The following example demonstrates the use of the ArrayHelpers::MergeAssoc function.
require ( '../ArrayHelpers.phpclass' ) ;
if ( php_sapi_name ( ) != 'cli' )
echo ( "<pre>" ) ;
$array_1 = [ 17 => 'value 17 version 1' ] ;
$array_2 = [ 17 => 'value 17 version 2', 18 => 'value 18' ] ;
$array_3 = [ 1 => 'value 1', 19 => 'value 19', 20 => 'value 20' ] ;
echo "***** Merging the following arrays :\n" ;
echo "array 1 : " ; print_r ( $array_1 ) ;
echo "array 2 : " ; print_r ( $array_2 ) ;
echo "array 3 : " ; print_r ( $array_3 ) ;
echo "***** Result of ArrayHelpers::MergeAssoc :\n" ;
print_r ( ArrayHelpers::MergeAssoc ( $array_1, $array_2, $array_3 ) ) ;
echo "***** Result of array_merge() :\n" ;
print_r ( array_merge ( $array_1, $array_2, $array_3 ) ) ;