017/03/05]     [Author : CV]
	. First (and partial) implementation of CID fonts for the eastern Europe languages (currently tested on
	. Fixed a warning about an undefined $map variable in class PdfTexterIdentityHCIDFont.
    [Version : 1.4.6]	[Date : 2017/03/04]     [Author : CV]
	. Fixed errors regarding undefined PdfTexterFont::$WinAnsiCharacterMap and $MacRomanCharacter map, which
	  had been moved to the PdfTexterAdobeWinAnsiMap and PdfTexterAdobeMacRomanMap classes, respectively.

    [Version : 1.4.5]	[Date : 2017/03/05]     [Author : CV]
	. Implemented Cyrillic fonts (ISO-8859-5).
	. Created the PdfTexterAdobe*Map classes, to implement the WinAnsi and Mac Roman encodings, instead of
	  implementing them as tables at the PdfTexterFont class level.
    [Version : 1.4.4]	[Date : 2017/03/04]     [Author : CV]
	. Fixed several issues that affected text output :
	  - Completely changed the way "beginbfrange..endbfrange" constructs are handled ; some interpretation
	    problems occurred when line breaks were present at unexpected places, giving incorrect character 
	  - Unified the way escaped characters are handled in a text stream ; sometimes, the escaped character
	    appeared as is in the output, instead of being mapped.
	  - Handle more character escapes such as backspace, which has no equivalent in PHP.
	. Handle the case where author information contains parentheses, which are also used as delimiters
    [Version : 1.4.3]	[Date : 2017/03/03]     [Author : CV]
	. Handle the case where Unicode fonts can also have an associated /Encoding object, specifying a
	  /Differences flag that maps character ids to other character ids.
	. The checkings performed on special /Contents references which reference an object holding the list
	  of the objects contained in the page was a little bit too relaxed and, in some rare cases, caused
	  a few text blocks to be missing in the output (this feature was introduced in version 1.4.1).
	. Corrected a warning in method GetMappedFonts()
	. For better performance, remove all useless instructions at the start and end of each drawing
	  instruction block.
	. Started expanding the PdfTexterEncodingFont::$Encodings table to add character mappings with
	  character names not described in the PDF specifications.
	. Better handle recognition of author information (sometimes, the hex2bin() function issued a warning)

    [Version : 1.4.2]	[Date : 2017/03/02]     [Author : CV]
	. Fixed mapping issue when the same character map was referenced by several font definitions (only the
	  first definition was associated to the character map, which caused incorrect character mappings when
	  subsequent fonts were used).
	. The regular expression catching author information was a little bit too greedy, causing some 
	  misinterpretations and warnings in the output.

    [Version : 1.4.1]	[Date : 2017/02/27]     [Author : CV]
	. Enhanced page contents decoding (sometimes, the parameter of the /Contents flags does not reference
	  objects containing drawing instructions, but objects containing the list of objects which in turn
	  contain the real drawing instructions). This caused in rare cases some contents to be missed in the
	. Changed the way compound objects are handled : instead of decoding them on-the-fly, preprocess them
	  before any other processing takes place. This ensure that forward references to objects defined later
	  in the pdf file will be satisfied.
	. Ignore embedded images inside drawing instructions blocks ; the presence of gzipped data inside the
	  embedded image could cause misinterpretation of drawing instructions following it. For the current
	  version, embedded images will not be integrated into the image-extraction process.
	. Fixed issue where the same group of text was extracted several times with some PDF samples.
	. Better handle Japanese documents
    [Version : 1.4.0]	[Date : 26/02/2017]     [Author : CV]
	. First implementation for handling languages written from right-to-left (RTL).

    [Version : 1.3.18]	[Date : 25/02/2017]     [Author : CV]
	. Corrected the PdfTexterUnicodeMap class, which did not correctly decode character maps in files 
	  generated on Apple where line-endings are carriage returns. As a result, output looked like garbage

    [Version : 1.3.17]	[Date : 25/02/2017]     [Author : CV]
	. Completely rewrote the way text specified between parentheses, either as plain text or 2-bytes
	  character codes, is processed. Some character values preceded with a backslash are escape sequences,
	  which were not recognized in all cases, thus causing a shift when interpreting 2-bytes values and a
	  bad mapping for the 2-bytes sequences that followed.

    [Version : 1.3.16]	[Date : 2017/02/23]     [Author : CV]
	. Changed the GetFontByMapId() method which was incorrectly searching a global font instead of searching
	  first for a page-specific font.
	. Compound objects were not correctly handled when object number/offset pairs were separated by a newline
	  (str_replace() was called instead of preg_replace). This caused some objects to be missed.
	. Performed some optimizations which allow for a performance gain of 5 to 10 percent in certain cases.
	. Removed the suppression of carriage returns, as this is the only line separator used by Adobe software
	  on Apple.

    [Version : 1.3.15]	[Date : 2017/02/12]     [Author : CV]
	. Handles author information whose keyword values refer to existing object contents instead of
	  referring to a direct value
	. Handles new constructions for beginbfchar/endbfchar constructs, which can act as beginbfrange ; 
	  Example :
		<21> <0009 0020 000d>
	  means :
	  	. Map character #21 to #0009
		. Map character #22 to #0020
		. Map character #23 to #000D
	 There is no clue in the Adobe PDF specification that a single character could be mapped to a range.
	 The normal constructs would be :
		<21> <0009>
		<22> <0020>
		<23> <0000D>
	. Regular expressions matching Postscript instructions to be removed before interpreting the remaining
	  contents were sometimes catenating one instruction with the first parameter of the following one,
	  which caused bad interpretation, some warnings and bad handling of the layout (some lines could be
	  catenated together).
	. Changed the MinSpaceWidth value from 250 to 200 (certain files separate words with lower spacing

    [Version : 1.3.14]	[Date : 2017/02/07]     [Author : CV]
	. Fixed the *_strpos methods which did not return correct page information any more
	. Added new font aliases possibilities (/0 through /9 and /a through /z)

    [Version : 1.3.13]	[Date : 2017/02/05]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the MaxSelectedPages property to extract only the first or last x pages of the document.
	. Pure JPEG images are no more loaded into memory (using the gd library) when the 
	  PDFOPT_AUTOSAVE_IMAGES flag is specified.

    [Version : 1.3.12]	[Date : 2017/02/01]     [Author : CV]
	. Enhanced image extraction by adding support for more image formats, notably those having the
	  /FlateDecode flag. The new supported image formats are :
	  - Standard JPEG data, not initially specified as a real image
	  - Image data encoded as :
	    . RGB color values
	    . CMYK color values
	    . Gray scale color values
	    Currently, only 8-bits color components are supported.
	. Added the PdfInlinedImage class, and changed the AddImage() and DecodeImage() methods to handle
	  these new image processing enhancements.
	. Corrected incorrect character mappings : the regex that matches beginbfrange such as : 
		<32> <33> <100>
	  also matched :
		<32> <33> [<57> <59]
	  (!) as if it was specified as :
		<32> <33> <59>
	  This caused incorrect translation of characters sometimes. This seems to be a bug of the PCRE package ; 
	  as a workaround, the regex matching the second form is tried first.

    [Version : 1.3.11]	[Date : 2017/01/28]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the possibility to handle images encoded with the /FlateDecode/DCTDecode flags, which contain
	  gzipped JPEG data. Other types of images can also be encoded this way but in different formats, and 
	  will be processed later.
	. Added the PFOPT_AUTOSAVE_IMAGES flag to autosave images to external files without keeping them
	  into memory. 
	. The new property ImageAutoSaveFileTemplate give the template for the external file name when autosave
	  mode is enabled.
	. The new property ImageAutoSaveFormat can be set to one of the IMG_* constants defined in the gd lib.
	. Added the ImageCount property, which counts the number of images found in the document even if they
	  are not processed.
	. Added the Output() method to the PdfImage class to display image contents on standard output
	. Changed the PeekAuthorInformation() method to remove extraneous newlines when dealing with hex-encoded
	. Corrected the ExtractText() method which could generate divisions by zero in some cases.
	. Added the PdfImage::DestroyImageResource() method, to free libgd memory.

    [Version : 1.3.10]	[Date : 2017/01/11]     [Author : CV]
	. Prevented a warning in GetFontAttributes() when no font resource is defined (this typically happens
	  for pdf files where the text is graphically drawn and does not use font tables).
	. Added a custom hex2bin() function for PHP versions < 5.4.0

    [Version : 1.3.9]	[Date : 2016/01/01]     [Author : CV]
	. Fixed warning messages produced when encountering font/map associations in objects with no stream

    [Version : 1.3.8]	[Date : 2016/12/24]     [Author : CV]
	. Added one more place in the Load() method where to recognize associations between font aliases and
	  the object containing their definitions (some associations were "missed" in certain documents)
	. Font specifiers containing a dot were not recognized (eg : /F1.0).
	. Corrected a few warnings issued for certain files containing CID fonts

    [Version : 1.3.7]	[Date : 2016/12/07]     [Author : CV]
	. The PdfTexterFontTable::MapCharacter() method was generating notices for fonts without character maps.
	. The regular expression in the PdfToText::Load() method was sometimes confusing PCRE when trying to
	  match stream/endstream constructs because it contained [backslash]r and [backslash]n. This caused
	  some objects to be missed from the input PDF file. They have been replaced with [backslash]s, and 
	  carriage returns/line feeds are removed later from the beginning of the stream data.

    [Version : 1.3.6]	[Date : 2016/12/02]     [Author : CV]
	. Started implementation of CID fonts (EXPERIMENTAL) :
	  - Added the PdfTexterCIDMap abstract class.
	  - Added the PdfTexterIdentityHMap class, to implement the IDENTITY-H CID font.
	. CID tables are externalized and located into the directory pointed to by the PdfToText::CIDTablesDirectory 
	  public static property. Currently, only the IDENTITY-H CID font is (partially) implemented.
	. Usual behavior remains for inexisting CID substitution tables : garbage will be produced.

    [Version : 1.3.5]	[Date : 2016/12/02]     [Author : CV]
	. Now handles references to font aliases that are local to a page. Previously, font aliases were
	  considered as global to the document, which caused some incorrect character substitutions.
	. Throw an exception if the mbstring extension is not loaded.
	. Compatibility with PHP versions prior to 5.6 :
	  - The memory_get_usage() and memory_get_peak_usage() functions are used only if implemented (they were
	    implemented far later on Windows than on Unix). If not available, the MemoryUsage and MemoryPeakUsage
	    properties will be set to zero.
	. Fixed : Offsets specified between character strings were incorrectly interpreted, which sometimes
	  caused groups of characters to be catenated together.

    [Version : 1.3.4]	[Date : 2016/11/11]     [Author : CV]
	. The PdfToText class is now compatible with PHP versions < 5.6
	. Changed errors to warnings about unimplemented features.
	. Corrected a warning issued by the Load() function when looping through page contents : some of them
	  were NULL, instead of being an array, because of the modifications included in template processing
	  in version 1.3.2 (related function : PdfTexterPageMap::MapKids).

    [Version : 1.3.3]	[Date : 2016/11/05]     [Author : CV]
	. Allow the %PDF tag that signals the start of the PDF document to be located anywhere in the file,
	  even if preceded with garbage (Acrobat Reader is able to open such files)
	. Added the $DocumentStartOffset property to indicate the real start of the document
	. Add the $Statistics property with the following entries :
	  - 'TextSize'          : total size of drawing instructions (text objects)
	  - 'OptimizedTextSize' : total size of drawing instructions, after removing the ones that are
	    useless for text extraction
	. Added new regular expressions to remove useless drawing instructions
	. __strip_useless_instructions() method : removed carriage returns to simplify regular expressions and
	  added a second preg_match() to remove single-line instructions not processed by the first one
	. Handle the case where author information is expressed in UTF-16 with a BOM.
	. Handle the case where author information is expressed as a series of hex digits.

    [Version : 1.3.2]	[Date : 2016/11/02]     [Author : CV]
	. Template references can reference an object, which in turn has its own template references.
	  Changed the ProcessTemplateReferences() method to recursively handle such a situation.
	. Reset internal structures at the end of the Load() method to save memory usage
	. For backward compatibility with PHP versions < 5.2.11 where the mb_convert_encoding() function did not
	  recognize hexadecimal HTML entities, changed the CodePointToUtf8() method to use only HTML entities
	  expressed as decimal values.

    [Version : 1.3.1]	[Date : 2016/10/30]     [Author : CV]
	. Author data was not correctly extracted in some cases.
	. The ProcessTemplateReferences() issued some warnings in some cases, when no page structure is defined
	  by the document

    [Version : 1.3.0]	[2016/10/27]     [Author : CV]
	. Added support for indirect object references in text drawing instructions. Such references may be of
	  the form /Tplx, and are further described as /XObjects within the PDF file. Without this, some parts
	  of the text contained in the PDF file will be completely missed.
	. Added the MemoryUsage and MemoryPeakUsage properties, that give the difference between the memory
	  occupied at the start and at the end of the Load() method. Note that this will not give the maximum
	  amount of memory that has been occupied at a given time.

    [Version : 1.2.52]	[Date : 2016/10/23]     [Author : CV]
	. Although page header and footer contents are not yet publicly available, they are internally extracted
	  and removed from page contents. The regular expression that captured such data was too greedy, and 
	  caused regular page contents to be mistakenly interpreted as header or footer contents.

    [Version : 1.2.51]	[Date : 2016/10/22]     [Author : CV]
	. Load() method : Added a comprehensive coverage of errors that may be returned by preg_match_all()
	  when called for extracting obj/endobj constructs (some PDF files may lead pcre functions to reach the 
	  pcre.recursion_limit or pcre_backtrack_limit settings of php.ini).

    [Version : 1.2.50]	[Date : 2016/10/19]     [Author : CV]
	. In the Adobe Postscript language, displaying text such as "(my car)" requires the left and right 
	  parentheses to be escaped escaped with a backslash. The class did not handle the case where the 
	  current font uses two-bytes characters, including the backslash itself : in such cases, the backslash
	  was recognized as a normal character and, since escaped characters are always represented with one byte,
	  the remaining input was shifted by one byte, giving most frequently far-east Unicode characters,
	  such as Chinese. Thus, "(my car)" produced the string "\" followed by Unicode garbage.

    [Version : 1.2.49]	[Date : 2016/10/15]     [Author : CV]
	. Font name specifiers (/Fx, /TTy, /Rz etc.) were processed differently by the IsFontMap() method (used
	  to recognize an object that has font specifier/pdf object associations), the AddFontMap() method
	  (which adds a font map to the internal font table) and the __next_instruction() method (which tries
	  to recognize font specifiers within Postscript instructions). Such differences in the way of handling
	  font specifiers led to discrepancies in the output text, with regards to the original text.
	. Added the PdfToTextBase::$FontSpecifiers, which is now the regular expression used throughout this
	  class to recognize a font specifier.
	. Added the /OPBaseFont and /OPSUFont font specifiers (used by Ranx Xerox scanners).
	. Added the PdfTexterPageMap::GetResourceMappings() method.

    [Version : 1.2.48]	[Date : 2016/10/14]     [Author : CV]
	. Some pages could not be extracted correctly from PDF documents including nested page content
	  descriptions (ie, pages leading to another object listing in turn the objects that describe the page,
	  instead of directly leading to the object that describe the page).

    [Version : 1.2.47]	[Date : 2016/09/13]     [Author : CV]
	. Changed the licensing model from GPL TO LGPL.
	. Specialized the PdfImage class into subclasses. The only available subclass for now is PdfJpegImage.
	. Added the $EncryptMetadata property, coming from encyption information present in the PDF file.

    [Version : 1.2.46]	[Date : 2016/08/24]     [Author : CV]
	. A number of inconsistencies was found in the chain of MapCharacter() methods up to  array access
	  on a PdfTexterCharacterMap object. Sometimes, a UTF8 string was returned, and sometimes it was a 
	  Unicode code point. This conducted to bad character mappings, especially on files generated with
	. Added the Title property, coming from author information
	. Added a few regular expressions to remove unprocessed drawing instructions in the 
	  $IgnoredInstructionsTemplates array, to reduce the number of instructions processed.
	. Fixed a few caching issues about character maps

    [Version : 1.2.45]	[Date : 2016/08/22]     [Author : CV]
	. Text objects containing page header/footer drawing instructions were unduly discarded, even if they
	  contained normal text. Added the ExtractTextData() method to handle such cases.

    [Version : 1.2.44]	[Date : 2016/08/21]     [Author : CV]
	. Temporarily disabled processing of far-east characters specified as plain text ( "(xy)" ) instead of
	  hex string ( "<abcd>" ). This was causing problems with PDF files that really use plain-text (mostly
	  causing Chinese characters to be displayed instead of strings using the European alphabet).

    [Version : 1.2.43]	[Date : 2016/08/21]     [Author : CV]
	. Enhanced handling of fonts not using Unicode character maps :
	  - Added support for the "/gxx" notation for the /Differences tag, where "xx" is a character number.
	  - Characters not listed in the /Differences tag were not using the standard Adobe encoding maps
	. Added support for password-protected files (note that the current version is not able to decrypt 
	  files yet) :
	  - Added the $user_password and $owner_password parameters to the class constructor and the Load() 
	  - Added the ID/ID2 readonly property, which comes from the unique file identifier extracted 
	    from the file contents.
	  - Added the UserPassword, OwnerPassword and IsPasswordProtected properties.
	  - Added the GetTrailerInformation() and Decrypt() methods
	  - Added the Encryption* properties

    [Version : 1.2.42]	[Date : 2016/08/12]     [Author : CV]
	. The /R font alias was no more recognized, which caused bad character translations.
	. Some characters were not properly encoded into UTF8, for blocks of text using the internal Adobe
	  Windows Ansi and Mac Roman character sets.
	. Rearranged some property initialization values that caused syntax errors for PHP versions < 5.6.
	. Fixed some y-positioning issues when relative "Td" instructions are used. This prevented line breaks
	  to be inserted when necessary.
	. Temporarily commented out lines of code which were trying to interpret x-position : they were 
	  unnecessarily inserting spaces inside words written in multiple chunks
	. Fix : 2-bytes codes can not only specified as hex digits, but also as ascii characters. Eg : "bh" 
	  means : 0x6268.Ths caused for example Chinese characters to be wrongly interpreted on a document
	  generated from OpenOffice to PrimoPdf.

    [Version : 1.2.41]	[Date : 2016/08/10]     [Author : CV]
	. Series of hex digits that represent characters and are related to unmapped fonts using the WinAnsi or 
	  MacRoman encoding scheme where inappropriately split into chunks of 4 digits instead of 2. This 
	  caused in some occasions normal characters to be interpreted as far-east languages, such as Chinese.

    [Version : 1.2.40]	[Date : 2016/08/09]     [Author : CV]
	. Changed the way the PdfToText::$CharacterClass array is initialized. It was using constructs such as :
		[ 'a' => self::CTYPE_ALNUM | self::CTYPE_XDIGIT, ... ]
	  which is authorized only for PHP versions >= 5.6.
    [Version : 1.2.39]	[Date : 2016/08/09]     [Author : CV]
	. Entirely rewrote the PdfTexterPageMap class, which was incorrectly handling nested page descriptions.
	. In the Load() method, changed the way text is extracted from objects : instead of starting from the
	  list of available text objects and trying to retrieve their page number, the method now loops through
	  page numbers (defined in the PageMap object property) and use the associated text object ids to 
	  extract their contents.

    [Version : 1.2.38]	[Date : 2016/08/09]     [Author : CV]
	. Bug fix : The PdfTexterFont::MapCharacter() method was not modified after the transition to a better
	  Unicode-to-UTF8 translation ; it was still accepting characters, while it should have been accepting 
	  integer values (character codes).
	. Bug fix : unwanted headers and footers were not recognized appropriately in some cases.

    [Version : 1.2.37]	[Date : 2016/08/08]     [Author : CV]
	. (optimization) Checking against header or footer data is now made in the ExtractText() method, instead
	  of __next_instruction(), which caused too many calls to the preg_match() function.
	. Added the IsPageHeaderOrFooter() method.
	. Bug fix : Positive offsets between two text groups were unduly taken into account for the number of 
	  spaces to be inserted between those groups (negative offsets add spacing, while positive ones are 
	  subtracted from the current x-position).
	. Bug fix : Space insertion for relative x-positioning did not take into account the last x position.

    [Version : 1.2.36]	[Date : 2016/08/07]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the PDFOPT_NO_HYPHENATED_WORDS option to remove hyphens that break words on two lines.
	. (optimization) Introduced a static array giving the character class for some characters 
	  (alpha, digit, etc.)
	. Bug fix : characters present in plain text were translated to Ascii NUL
	. Bug fix : the __next_token() function was also returning the next character after character codes
	  specified within angle brackets ("<>"), which caused extra NUL values to be displayed in the output.

    [Version : 1.2.35]	[Date : 2016/08/06]     [Author : CV]
	. (optimization) Reduced the number of times author information is scanned in pdf objects.
	. (optimization) Removed useless calls to str_pad(), strcasecmp() and substr().
	. Optimized the __next_token() method

    [Version : 1.2.34]	[Date : 2016/08/05]     [Author : CV]
	. Reduced the number of calls to certain built-in functions (ctype_* functions)
	. Font maps were stored using only the number part of their specification (eg, "1_0" for "/C1_0"). This
	  led to override existing fonts using different notations (ie, "/C1_0" will override an existing font
	  map that was declared using "/T1_0"). The consequence is that sometimes, the charater map used to
	  translate text was not the appropriate one, hence some badly displayed characters.
	. Fixed an "uninitialized string offset" PHP notice in the __next_token() method.
	. Fixed some cases where too many line breaks were inserted between two lines.

    [Version : 1.2.33]	[Date : 2016/08/05]     [Author : CV]
	. For optimization reasons, reduced the number of times certain methods were called (GetMapWidth, 
	  PeekAuthorInformation, IsMapped, GetFontByMapId, __get_character_padding, ...)
	. Removed a regular expression for reducing drawing contents size which was a little bit too greedy
	  and caused some characters to be removed from plain text.

    [Version : 1.2.32]	[Date : 2016/08/05]     [Author : CV]
	. Optimized regular expressions that remove useless Adobe Postscript instructions and added new ones.
	. Rewrote the CodePointToUtf8() method.
	. Handled a new way to specify font aliases : /TTx.

    [Version : 1.2.31]	[Date : 2016/08/04]     [Author : CV]
	. Removed irrelevant Postscript instructions from text streams (such as graphical drawing instructions), 
	  to reduce the work of the tokenizer (the __next_token() method), which is written in PHP and not as
	  efficient as a tokenizer written in C.
	  Removal is done using the preg_replace() function.
	. Character translation results are now buffered, to avoid unnecessary calls to the MapCharacter()
	  method of the PdfTexterFontTable class.

    [Version : 1.2.30]	[Date : 2016/08/02]     [Author : CV]
	. Handle object streams, which is a way to group several objects into a single pdf object (in the same
	  stream). The object flags are : /Type/ObjStm. This explains why certain paragraphs were missing in
	  certain PDF samples : they were simply "hidden" in object streams.
	. The static variable PdfToText::$Utf8PlaceHolder can now include a format to be used for substitutions
	  of Unicode characters that cannot be translated ; one parameter will be passed to the sprintf()
	  function before putting it in the output text, the Unicode code point (an integer value).
	. The default value for the PdfToText::$Utf8PlaceHolder, when in debug mode, is : 
		'[unknown character 0x%08X]'  
	  Note that the $DEBUG static variable must be set BEFORE the first instantiation of a PdfToText object.

    [Version : 1.2.29]	[Date : 2016/08/02]     [Author : CV]
	. Changed the way the PdfTexterUnicodeCharacterMap class handles character ranges to reduce memory usage
	  for PDF files defining numerous ranges in character maps. A sample that needed more than 128Mb of
	  memory now runs correctly with a memory limit of 32Mb.
	. Corrected an incorrect reference to self::$DEBUG in PdfObjectBase class.
	. Added the IsObjectStream() method.

    [Version : 1.2.28]	[Date : 2016/08/01]     [Author : CV]
	. Better handle Unicode translations. Added the CodePointToUtf8() method.
	. Added the static PdfToText::$Utf8Placeholder property, which is used when a Unicode character could
	  not be converted to an UTF8 string.

    [Version : 1.2.27]	[Date : 2016/08/01]     [Author : CV]
	. Corrected a bad if() condition in the __next_token() method which caused the message 'Unitialized
	  string offset xxx' to sometimes occur.
	. Added the PDFOPT_IGNORE_TEXT_LEADING option. This option must be used when you notice that an
	  unnecessary amount of empty lines are inserted between two text elements. This is the symptom that
	  the pdf file contains only relative positioning instructions combined with big values of text leading
	. For text fonts not having character maps, take into account the encoding specified in the font 
	  attributes, such as WinAnsi or MacOsRoman, where some characters codes cannot be directly mapped to
	  Unicode characters (this was causing characters such as the Euro or (TM) signs to be incorrectly

    [Version : 1.2.26]	[Date : 2016/07/30]     [Author : CV]
	. Throw an exception when an unsupported encoding format or when bad flate decoding data is encountered
	  only if self::$DEBUG is greater than 1.
	. Added the EOL property, which is used for line breaks in the extracted text. Default is PHP_EOL.
	. Some text constructs can contain a continuation line, such as :
		(this is a sentence \
		 split over two lines)
	  Removed the continuation line sequence, which caused unnecessary line break.

    [Version : 1.2.25]	[Date : 2016/07/28]     [Author : CV]
	. Handled yet another way to specify a font resource : /C0_0, /C0_1, etc. It behaves like the /Fx and
	  /fx-y notations, in the sense they are a way to associate a font resource object with some kind of
	  alias (although the pdf specification only talks about /Fx).

    [Version : 1.2.24]	[Date : 2016/07/28]     [Author : CV]
	. Decimal numbers not having a leading zero were not recognized as decimal numbers in text coordinates.
	. Page maps using the /Kids and /Count flags can be nested ; the top-level /Kids page map contains the
	  sum of all the pages in its /Kids descendents for its /Count parameter. The warning signalling this
	  discrepancy has been disabled when not in debug mode, but the PdfTexterPageMap class will need to be
	  reviewed to handle this new situation.

    [Version : 1.2.23]	[Date : 2016/07/27]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the following properties : Author, CreatorApplication, ProducerApplication, CreationDate and
	. Added the PeekAuthorInformation() internal method to retrieve the values of the above properties, if
	. Added the GetUTCDate() method to the PdfObjectBase class to reformat dates from Adobe UTC format to
	  an UTC format that can be understood by the strtotime() function (some dates may for example be 
	  specified in the following format : 20160707182114+02'00', where the '00' string is not recognized)

    [Version : 1.2.22]	[Date : 2016/07/26]     [Author : CV]
	. The BlockSeparator property was not used is some cases, which caused certain data presented in a 
	  certain format by certain Pdf generators to appear catenated.

    [Version : 1.2.21]	[Date : 2016/07/26]     [Author : CV]
	. Changed the Unescape() method which did not handle at all character specifications using the octal

    [Version : 1.2.20]	[Date : 2016/07/24]     [Author : CV]
	. When encountering an unrecognized FlateDecode stream, throws an exception only if the $DEBUG global
	  variable is non-false, otherwise ignores the stream data.
	  This is a temporary measure until I find out how to properly decode such encoded streams correctly.

    [Version : 1.2.19]	[Date : 2016/07/19]     [Author : CV]
	. The class do not process any more image contents by default. The following flags can now be specified
	  to the constructor if image data is to be retrieved :
			Will put raw (undecoded) image data in the new $ImageData[] array property.
			Will use the graphics glib library to create a jpeg resource from the raw data
			encountered in the PDF stream. Specifying this flag automatically enables the
	. The new $ImageData property is an array of associative arrays that contains the following entries :
		. 'type' -
			Image type. Can be one of the following :
			. 'jpeg' -
				Jpeg image type.
			Note that in the current version, only jpeg images are processed, until I find the 
			method to decode other proprietary Adobe formats.
		. 'data' -
			Raw image data.

    [Version : 1.2.18]	[Date : 2016/07/05]     [Author : CV]
	. For debugging purposes, added the $object_id parameter to the DecodeData() method.
	. The DecodeData() method now throws an exception if the stream object does not contain valid gzip data
	. Handled the case of empty streams (!), such as :
		18 0 obj
		/Filter /FlateDecode
		/Length 0

	  which was causing warnings from the gzuncompress() function.

    [Version : 1.2.17]	[Date : 2016/07/02]     [Author : CV]
	. Avoided processing of empty text blocks, which were causing extraneous line breaks in the output
	. For debugging purposes, added a 'token' element in the associative array returned by the
	  __next_instruction() method.
	. Made the difference between absolute positioning instructions ("Tm") and relative ones ("Td" and "TD")
	  which are often used in tabular data, by introducing the $last_relative_goto_y variable in the 
	  ExtractText() method (individual cell contents were broken into separate lines).

    [Version : 1.2.16]	[Date : 2016/07/01]     [Author : CV]
	. No line break was inserted when relative positioning instructions (Td and TD) were encountered. This
	  caused consecutive lines to be joined together.

    [Version : 1.2.15]	[Date : 2016/06/30]     [Author : CV]
	. Corrected the __extract_chars_from_array() methods, which incorrectly handled escaped characters in
	  text groups and ate up the next character following the escaped one. For example, the following group :
		[(3)-3(4)-3(.)11(5)-3(\(f\) a)9(n)4(d)-3( 3)6(4)-3(.6\()6(g)-3(\)\()8(2)4(\), )4(t)-3(h)-3(a)8(t)]
	  was represented as :
		34.5(f)nd 34.6(g)2)that
	  instead of :
		34.5(f) and 34.6(g)(2), that		

    [Version : 1.2.14]	[Date : 2016/06/24]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the __get_character_padding() method to compute the number of spaces needed between two 
	  chunks of characters, taking into account the MinSpaceWidth property.

    [Version : 1.2.13]	[Date : 2016/06/23]     [Author : CV]
	. Took into account the relative x-offset specified with Td/TD instructions
	. Added the MinSpaceWidth property, which is to be measured in thousands of text units, to help the
	  class determine if spaces should be inserted between two character units. The default value is 250.
	  Although the value can be less than 1000, only a multiple of 1000 units will determine the total
	  number of spaces to be inserted if the PDF_REPEAT_SEPARATOR flag is set in the Options property.
	. Relaxed a little bit the cases where a newline should be inserted
	. Don't add the BlockSeparator string if the Separator and BlockSeparator properties are the same, and
	  the current result ends with the Separator string. When both properties are set to a space, this 
	  avoids inserting double space between column elements.

    [Version : 1.2.12]	[Date : 2016/06/21]     [Author : CV]
	. Better handle relative positioning instructions so that text parts supposed to be on the same line 
	  stay on the same line.
	. Added the PageSeparator property

    [Version : 1.2.11]	[Date : 2016/06/19]     [Author : CV]
	. Renamed the "Separator" property to "BlockSeparator"
	. The "Separator" property is now used as a separator for notations such as :
	  where "-1000" is a value that is subtracted to the current x-position. Some pdf documents presenting
	  tabular data use this characteristic to separate text in columns. The default value is " " (white
	. Added the PDFOPT_* option constants, which can either be specified to the class constructor or changed
	  by setting the new "Options" property. The only flag available for now is PDFOPT_REPEAT_SEPARATOR, which
	  has an interest if the offset between two text chunks is less than -2000 ; for example, the following
	  construct :


	  will give the string "1 2" if the PDF_REPEAT_SEPARATOR flag is not set, and "1  2" if set (assuming
	  the Separator property is set to a space).

    [Version : 1.2.10]	[Date : 2016/06/16]     [Author : CV]
	. The character after an octal notation was skipped. For example, (\101 X) was rendered as "AX" instead
	  of "A X".

    [Version : 1.2.9]	[Date : 2016/06/15]     [Author : CV]
	. Array of characters which included line breaks were not correctly interpreted
	. Added the Separator property, which can be used to separate chunks of text that are recognized to be
	  on the same line. This is useful for pdf documents that contain mainly tabular data, but it could
	  break words if it contains textual data.
	. Handled a new strange way to specify font numbers (/f-x-y instead of /Fx).

    [Version : 1.2.8]	[Date : 2016/06/12]     [Author : CV]
	. Corrected the visibility of the Isxxx() methods, which were public instead of protected.
	. Some positioning instructions can be cumulated (a 'Tm' can be followed by a 'Td'). Consider that the
	  last instruction wins.

    [Version : 1.2.7]	[Date : 2016/06/11]     [Author : CV]
	. Added the Images array property, which makes available the images found in the document. The elements
	  of this array are image data.
	. Added a few PDF_*_ENCODING constants which were missing. Not all encoding types have been implemented,
	. Added the IsImage() and DecodeImage() methods.
	. Added the PdfImage class
	. To simplify the management of this source between the Thrak framework and the specific version made
	  for publishing on phpclasses, added the following :
	  - error() and warning() functions
	  - PdfToTextException class

    [Version : 1.2.6]	[Date : 2016/06/08]     [Author : CV]
	. Stream/endstream contents can be unencoded and appear in clear text ! Added the PDF_TEXT_ENCODING 
	  constant to handle this case.
	. Changed the regular expression in IsFontMap() to allow spaces between "<<" and the first "/F". 
	. Character maps strike again ! after the issue uncovered in version 1.2.2, where constructs such as :

		<012B> <00660067>

	  means "replace every reference to 0x0012B with unicode characters 0x0066 and 0x0067 (for maps having 
	  a width of 2 bytes), I discovered that some pdf documents having character maps of 1 byte could hold 
	  entries such as :

		<03> <0020>

	  which simply means "replace every reference to 0x03 with character 0x20"... I have not seen any 
	  differentiating factor between the sample I handled in version 1.2.2 and this one. All I can say is
	  that I put a horrible kludge in PdfTexterUnicodeMap::offsetGet(), to handle a situation were 
	  character widths are one-byte long, and their substitutions can be 2-bytes long, with a leading byte
	  of zero. S..t.

    [Version : 1.2.5]	[Date : 2016/06/07]     [Author : CV]
	. Tried to enhance performance by first looking for objects that contain stream/endstream constructs, 
	  to avoid unnecessary detections of character maps, font definitions, etc.
	. Consecutive text shapes introduced by the "Do" instruction were gathered on the same text line.  A
	  line break is now inserted when a "Do" instruction is encountered.

    [Version : 1.2.4]	[Date : 2016/06/03]     [Author : CV]
	. Introduced the PdfObjectBase class, from which all the classes defined here inherit. Moved all general
	  methods at this level.
	. Added the PdfPageMap class

    [Version : 1.2.3]	[Date : 2016/06/01]     [Author : CV]
	. Found a PDF coming from MAC outer galaxies where some lines were terminated by "\r\n", and some other
	  by "\r".
	. Added more debugging messages when the $DEBUG static class variable is set to an integer value
	  greater than 1.
	. Character references to a CMAP can be specified as \xyz, where "xyz" are octal digits
	. The begincmap/endcmap constructs can be omitted, which initially was the criteria to determine if the
	  current object is a character map. Checked for the presence of beginbfchar/beginbfrange in this case.

    [Version : 1.2.2]	[Date : 2016/05/31]     [Author : CV]
	. Modified the PdfTexterUnicodeMap class to handle cases where substitutions in beginbfchar/endbfchar
	  constructs contains several characters. For example :

		<012B> <00660067>

	  which means that a reference to character #012B must be substituted with #0066 and #0067.

    [Version : 1.2.1]	[Date : 2016/05/28]     [Author : CV]
	. Changed the regular expression to match stream/endstream constructs because it captured too much as
	  in the following example :

		<< ... /Type /Stream >>

	  (the captured data was : " >>\nstream..."). Now a stream construct is detected if not preceded by a
	. Found one case where the beginbfchar/enbfchar and all its contents were put on one line, thus making
	  the regular expression for capturing characters to fail. Hope this will not happen with beginbfrange...

    [Version : 1.1]	[Date : 2016/05/21]     [Author : CV]
	. Added support to retrieve the page number associated to a character offset in the Text contents. New
	  methods are :
	  - GetPageFromOffset
	  - text_strpos/text_stripos
	  - document_strpos/document_stripos
	  - text_match/document_match

    [Version : 1.0.1]	[Date : 2016/05/12]     [Author : CV]
	. Added code to ignore page headers and footers, which caused unnecessary newlines to be added to the
	  output (handling page headers and footers would require to break the code).
	. The last y-position was not correctly tracked in some cases.

    [Version : 1.0]	[Date : 2016/04/16]     [Author : CV]
        Initial version.