The following example demonstrates the use of the ArrayHelpers::Multisort function.
require ( '../ArrayHelpers.phpclass' ) ;
if ( php_sapi_name ( ) != 'cli' )
echo ( "<pre>" ) ;
// A first example, using an array of associative arrays
$array =
[ 'prop1' => 1 , 'prop2' => 2 , 'prop3' => 10 ],
[ 'prop1' => 17, 'prop2' => 1 , 'prop3' => 11 ],
[ 'prop1' => 1 , 'prop2' => 900, 'prop3' => 12 ],
[ 'prop1' => 17, 'prop2' => 600, 'prop3' => 11 ],
[ 'prop1' => 18, 'prop2' => 1 , 'prop3' => 11 ]
] ;
echo "********** Sorting the following array of associative arrays using ASC sort order on 'prop1', and DESC on 'prop2' :\n" ;
print_r ( $array ) ;
echo "Result :\n" ;
ArrayHelpers::MultiSort ( $array, [ 'prop1' => true, 'prop2' => false ] ) ;
print_r ( $array ) ;
// A second example, using the same data, but with an array of objects
class TestItem
public $prop1, $prop2, $prop3 ;
public function __construct ( $prop1, $prop2, $prop3 )
$this -> prop1 = $prop1 ;
$this -> prop2 = $prop2 ;
$this -> prop3 = $prop3 ;
$array =
new TestItem ( 1, 2, 10 ),
new TestItem ( 17, 1, 11 ),
new TestItem ( 1, 900, 12 ),
new TestItem ( 17, 600, 11 ),
new TestItem ( 18, 1, 11 )
] ;
echo "********** Sorting the following array of objects using ASC sort order on 'prop1', and DESC on 'prop2' :\n" ;
print_r ( $array ) ;
echo "Result :\n" ;
ArrayHelpers::MultiSort ( $array, [ 'prop1' => true, 'prop2' => false ] ) ;
print_r ( $array ) ;