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File: public/js/lib/director/test/browser/html5-routes-test.js

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File: public/js/lib/director/test/browser/html5-routes-test.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Silex MVC Blog
MVC based blog using on the Silex micro-framework
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
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var browser_history_support = (window.history != null ? window.history.pushState : null) != null; createTest('Nested route with the many children as a tokens, callbacks should yield historic params', { '/a': { '/:id': { '/:id': function(a, b) { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), a, b); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname, a, b); } } } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/a/b/c', 'b', 'c']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('Nested route with the first child as a token, callback should yield a param', { '/foo': { '/:id': { on: function(id) { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), id); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname, id); } } } } }, function() { this.navigate('/foo/a', function() { this.navigate('/foo/b/c', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/foo/a', 'a']); this.finish(); }); }); }); createTest('Nested route with the first child as a regexp, callback should yield a param', { '/foo': { '/(\\w+)': { on: function(value) { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), value); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname, value); } } } } }, function() { this.navigate('/foo/a', function() { this.navigate('/foo/b/c', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/foo/a', 'a']); this.finish(); }); }); }); createTest('Nested route with the several regular expressions, callback should yield a param', { '/a': { '/(\\w+)': { '/(\\w+)': function(a, b) { shared.fired.push(a, b); } } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['b', 'c']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('Single nested route with on member containing function value', { '/a': { '/b': { on: function() { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname); } } } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/a/b']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('Single non-nested route with on member containing function value', { '/a/b': { on: function() { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname); } } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/a/b']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('Single nested route with on member containing array of function values', { '/a': { '/b': { on: [function() { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname); } }, function() { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname); } }] } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/a/b', '/a/b']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('method should only fire once on the route.', { '/a': { '/b': { once: function() { shared.fired_count++; } } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b', function() { this.navigate('/a/b', function() { this.navigate('/a/b', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired_count, 1); this.finish(); }); }); }); }); createTest('method should only fire once on the route, multiple nesting.', { '/a': { on: function() { shared.fired_count++; }, once: function() { shared.fired_count++; } }, '/b': { on: function() { shared.fired_count++; }, once: function() { shared.fired_count++; } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a', function() { this.navigate('/b', function() { this.navigate('/a', function() { this.navigate('/b', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired_count, 6); this.finish(); }); }); }); }); }); createTest('overlapping routes with tokens.', { '/a/:b/c' : function() { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname); } }, '/a/:b/c/:d' : function() { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname); } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c', function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c/d', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/a/b/c', '/a/b/c/d']); this.finish(); }); }); }); // // // // // // Recursion features // // // ---------------------------------------------------------- createTest('Nested routes with no recursion', { '/a': { '/b': { '/c': { on: function c() { shared.fired.push('c'); } }, on: function b() { shared.fired.push('b'); } }, on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['c']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('Nested routes with backward recursion', { '/a': { '/b': { '/c': { on: function c() { shared.fired.push('c'); } }, on: function b() { shared.fired.push('b'); } }, on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } } }, { recurse: 'backward' }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['c', 'b', 'a']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('Breaking out of nested routes with backward recursion', { '/a': { '/:b': { '/c': { on: function c() { shared.fired.push('c'); } }, on: function b() { shared.fired.push('b'); return false; } }, on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } } }, { recurse: 'backward' }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['c', 'b']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('Nested routes with forward recursion', { '/a': { '/b': { '/c': { on: function c() { shared.fired.push('c'); } }, on: function b() { shared.fired.push('b'); } }, on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } } }, { recurse: 'forward' }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['a', 'b', 'c']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('Nested routes with forward recursion, single route with an after event.', { '/a': { '/b': { '/c': { on: function c() { shared.fired.push('c'); }, after: function() { shared.fired.push('c-after'); } }, on: function b() { shared.fired.push('b'); } }, on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } } }, { recurse: 'forward' }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c', function() { this.navigate('/a/b', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'c-after', 'a', 'b']); this.finish(); }); }); }); createTest('Breaking out of nested routes with forward recursion', { '/a': { '/b': { '/c': { on: function c() { shared.fired.push('c'); } }, on: function b() { shared.fired.push('b'); return false; } }, on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } } }, { recurse: 'forward' }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['a', 'b']); this.finish(); }); }); // // ABOVE IS WORKING // // // // // Special Events // // ---------------------------------------------------------- createTest('All global event should fire after every route', { '/a': { on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } }, '/b': { '/c': { on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } } }, '/d': { '/:e': { on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } } } }, { after: function() { shared.fired.push('b'); } }, function() { this.navigate('/a', function() { this.navigate('/b/c', function() { this.navigate('/d/e', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a']); this.finish(); }); }); }); }); createTest('Not found.', { '/a': { on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } }, '/b': { on: function a() { shared.fired.push('b'); } } }, { notfound: function() { shared.fired.push('notfound'); } }, function() { this.navigate('/c', function() { this.navigate('/d', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['notfound', 'notfound']); this.finish(); }); }); }); createTest('On all.', { '/a': { on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } }, '/b': { on: function a() { shared.fired.push('b'); } } }, { on: function() { shared.fired.push('c'); } }, function() { this.navigate('/a', function() { this.navigate('/b', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['a', 'c', 'b', 'c']); this.finish(); }); }); }); createTest('After all.', { '/a': { on: function a() { shared.fired.push('a'); } }, '/b': { on: function a() { shared.fired.push('b'); } } }, { after: function() { shared.fired.push('c'); } }, function() { this.navigate('/a', function() { this.navigate('/b', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['a', 'c', 'b']); this.finish(); }); }); }); createTest('resource object.', { '/a': { '/b/:c': { on: 'f1' }, on: 'f2' }, '/d': { on: ['f1', 'f2'] } }, { resource: { f1: function (name){ shared.fired.push("f1-" + name); }, f2: function (name){ shared.fired.push("f2"); } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a/b/c', function() { this.navigate('/d', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['f1-c', 'f1-undefined', 'f2']); this.finish(); }); }); }); createTest('argument matching should be case agnostic', { '/fooBar/:name': { on: function(name) { shared.fired.push("fooBar-" + name); } } }, function() { this.navigate('/fooBar/tesTing', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['fooBar-tesTing']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('sanity test', { '/is/:this/:sane': { on: function(a, b) { shared.fired.push('yes ' + a + ' is ' + b); } }, '/': { on: function() { shared.fired.push('is there sanity?'); } } }, function() { this.navigate('/is/there/sanity', function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['yes there is sanity']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('`/` route should be navigable from the routing table', { '/': { on: function root() { shared.fired.push('/'); } }, '/:username': { on: function afunc(username) { shared.fired.push('/' + username); } } }, function() { this.navigate('/', function root() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('`/` route should not override a `/:token` route', { '/': { on: function root() { shared.fired.push('/'); } }, '/:username': { on: function afunc(username) { shared.fired.push('/' + username); } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a', function afunc() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/a']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('should accept the root as a token.', { '/:a': { on: function root() { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname); } } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a', function root() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/a']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('routes should allow wildcards.', { '/:a/b*d': { on: function() { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname); } } } }, function() { this.navigate('/a/bcd', function root() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/a/bcd']); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('functions should have |this| context of the router instance.', { '/': { on: function root() { shared.fired.push(!!this.routes); } } }, function() { this.navigate('/', function root() { deepEqual(shared.fired, [true]); this.finish(); }); }); createTest('setRoute with a single parameter should change location correctly', { '/bonk': { on: function() { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } else { shared.fired.push(window.location.pathname); } } } }, function() { var self = this; this.router.setRoute('/bonk'); setTimeout(function() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/bonk']); self.finish(); }, 14) }); createTest('route should accept _ and . within parameters', { '/:a': { on: function root() { if (!browser_history_support) { shared.fired.push(location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')); } else { shared.fired.push(location.pathname); } } } }, function() { this.navigate('/', function root() { deepEqual(shared.fired, ['/']); this.finish(); }); });