sIPb means (s)imple (IP) (b)locker
The sIPb-object provides a easy way to handle unwelcome clients at your site. It saved the IP of these clients with a fixed number of seconds to be blocked from your site.
The sIPb-object automatically updates the stored entries by deleting expired lines. If you want to do so, the SIPb-object redirects blocked clients to a specified URL, or it provides only the information that a client is blocked.
To see sIPb work:
-Just unpack the package to your http dir
-start sIPb_Sample.php
++++++++++++++++++++++The Package contains:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
sIPb.doc --> this file
sIPb.php --> Contains the object class sIPb
sIPb_Sample.php --> a Demo to see sIPb working
sIPb_SamplePart2.php --> Demo Part 2 ( sIPb without redirection )
sIPb_SamplePart3.php --> Demo Part 3 ( sIPb with redirection )
ur_blocked.html --> Targed for Demo Part 3
class sIPb {
var $blockFile;
var $blockUrl;
* both defined in sIPb.conf.php
* blockFile is the URL of the file which contains the stored IPs
* blockUrl contains the URL where to the blocked clients are redirected
function sIPb($withCheck = FALSE)
* sIPb([boolean withCheck = FALSE ]):void
* Create a sIPb-objekt, if withCheck == TRUE automatically check
* wether the client-IP is blocked and redirect to "BLOCK_URL"
* ( if withCheck == TRUE, remember that "header(location..." only
* works if there was no output before )
* if withCheck == FALSE you may call the func isBlocked() to check
* wether the client's IP is blocked or not
* Param : opt. boolean withCheck ( default FALSE )
* Return: void
function blockIP($seconds = 86400)
* blockIP([seconds]):boolean
* gets the current IP and saves it in "blocked-IP's file
* Param : seconds to block the IP default 24 hours
* Return: boolean
function isBlocked()
* isBlocked() : boolean
* checks wether the clients-IP is blocked or not
* param : void
* return: boolean
function _cleanFile()
* _cleanFile() : void
* read the blockFile and delete all expired entries
* private method, called by the constructor
* Param : void
* Return: void
} // class sIPb