This example script demonstrates the use of the SshSession class for accessing remote systems
using password authentication.
You will have to supply the appropriate values for the following variables (defined
in file example.inc.php) :
- $host : remote host name or ip address
- $port : ssh port on the remote host
- $user : username used for the connection
- $private_keyfile : the file that contains your private ssh key
- $public_keyfile : the file that contains your public ssh key
This example works only for accessing remote Unix systems.
You will need two files for this example to run correctly : a public and a private
key file.
If you used puttygen to generate your public and private keys, you have to know that
the key that is labelled :
Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file
will not have the correct format for using it as a public key on Unix systems.
You will have to go to the Conversions menu and chose the "Export OpenSSH key"
On your Unix system, you must add your public key in the .ssh/authorized_keys file
of your remote user (see Warning 4).
This example performs the following :
1) Connect to a remote system using ssh password authentication
2) Create a directory named "/tmp/sshexample" on the remote server
3) Perform an "ls -al /usr" command and show its result
4) Perform again an "ls -al" command on the root directory, redirecting its output to file
5) Rename "/tmp/sshexample/ls.out" to ""/tmp/sshexample/ls.txt"
6) Get the contents of file ""/tmp/sshexample/ls.txt" and display its contents
7) Remove file "/tmp/sshexample/ls.txt"
8) Remove directory "/tmp/sshexample" (for the sake of your own security, I do not include any
example regarding recursive directory deletion).
require_once ( 'Session.phpclass' ) ;
require ( 'example.inc.php' ) ;
if ( php_sapi_name ( ) != 'cli' )
echo ( '<pre>' ) ;
// Variables used for connection - they must be set by you if you want this example to work
$host = "" ;
$port = 41937 ;
$user = 'root' ;
$password = 'w=6507stf/N4kE4:EtjeVve/' ;
// 1) Connect to a remote system using ssh password authentication
echo ( '1) Connecting to your system...' ) ;
$session = new SshSession ( $host, $port ) ;
$session -> Connect ( ) ; // Connection is not automatic
$session -> Authenticate ( new SshPublicKeyAuthentication ( $session, $user, $public_key_file, $private_key_file ) ) ;
$fs = $session -> GetFileSystem ( ) ; // Retrieve access to the remote file system
echo ( "done\n" ) ;
// 2) Create a directory named "/tmp/sshexample" on the remote server
echo ( "2) Creating remote directory $tmpdir..." ) ;
$tmpdir = '/tmp/sshexample' ;
if ( ! $fs -> is_dir ( $tmpdir ) )
$fs -> mkdir ( $tmpdir ) ;
echo ( "done\n" ) ;
// 3) Perform an "ls -al" command and show its result
echo ( "3) Listing contents of the /usr directory :\n" ) ;
// If you want to retrieve the output contents of the command in an array, you need to initialize the $output variable
// to a non-null value.
// If you want the Execute() method to simply display the output contents, remove this initialization
$output = '' ;
$status = $session -> Execute ( "ls -al /usr", $output ) ;
echo ( implode ( "\n", $output ) . "\n" ) ;
echo ( "--- Command status = $status\n" ) ;
// 4) Perform again an "ls -al" command on the root directory, redirecting its output to file "/tmp/sshexample/ls.out"
echo ( "4) Listing contents of the /usr directory, redirecting output to file $tmpdir/ls.out..." ) ;
$status = $session -> Execute ( "ls -al /usr >$tmpdir/ls.out" ) ;
echo ( "done (status = $status)\n" ) ;
// 5) Rename "/tmp/sshexample/ls.out" to ""/tmp/sshexample/ls.txt"
echo ( "5) Renaming file $tmpdir/ls.out to $tmpdir/ls.txt..." ) ;
$status = $session -> Execute ( "mv $tmpdir/ls.out $tmpdir/ls.txt" ) ;
echo ( "done (status = $status)\n" ) ;
// 6) Get the contents of file ""/tmp/sshexample/ls.txt" and display its contents
echo ( "6) Displaying contents of file $tmpdir/ls.txt :\n" ) ;
$output = $fs -> file_get_contents ( "$tmpdir/ls.txt" ) ;
echo ( $output ) ;
// 7) Remove file "/tmp/sshexample/ls.txt"
echo ( "7) Removing file $tmpdir/ls.txt..." ) ;
$status = $fs -> unlink ( "$tmpdir/ls.txt" ) ;
echo ( "done (status = $status)\n" ) ;
// 8) Remove directory "/tmp/sshexample"
echo ( "8) Removing directory $tmpdir..." ) ;
$status = $fs -> rmdir ( $tmpdir ) ;
echo ( "done (status = $status)\n" ) ;
echo ( "*** end of example script ***" ) ;