You have to edit the file ; it contains variables that you MUST set to your own configuration needs before running the examples :
$host : Host name or IP address of your remote server.
port : Port number of the sshd server on your remote system (usually, 22).
$user : the user you want to connect to on your remote system.
$password : User password (set this variable if you want to run the example.password.php script, which uses password-based authentication)
$private\_key\_file, $public\_key\_file : Paths to the files containing your private and public ssh keys (set these variables if you want to run the example.key.php script, which uses ssh key-based authentication)
Your remote system MUST be a Unix system for the examples to run as is
If you used puttygen to generate your public and private keys, you have to know that the key that is labelled :
Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file
will not have the correct format for using it as a public key on Unix systems. You will have to go to the Conversions menu and chose the "Export OpenSSH key" option.
On your remote Unix system, you must add your public key in the .ssh/authorized_keys file of your remote user
And, of course, you must have an sshd server up and running on your remote system !