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File: main.js
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Class: IP2Location Lite Web Viewer
Query IP2Location data to display using AJAX
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/* * Copyright (C) Chi Hoang - All Rights Reserved */ function List() { this.observerList = []; this.sort = ""; this.func = ""; return this; } List.prototype = { add : function( obj ){ return this.observerList.push( obj ); }, unshift : function( obj ){ return this.observerList.unshift( obj ); }, count : function() { return this.observerList.length; }, get : function( index ){ if( index > -1 && index < this.observerList.length ){ return this.observerList[ index ]; } }, reset : function ( index ) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? (a.ip2long > b.ip2long) ? 1 : (b.ip2long > a.ip2long) ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = ""; this.func = ""; }, // isIpAddress : function (s) { if (typeof s !== 'string') { return false; } // There must be 4 parts separated by dots. var parts = s.split('.'); if (parts.length !== 4) { return false; } // Each of the four parts must be an integer in the range 0 to 255. for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var part = parts[i]; // Each part must consist of 1 to 3 decimal digits. if (!/^\d{1,3}$/.test(part)) { return false; } var n = +part; if (0 > n || n > 0xff) { return false; } } return true; }, target : function () { document.body.innerHTML = ''; for (var i=0,x=this.observerList.length;i<x;i++) { this.observerList[i].navigation=0; if (this.observerList[i].type=="ip" && this.observerList[i].visibility=="show") { colclass = (i % 2) ? "column1" : "column2"; this.observerList[i].ele.className = colclass + " " + this.observerList[i]; window.document.body.appendChild(this.observerList[i].ele); a = new Subject(100); a.ele.className = colclass + " " + this.observerList[i]; window.document.body.appendChild(a.ele); a.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(this.observerList[i].city)); b = new Subject(100); b.ele.className = colclass + " " + this.observerList[i]; window.document.body.appendChild(b.ele); b.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(this.observerList[i].region)); c = new Subject(100); c.ele.className = colclass + " " + this.observerList[i]; window.document.body.appendChild(c.ele); c.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(this.observerList[i].country)); d = new Subject(100); d.ele.className = colclass + " " + this.observerList[i]; window.document.body.appendChild(d.ele); d.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(this.observerList[i].latitude)); e = new Subject(100); e.ele.className = colclass + " " + this.observerList[i]; window.document.body.appendChild(e.ele); e.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(this.observerList[i].longitude)); f = new Subject(100); f.ele.className = colclass + " " + this.observerList[i]; window.document.body.appendChild(f.ele); f.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(this.observerList[i].timezone)); g = new Subject(100); g.ele.className = colclass + " " + this.observerList[i]; window.document.body.appendChild(g.ele); g.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(this.observerList[i].zipcode)); h = new Subject(100); h.ele.className = "linebreak " + this.observerList[i]; window.document.body.appendChild(h.ele); window.document.getElementById(; window.document.getElementById(; window.document.getElementById("both"; window.document.getElementById("none"; } } }, suipaddr : function (index) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? (a.iplong > b.iplong) ? 1 : (b.iplong > a.iplong) ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "sdipaddr"; this.func = this.suipaddr; }, sdipaddr : function (index) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? (a.iplong < b.iplong) ? 1 : (b.iplong < a.iplong) ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "sdipaddr"; this.func = this.sdipaddr; }, sucity : function (index) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? ( > ? 1 : ( > ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "sucity"; this.func = this.sucity; }, sdcity : function (index) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? ( < ? 1 : ( < ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "sdcity"; this.func = this.sdcity; }, sdcountry : function (index) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? ( < ? 1 : ( < ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "sdcountry"; this.func = this.sdcountry; }, sucountry : function (index) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? ( > ? 1 : ( > ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "sucountry"; this.func = this.sucountry; }, suregion : function (index) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? (a.region > b.region) ? 1 : (b.region > a.region) ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "suregion"; this.func = this.suregion; }, sdregion : function (index) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? (a.region < b.region) ? 1 : (b.region < a.region) ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "sdregion"; this.func = this.sdregion; }, suzipcode : function ( index ) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? (a.zipcode > b.zipcode) ? 1 : (b.zipcode > a.zipcode) ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "suzipcode"; this.func = this.suzipcode; }, sdzipcode : function ( index ) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? (a.zipcode < b.zipcode) ? 1 : (b.zipcode < a.zipcode) ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "sdzipcode"; this.func = this.sdzipcode; }, sutimezone : function ( index ) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? (a.timezone > b.timezone) ? 1 : (b.timezone > a.timezone) ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "sutimezone"; this.func = this.sutimezone; }, sdtimezone : function ( index ) { this.observerList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.type=="ip") ? (a.timezone < b.timezone) ? 1 : (b.timezone < a.timezone) ? -1 : 0 : -1;});; this.sort = "sdtimezone"; this.func = this.sdtimezone; }, indexOf : function( obj, startIndex ){ var i = startIndex; while( i < this.observerList.length ){ if( this.observerList[i] === obj ){ return i; } i++; } return -1; }, removeAt : function( from, to){ this.from = from || 0; = to || 1; this.observerList.splice( from, to ); } }; var Subject = function (navigation,width,height) { this.width = width || "110px"; this.height = height || "20px"; this.navigation = navigation || 10; this.ele = document.createElement("div"); = Math.floor((Math.random() * 768716276990) + 1); this.ele.className = "column";"nowrap";"block";"left"; = this.width; = this.height; return this; } Subject.prototype = { update : function (parent,id) { this.ele.b=null; //this.ele.b=setInterval( function () { parent.Notify(id); },parent.tinterval); } } var Publisher = function (observers) { this.xhr=[]; this.n = 25; this.from=0;; this.observers = observers; this.seed = 768716276; this.tstart = 1000; this.tinterval = 1000000; this.step = 256*256*256; this.range=(100*this.step)-this.step; this.ccvalue="All"; = ["AU","CN","JP","TH","IN","MY","KR","SG","TW","HK","PH","VN","NO","FR","GB","NL","DE","US","ES","DK","SE","CZ","BE","FI","RU","IT","GR","AE","AT","ZA","IL","CH","QA","KZ","PT","SA","IR","LT","CA","MX","SY","UA","KW","BH","LB","OM","JO","IQ","TR","RO","GE","BR","AZ","ZM","ZW","PS","SK","RS","IS","HU","BG","SI","MD","MK","AO","LI","JE","HR","PL","BA","EE","LV","KG","IE","IM","MT","GI","LY","LU","AM","AR","VG","YE","BY","GP","MQ","GY","GU","MP","DO","VE","PR","VI","NZ","BD","PK","ID","NP","PG","CL","CO","MO","LK","EC","CR","KY","UY","EG","BB","BS","LC","DM","KH","TK","MV","AF","NC","FJ","MN","WF","AL","CY","UZ","BL","ME","SM","CD","GG","TJ","BM","VC","NG","BO","LR","KE","GH","TZ","MG","NA","CI","SD","CM","MW","MU","GA","MZ","ML","BJ","TD","BW","CV","RW","CG","UG","GM","LS","MA","DZ","GN","SZ","BF","SO","SL","NE","CF","TG","SS","BI","GQ","SC","SN","DJ","MR","ET","KM","IO","RE","TN","YT","LA","MM","BN","NR","VU","BT","WS","FM","PF","TL","TO","GL","FO","BZ","NU","KI","MH","PW","SB","TV","KP","PE","PY","GF","SR","GT","HN","NI","SV","PA","VA","AD","MC","ER","GW","ST","TM","AG","CU","GD","HT","JM","KN","TT","CW","AI","UM","AW","PM","SX","MF","TC","AX","NF","AQ","AS","BQ","GS"]; this.stepmenu = {"1": [1], "256" : [2], "65536" : [3], "16777216" : [4] }; this.timeout = 900*60*3; this.navbar ='<ul id="drop-nav"><li><a href="javascript:void();">Sort</a><ul> \ <li><a id="suipaddr#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.suipaddr(\'#\');">+ IPaddress</a></li> \ <li><a id="sdipaddr#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.sdipaddr(\'#\');">- IPaddress</a></li> \ <li><a id="sucity#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.sucity(\'#\');">+ city</a></li> \ <li><a id="sdcity#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.sdcity(\'#\');">- city</a></li> \ <li><a id="suregion#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.suregion(\'#\');">+ region</a></li> \ <li><a id="sdregion#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.sdregion(\'#\');">- region</a></li> \ <li><a id="sucountry#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.sucountry(\'#\');">+ country</a></li> \ <li><a id="sdcountry#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.sdcountry(\'#\');">- country</a></li> \ <li><a id="sutimezone#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.sutimezone(\'#\');">+ timezone</a></li> \ <li><a id="sdtimezone#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.sdtimezone(\'#\');">- timezone</a></li> \ <li><a id="suzipcode#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.suzipcode(\'#\');">+ zipcode</a></li> \ <li><a id="sdzipcode#" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.sdzipcode(\'#\');">- zipcode</a></li> \ <li><a id="reset# href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.observers.reset(\'#\');">Reset</a></li> \ </ul></li> \ </ul> \ <ul id="drop-nav"><li><a href="javascript:void(0);">Interval</a><ul> \ <li><a id=\'step1#\' href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.changeStep(\'#\',\'1\');">1</a></li> \ <li><a id=\'step256#\' href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.changeStep(\'#\',\'256\');">2</a></li> \ <li><a id=\'step65536#\' href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.changeStep(\'#\',\'65536\');">3</a></li> \ <li><a id=\'step16777216#\' href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="l.changeStep(\'#\',\'16777216\');">4</a></li> \ </ul></li> \ Country Code:%\ <input class=\'ipaddr\' type=\'text\' id=\'ipaddr#\' onblur=\'if(this.value=="") {this.value="IP address";"LightGray" } else {"red"} ;return false;\' \ onfocus=\'this.value="";"black";return false;\' name=\'ipaddr\' value=\'IP address\' \> \ <input class=\'button\' onclick=\'l.Search("#");\' type=\'button\' value=\'Search\'> \ '; this.AddNav(); return this; } Publisher.prototype = { scrollTomid : function (dir) { if (dir=="up") { var pos = window.innerHeight-window.outerHeight/10; } else { var pos = window.innerHeight-window.outerHeight/10; } console.log("scrollTo:"+ pos); // setTimeout(function() {window.scrollTo(0,pos);},500); }, SelectCC : function (id) { this.ccvalue = document.getElementById(id).options[document.getElementById(id).selectedIndex].value; //document.body.innerHTML = ''; //this.observers.observerList=[]; switch (this.direction) { case "down": { this.Request(Number(this.from),Number(,"down"); break; }; case "up": { this.Request(Number(this.from),Number(,"down"); break; } default: { this.Request(Number(this.from),Number(,"down"); break; } } }, // isIpAddress : function (s) { if (typeof s !== 'string') { return false; } // There must be 4 parts separated by dots. var parts = s.split('.'); if (parts.length !== 4) { return false; } // Each of the four parts must be an integer in the range 0 to 255. for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var part = parts[i]; // Each part must consist of 1 to 3 decimal digits. if (!/^\d{1,3}$/.test(part)) { return false; } var n = +part; if (0 > n || n > 0xff) { return false; } } return true; }, changeStep : function (id,value) { this.step = Number(value); this.range=(100*this.step)-this.step; //this.AddNav(); switch (this.direction) { case "down": { this.Request(Number(this.from),Number(,"down"); break; }; case "up": { this.Request(Number(this.from),Number(,"down"); break; } default: { this.Request(Number(this.from),Number(,"down"); break; } } }, // getDocHeight : function () { var D = document; return Math.max( Math.max(D.body.scrollHeight, D.documentElement.scrollHeight), Math.max(D.body.offsetHeight, D.documentElement.offsetHeight), Math.max(D.body.clientHeight, D.documentElement.clientHeight) ); }, // setWindowHeight : function (){ //var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; var windowHeight = this.getDocHeight(); = windowHeight + "px"; document.body.scrollHeight = windowHeight + "px"; console.log("DocBodyStyleHeight:"; console.log("WinInnerHeight:"+window.innerHeight); console.log("WinScrollY:"+window.scrollY); console.log("DocBodyScrollHeight:"+document.body.scrollHeight); }, // ip2long : function (dot) { var d = dot.split('.'); return ((((((+d[0])*256)+(+d[1]))*256)+(+d[2]))*256)+(+d[3]); }, CreateRequestObject : function () { var xmlHttp = false; if (typeof(XMLHttpRequest) != 'undefined') { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } if (!xmlHttp) { try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { xmlHttp = false; } } } return xmlHttp; }, Search : function (id) { if (this.isIpAddress(document.getElementById("ipaddr"+id).value)) { var i=0; var me=this; this.iplong = Number(this.ip2long(document.getElementById("ipaddr"+id).value)); this.from=Math.floor(this.iplong/this.step)*this.step;*this.step)-this.step; this.range=(100*this.step)-this.step; this.direction = "down"; this.xhr[i]= this.CreateRequestObject(); if (this.xhr[i]) { this.xhr[i].open('GET', 'ajax.php?from=' +this.from +'&to=' +'&step='+this.step +'&dir='+this.direction +'&cc='+this.ccvalue, true); this.xhr[i].timeout = this.timeout; // time in milliseconds this.xhr[i].ontimeout = function (e) { // XMLHttpRequest timed out. Do something here. alert("Sorry, not found! Please try again!"); }; this.xhr[i].responseType = 'json'; this.xhr[i].onreadystatechange = null; this.xhr[i].addEventListener( "load", function(e) { me.Response(e);}, false); this.xhr[i].send(null); } } else { document.getElementById("ipaddr"+id).style.color = "LightGray"; document.getElementById("ipaddr"+id).value = "IP address"; } }, Request : function (from, to , direction) { var i=0; var me=this; //this.from=from; //; this.direction=direction || "down"; this.xhr[i]= this.CreateRequestObject(); if (this.xhr[i]) { this.xhr[i].open('GET', 'ajax.php?from=' +from +'&to='+to +'&step='+this.step +'&dir='+this.direction +'&cc='+this.ccvalue, true); this.xhr[i].timeout = this.timeout; // time in milliseconds this.xhr[i].ontimeout = function (e) { // XMLHttpRequest timed out. Do something here. alert("Sorry, not found! Please try again!"); }; this.xhr[i].responseType = 'json'; this.xhr[i].onreadystatechange = null; this.xhr[i].addEventListener( "load", function(e) { me.Response(e);}, false); this.xhr[i].send(null); } }, Response : function (request) {; if (j!=null) { e=j.length-1; if (e>1 && e<100) { if (this.direction=="down") { this.from=j[0].from;[e].from+this.step; } else { this.from=j[e].from;[0].from; } switch (this.direction) { case "search": { document.body.innerHTML = ''; this.setWindowHeight(); this.observers.observerList=[]; for (var i=0,e=j.length;i<e;i++) { this.Down(new Subject(100),j[i].ipaddr,j[i].countryCode, j[i].regionName,j[i].cityName,j[i].lat,j[i].long,j[i].zipCode,j[i].timeZone,i) } this.direction = "down"; if (this.observers.sort!="") { this.observers.func(); } } break; case "down": { var t = this.observers.count(); var p=0; for (var i=0,e=j.length;i<e;i++) { for (k=0;k<t;k++) { if (j[i].ipaddr==this.observers.observerList[k].ipaddr) { break; } } if (k==t || t==0) { this.Down(new Subject(100),j[i].ipaddr,j[i].countryCode, j[i].regionName,j[i].cityName,j[i].lat,j[i].long,j[i].zipCode,j[i].timeZone,i); ++p; } } var t = this.observers.count(); if (t>100) { for (var a=0;a<p;a++) { e = window.document.getElementById(this.observers.get(a); var elem = document.getElementsByClassName(e.className); this.RemoveClass(elem); this.RemoveClass(document.getElementsByClassName("linebreak " } this.observers.removeAt(0,p); } if (this.observers.sort!="") { this.observers.func(); } this.scrollTomid("down"); } break; case "up" : { var t = this.observers.count(); //for (var i=j.length-1;i>0;i--) { for (var i=0,e=j.length;i<e;i++) { for (k=0;k<t;k++) { if (j[i].ipaddr==this.observers.observerList[k].ipaddr) { break; } } if (k==t || t==0) { this.Up(new Subject(100),j[i].ipaddr,j[i].countryCode, j[i].regionName,j[i].cityName,j[i].lat,j[i].long,j[i].zipCode,j[i].timeZone,i); } } var t = this.observers.count(); if (t>100) { for (var a=100,b=t;a<b;a++) { e = window.document.getElementById(this.observers.get(a); var elem = document.getElementsByClassName(e.className); this.RemoveClass(elem); this.RemoveClass(document.getElementsByClassName("linebreak "; } this.observers.removeAt(100,b); } if (this.observers.sort!="") { this.observers.func(); } this.scrollTomid("up"); } } this.setWindowHeight(); } } }, Up : function(ip,ipaddr,country,region,city,latitude,longitude,zipcode,timezone,z) { var me=this; ip.ipaddr = ipaddr || 0; = country || 0; ip.region = region || 0; = city || 0; ip.latitude = latitude || 0; ip.longitude = longitude || 0; ip.zipcode = zipcode || 0; ip.timezone = timezone || 0; ip.navigation = 0; ip.type = "ip"; ip.visibility = "show"; ip.z = z; ip.iplong = me.ip2long(ipaddr); h = new Subject(100); h.ele.className = "linebreak " +; window.document.body.insertBefore(h.ele,window.document.body.childNodes[0]); window.document.getElementById(; window.document.getElementById(; window.document.getElementById("both"; window.document.getElementById("none"; colclass = (z % 2) ? "column1" : "column2"; g = new Subject(100); g.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.insertBefore(g.ele,window.document.body.childNodes[0]); g.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.zipcode)); f = new Subject(100); f.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.insertBefore(f.ele,window.document.body.childNodes[0]); f.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.timezone)); e = new Subject(100); e.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.insertBefore(e.ele,window.document.body.childNodes[0]); e.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.longitude)); d = new Subject(100); d.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.insertBefore(d.ele,window.document.body.childNodes[0]); d.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.latitude)); c = new Subject(100); c.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.insertBefore(c.ele,window.document.body.childNodes[0]); c.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(; b = new Subject(100); b.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.insertBefore(b.ele,window.document.body.childNodes[0]); b.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.region)); a = new Subject(100); a.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.insertBefore(a.ele,window.document.body.childNodes[0]); a.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(; ip.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.insertBefore(ip.ele,window.document.body.childNodes[0]); ip.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.ipaddr)); this.observers.unshift(ip); var me=this; ip.b=setInterval( function () { me.Notify(; },this.tstart); }, Down : function(ip,ipaddr,country,region,city,latitude,longitude,zipcode,timezone,z) { var me=this; ip.ipaddr = ipaddr || 0; = country || 0; ip.region = region || 0; = city || 0; ip.latitude = latitude || 0; ip.longitude = longitude || 0; ip.zipcode = zipcode || 0; ip.timezone = timezone || 0; ip.navigation = 0; ip.type = "ip"; ip.visibility = "show"; ip.iplong = me.ip2long(ipaddr); ip.z = z; colclass = (z % 2) ? "column1" : "column2"; ip.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.appendChild(ip.ele); ip.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.ipaddr)); a = new Subject(100); a.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.appendChild(a.ele); a.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(; b = new Subject(100); b.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.appendChild(b.ele); b.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.region)); c = new Subject(100); c.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.appendChild(c.ele); c.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(; d = new Subject(100); d.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.appendChild(d.ele); d.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.latitude)); e = new Subject(100); e.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.appendChild(e.ele); e.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.longitude)); f = new Subject(100); f.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.appendChild(f.ele); f.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.timezone)); g = new Subject(100); g.ele.className = colclass + " " +; window.document.body.appendChild(g.ele); g.ele.appendChild(window.document.createTextNode(ip.zipcode)); h = new Subject(100); h.ele.className = "linebreak " +; window.document.body.appendChild(h.ele); window.document.getElementById(; window.document.getElementById(; window.document.getElementById("both"; window.document.getElementById("none"; this.observers.add(ip); var me=this; ip.b=setInterval( function () { me.Notify(; },this.tstart); }, AddCountry : function (country, acronym, name) { country.acronym = acronym || "test"; = name || "test"; country.navigation = 0; country.type = "country"; this.observers.add(country); }, Removeip : function(observer) { this.observers.removeAt( this.observers.indexOf( observer, 0 ) ); return this.observers.count(); }, // RemoveId : function (id) { return (elem=document.getElementById(id)).parentNode.removeChild(elem); }, // // RemoveClass : function (elem) { while(elem.length > 0){ elem[0].parentNode.removeChild(elem[0]); } return true; }, AddNav : function (){ var elem = document.getElementsByClassName('nav'); this.RemoveClass(elem); var observerCount = this.observers.count(); //var r = Math.floor((Math.random() * this.seed) + 1); var r = 666; var a = document.createElement("div"); = r; a.className = "nav"; var t = this.navbar.replace(/#/g, r);; // var options_str = '<option value="All">All</option>'; function(cc) { if (cc==this.ccvalue) { options_str += '<option selected="selected" value="' + cc + '">' + cc + '</option>'; } else { options_str += '<option value="' + cc + '">' + cc + '</option>'; } },this); sel ="<select class='sel' onChange=\"l.SelectCC('Select"+r+"');\" id=\"Select"+r+"\" name=\"cc"+r+"\">"+ options_str + "</select>"; a.innerHTML = t.replace(/%/g, sel); document.body.insertBefore(a,document.body.childNodes[0]); document.getElementById("step"+this.step+r).innerHTML = "[ "+this.stepmenu[this.step][0]+" ]"; if (this.observers.sort!="") { var t=document.getElementById(this.observers.sort+r).innerHTML; document.getElementById(this.observers.sort+r).innerHTML = "[ "+t+" ]"; } if (this.observerList.length>1) { this.observers.get(0).navigation=1; } /* for(var i=0; i < observerCount; i++){ if (i % this.n == 0 && i != 0 && this.observers.get(i).type=="ip" && this.observers.get(i).visibility=="show") { e = document.getElementById(this.observers.get(i); if (e.className.indexOf("linebreak")!=-1 && e != undefined) { this.observers.get(i).navigation=1; r=Math.floor((Math.random() * this.seed) + 1); var a = document.createElement("div"); = r; a.className = "nav"; var t = this.navbar.replace(/#/g, r); sel = "<select class='sel' onChange=\"l.SelectCC('Select"+r+"');\" id=\"Select"+r+"\" name=\"cc"+r+"\">"+ options_str + "</select>"; a.innerHTML = t.replace(/%/g, sel); e.outerHTML+=a.outerHTML; document.getElementById("step"+this.step+r).innerHTML = "[ "+this.stepmenu[this.step][0]+" ]"; if (this.observers.sort!="") { var t=document.getElementById(this.observers.sort+r).innerHTML; document.getElementById(this.observers.sort+r).innerHTML = "[ "+t+" ]"; } } } } */ }, Notify : function(id){ observerZ=this.observers.count(); for(var i=0; i < observerZ; i++){ a=this.observers.get(i); if ( { a.update(this,id); break; } } if ( && i==0 && a.navigation==0 && this.direction=="up") { a.navigation=1; this.AddNav(); } else if ( && i==observerZ-1 && a.navigation==0 && this.direction=="down") { a.navigation=1; //this.AddNav(); } } }