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  Classes of Martin Latter   Noter   Download  
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Description: Documentation
Class: Noter
Create and manage notes shared between users
Author: By
Last change: Update of
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,539 bytes


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Share notes across devices on a local network.

[1]: ![noter][1]


  • Share notes easily across different devices and operating systems on a local network.
  • Avoid awkward device connections, network shares, or Internet transfer.

Noter's focus is simplicity – browser display and search, with a log-in to add, edit, and delete notes.

The log-in offers basic protection from unauthorised tampering via password obfuscation and session timeout.

Noter was created for an isolated network where plain text transfer and viewing is acceptable, and without determined adversaries. Noter is NOT suitable for storing sensitive data.

A single SQLite database file facilitates easy backup, transfer, and source control of data.

A Raspberry Pi, with Apache and PHP installed, could make an ideal low-powered always-on host for Noter.


  • PHP server with version 7.2+ and sqlite3 module enabled


Clone the repository (or extract the ZIP archive) into the server's web directory e.g.

    cd /var/www/html

    sudo git clone

    sudo chown -R <username>:www-data Noter/

(Debian-based; use apache instead of www-data for Red Hat-based distros)

    sudo chown www-data Noter/log/badlog.txt

    sudo chmod 600 Noter/log/badlog.txt

SQLite file operation (requires actioning on the directory itself):

    sudo chown -R www-data Noter/db/

Check the configuration file constants: config/config.php Only the timezone, session timeouts, CONFIG_NUM_NOTES_DISPLAYED, and user credentials are of immediate interest.

Change the users and the user password hashes (CONFIG_USER1, CONFIG_USER1_PASS). The default users are martin and alison, and both passwords are P@55w0rd. (More users can be added here, and editing the relevant locations in classes/login.class.php.)

Passwords are stored as SHA-256 hashes. CONFIG_USER1_PASS etc should be replaced with a hash generated from either a website service or by running one of the following commands in a terminal and copying the output hash:


    echo -n 'PASSWORD' | sha256sum


    php -r "echo hash('sha256', 'PASSWORD');"


    python -c "import hashlib;print(hashlib.sha256('PASSWORD'.encode()).hexdigest())"

    python3 -c "import hashlib;print(hashlib.sha256('PASSWORD'.encode()).hexdigest())"

Manually Create the SQLite Database

Noter includes an initial SQLite database: db/noter.sqlite3

However, where GitHub importing does not permit binary files (e.g. PHPClasses and the noter.sqlite3 file is consequently missing, the file will need to be created manually &ndash;

In a terminal:

    cd db/
    sudo sqlite3 noter.sqlite3
    .read noter_schema_data.sql
    sudo chown www-data:www-data noter.sqlite3

Viewing and Searching


or better, configure an Apache vhost and access with:


Adding and Editing


or if Apache rewrite is disabled:


Upon logging-in through this page, notes can be added, updated, or deleted.

<pre>...</pre> and <code>...</code> tags can be used to highlight code snippets.

<pre>...</pre> preserves whitespace (both spaces and copy/pasted tabs).

<code>...</code> does not preserve whitespace.

Most types of link references will be automatically converted into HTML links upon note addition (but not on note updating).

Other Files

The SQLite database schema is available at db/noter\_schema.sql

The SQLite database schema and initial data is available at db/noter\_schema\_data.sql

Unsuccessful log-in attempts are recorded in log/badlog.txt


  • Angel Marin and Paul Johnston: JavaScript SHA-256 hash function.
  • Andrew Ellis: link regex.


Noter was originally created as a second language flashcard viewer (to which it can be easily reverted).

Noter was never created for coding elegance, merely to do a simple job in minimal code. It's like my car: looks ancient, runs quite well.


Noter is released under the GPL v.3.