* router.js: Base functionality for the router.
* (C) 2011, Charlie Robbins, Paolo Fragomeni, & the Contributors.
var QUERY_SEPARATOR = /\?.*/;
// Helper function to turn flatten an array.
function _flatten (arr) {
var flat = [];
for (var i = 0, n = arr.length; i < n; i++) {
flat = flat.concat(arr[i]);
return flat;
// Helper function for wrapping Array.every
// in the browser.
function _every (arr, iterator) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) {
if (iterator(arr[i], i, arr) === false) {
// Helper function for performing an asynchronous every
// in series in the browser and the server.
function _asyncEverySeries (arr, iterator, callback) {
if (!arr.length) {
return callback();
var completed = 0;
(function iterate() {
iterator(arr[completed], function (err) {
if (err || err === false) {
callback = function () {};
else {
completed += 1;
if (completed === arr.length) {
else {
// Helper function for expanding "named" matches
// (e.g. `:dog`, etc.) against the given set
// of params:
// {
// ':dog': function (str) {
// return str.replace(/:dog/, 'TARGET');
// }
// ...
// }
function paramifyString(str, params, mod) {
mod = str;
for (var param in params) {
if (params.hasOwnProperty(param)) {
mod = params[param](str);
if (mod !== str) { break; }
return mod === str
? '([._a-zA-Z0-9-%()]+)'
: mod;
// Helper function for expanding wildcards (*) and
// "named" matches (:whatever)
function regifyString(str, params) {
var matches,
last = 0,
out = '';
while (matches = str.substr(last).match(/[^\w\d\- %@&]*\*[^\w\d\- %@&]*/)) {
last = matches.index + matches[0].length;
matches[0] = matches[0].replace(/^\*/, '([_\.\(\)!\\ %@&a-zA-Z0-9-]+)');
out += str.substr(0, matches.index) + matches[0];
str = out += str.substr(last);
var captures = str.match(/:([^\/]+)/ig),
if (captures) {
length = captures.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
capture = captures[i];
if ( capture.slice(0, 2) === "::" ) {
// This parameter was escaped and should be left in the url as a literal
// Remove the escaping : from the beginning
str = capture.slice( 1 );
} else {
str = str.replace(capture, paramifyString(capture, params));
return str;
// ### Fix unterminated RegExp groups in routes.
function terminator(routes, delimiter, start, stop) {
var last = 0,
left = 0,
right = 0,
start = (start || '(').toString(),
stop = (stop || ')').toString(),
for (i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) {
var chunk = routes[i];
if ((chunk.indexOf(start, last) > chunk.indexOf(stop, last)) ||
(~chunk.indexOf(start, last) && !~chunk.indexOf(stop, last)) ||
(!~chunk.indexOf(start, last) && ~chunk.indexOf(stop, last))) {
left = chunk.indexOf(start, last);
right = chunk.indexOf(stop, last);
if ((~left && !~right) || (!~left && ~right)) {
var tmp = routes.slice(0, (i || 1) + 1).join(delimiter);
routes = [tmp].concat(routes.slice((i || 1) + 1));
last = (right > left ? right : left) + 1;
i = 0;
else {
last = 0;
return routes;
// ### function Router (routes)
// #### @routes {Object} **Optional** Routing table for this instance.
// Constuctor function for the Router object responsible for building
// and dispatching from a given routing table.
var Router = exports.Router = function (routes) {
this.params = {};
this.routes = {};
this.methods = ['on', 'after', 'before'];
this.scope = [];
this._methods = {};
this.mount(routes || {});
// ### function configure (options)
// #### @options {Object} **Optional** Options to configure this instance with
// Configures this instance with the specified `options`.
Router.prototype.configure = function (options) {
options = options || {};
for (var i = 0; i < this.methods.length; i++) {
this._methods[this.methods[i]] = true;
this.recurse = typeof options.recurse === 'undefined' ? this.recurse || false : options.recurse;
this.async = options.async || false;
this.delimiter = options.delimiter || '\/';
this.strict = typeof options.strict === 'undefined' ? true : options.strict;
this.notfound = options.notfound;
this.resource = options.resource;
// Client only, but browser.js does not include a super implementation
this.history = (options.html5history && this.historySupport) || false;
this.run_in_init = (this.history === true && options.run_handler_in_init !== false);
this.convert_hash_in_init = (this.history === true && options.convert_hash_in_init !== false);
// TODO: Global once
this.every = {
after: options.after || null,
before: options.before || null,
on: options.on || null
return this;
// ### function param (token, regex)
// #### @token {string} Token which to replace (e.g. `:dog`, 'cat')
// #### @matcher {string|RegExp} Target to replace the token with.
// Setups up a `params` function which replaces any instance of `token`,
// inside of a given `str` with `matcher`. This is very useful if you
// have a common regular expression throughout your code base which
// you wish to be more DRY.
Router.prototype.param = function (token, matcher) {
if (token[0] !== ':') {
token = ':' + token;
var compiled = new RegExp(token, 'g');
this.params[token] = function (str) {
return str.replace(compiled, matcher.source || matcher);
return this;
// ### function on (method, path, route)
// #### @method {string} **Optional** Method to use
// #### @path {Array|string} Path to set this route on.
// #### @route {Array|function} Handler for the specified method and path.
// Adds a new `route` to this instance for the specified `method`
// and `path`.
Router.prototype.on = Router.prototype.route = function (method, path, route) {
var self = this;
if (!route && typeof path == 'function') {
// If only two arguments are supplied then assume this
// `route` was meant to be a generic `on`.
route = path;
path = method;
method = 'on';
if (Array.isArray(path)) {
return path.forEach(function(p) {
self.on(method, p, route);
if (path.source) {
path = path.source.replace(/\\\//ig, '/');
if (Array.isArray(method)) {
return method.forEach(function (m) {
self.on(m.toLowerCase(), path, route);
// ### Split the route up by the delimiter.
path = path.split(new RegExp(this.delimiter));
// ### Fix unterminated groups. Fixes #59
path = terminator(path, this.delimiter);
this.insert(method, this.scope.concat(path), route);
// ### function path (path, routesFn)
// #### @path {string|RegExp} Nested scope in which to path
// #### @routesFn {function} Function to evaluate in the new scope
// Evalutes the `routesFn` in the given path scope.
Router.prototype.path = function (path, routesFn) {
var self = this,
length = this.scope.length;
if (path.source) {
path = path.source.replace(/\\\//ig, '/');
// ### Split the route up by the delimiter.
path = path.split(new RegExp(this.delimiter));
// ### Fix unterminated groups.
path = terminator(path, this.delimiter);
this.scope = this.scope.concat(path);
routesFn.call(this, this);
this.scope.splice(length, path.length);
// ### function dispatch (method, path[, callback])
// #### @method {string} Method to dispatch
// #### @path {string} Path to dispatch
// #### @callback {function} **Optional** Continuation to respond to for async scenarios.
// Finds a set of functions on the traversal towards
// `method` and `path` in the core routing table then
// invokes them based on settings in this instance.
Router.prototype.dispatch = function (method, path, callback) {
var self = this,
fns = this.traverse(method, path.replace(QUERY_SEPARATOR, ''), this.routes, ''),
invoked = this._invoked,
this._invoked = true;
if (!fns || fns.length === 0) {
this.last = [];
if (typeof this.notfound === 'function') {
this.invoke([this.notfound], { method: method, path: path }, callback);
return false;
if (this.recurse === 'forward') {
fns = fns.reverse();
function updateAndInvoke() {
self.last = fns.after;
self.invoke(self.runlist(fns), self, callback);
// Builds the list of functions to invoke from this call
// to dispatch conforming to the following order:
// 1. Global after (if any)
// 2. After functions from the last call to dispatch
// 3. Global before (if any)
// 4. Global on (if any)
// 5. Matched functions from routing table (`['before', 'on'], ['before', 'on`], ...]`)
after = this.every && this.every.after
? [this.every.after].concat(this.last)
: [this.last];
if (after && after.length > 0 && invoked) {
if (this.async) {
this.invoke(after, this, updateAndInvoke);
else {
this.invoke(after, this);
return true;
return true;
// ### function runlist (fns)
// #### @fns {Array} List of functions to include in the runlist
// Builds the list of functions to invoke from this call
// to dispatch conforming to the following order:
// 1. Global before (if any)
// 2. Global on (if any)
// 3. Matched functions from routing table (`['before', 'on'], ['before', 'on`], ...]`)
Router.prototype.runlist = function (fns) {
var runlist = this.every && this.every.before
? [this.every.before].concat(_flatten(fns))
: _flatten(fns);
if (this.every && this.every.on) {
runlist.captures = fns.captures;
runlist.source = fns.source;
return runlist;
// ### function invoke (fns, thisArg)
// #### @fns {Array} Set of functions to invoke in order.
// #### @thisArg {Object} `thisArg` for each function.
// #### @callback {function} **Optional** Continuation to pass control to for async `fns`.
// Invokes the `fns` synchronously or asynchronously depending on the
// value of `this.async`. Each function must **not** return (or respond)
// with false, or evaluation will short circuit.
Router.prototype.invoke = function (fns, thisArg, callback) {
var self = this;
var apply;
if (this.async) {
apply = function(fn, next){
if (Array.isArray(fn)) {
return _asyncEverySeries(fn, apply, next);
else if (typeof fn == 'function') {
fn.apply(thisArg, (fns.captures || []).concat(next));
_asyncEverySeries(fns, apply, function () {
// Ignore the response here. Let the routed take care
// of themselves and eagerly return true.
if (callback) {
callback.apply(thisArg, arguments);
else {
apply = function(fn){
if (Array.isArray(fn)) {
return _every(fn, apply);
else if (typeof fn === 'function') {
return fn.apply(thisArg, fns.captures || []);
else if (typeof fn === 'string' && self.resource) {
self.resource[fn].apply(thisArg, fns.captures || []);
_every(fns, apply);
// ### function traverse (method, path, routes, regexp)
// #### @method {string} Method to find in the `routes` table.
// #### @path {string} Path to find in the `routes` table.
// #### @routes {Object} Partial routing table to match against
// #### @regexp {string} Partial regexp representing the path to `routes`.
// #### @filter {function} Filter function for filtering routes (expensive).
// Core routing logic for `director.Router`: traverses the
// specified `path` within `this.routes` looking for `method`
// returning any `fns` that are found.
Router.prototype.traverse = function (method, path, routes, regexp, filter) {
var fns = [],
function filterRoutes(routes) {
if (!filter) {
return routes;
function deepCopy(source) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
result[i] = Array.isArray(source[i]) ? deepCopy(source[i]) : source[i];
return result;
function applyFilter(fns) {
for (var i = fns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (Array.isArray(fns[i])) {
if (fns[i].length === 0) {
fns.splice(i, 1);
else {
if (!filter(fns[i])) {
fns.splice(i, 1);
var newRoutes = deepCopy(routes);
newRoutes.matched = routes.matched;
newRoutes.captures = routes.captures;
newRoutes.after = routes.after.filter(filter);
return newRoutes;
// Base Case #1:
// If we are dispatching from the root
// then only check if the method exists.
if (path === this.delimiter && routes[method]) {
next = [[routes.before, routes[method]].filter(Boolean)];
next.after = [routes.after].filter(Boolean);
next.matched = true;
next.captures = [];
return filterRoutes(next);
for (var r in routes) {
// We dont have an exact match, lets explore the tree
// in a depth-first, recursive, in-order manner where
// order is defined as:
// ['before', 'on', '<method>', 'after']
// Remember to ignore keys (i.e. values of `r`) which
// are actual methods (e.g. `on`, `before`, etc), but
// which are not actual nested route (i.e. JSON literals).
if (routes.hasOwnProperty(r) && (!this._methods[r] ||
this._methods[r] && typeof routes[r] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(routes[r]))) {
// Attempt to make an exact match for the current route
// which is built from the `regexp` that has been built
// through recursive iteration.
current = exact = regexp + this.delimiter + r;
if (!this.strict) {
exact += '[' + this.delimiter + ']?';
match = path.match(new RegExp('^' + exact));
if (!match) {
// If there isn't a `match` then continue. Here, the
// `match` is a partial match. e.g.
// '/foo/bar/buzz'.match(/^\/foo/) // ['/foo']
// '/no-match/route'.match(/^\/foo/) // null
if (match[0] && match[0] == path && routes[r][method]) {
// ### Base case 2:
// If we had a `match` and the capture is the path itself,
// then we have completed our recursion.
next = [[routes[r].before, routes[r][method]].filter(Boolean)];
next.after = [routes[r].after].filter(Boolean);
next.matched = true;
next.captures = match.slice(1);
if (this.recurse && routes === this.routes) {
next.push([routes.before, routes.on].filter(Boolean));
next.after = next.after.concat([routes.after].filter(Boolean));
return filterRoutes(next);
// ### Recursive case:
// If we had a match, but it is not yet an exact match then
// attempt to continue matching against the next portion of the
// routing table.
next = this.traverse(method, path, routes[r], current);
// `next.matched` will be true if the depth-first search of the routing
// table from this position was successful.
if (next.matched) {
// Build the in-place tree structure representing the function
// in the correct order.
if (next.length > 0) {
fns = fns.concat(next);
if (this.recurse) {
fns.push([routes[r].before, routes[r][method]].filter(Boolean));
next.after = next.after.concat([routes[r].after].filter(Boolean));
if (routes === this.routes) {
fns.push([routes['before'], routes['on']].filter(Boolean));
next.after = next.after.concat([routes['after']].filter(Boolean));
fns.matched = true;
fns.captures = next.captures;
fns.after = next.after;
// ### Base case 2:
// Continue passing the partial tree structure back up the stack.
// The caller for `dispatch()` will decide what to do with the functions.
return filterRoutes(fns);
return false;
// ### function insert (method, path, route, context)
// #### @method {string} Method to insert the specific `route`.
// #### @path {Array} Parsed path to insert the `route` at.
// #### @route {Array|function} Route handlers to insert.
// #### @parent {Object} **Optional** Parent "routes" to insert into.
// Inserts the `route` for the `method` into the routing table for
// this instance at the specified `path` within the `context` provided.
// If no context is provided then `this.routes` will be used.
Router.prototype.insert = function (method, path, route, parent) {
var methodType,
path = path.filter(function (p) {
return p && p.length > 0;
parent = parent || this.routes;
part = path.shift();
if (/\:|\*/.test(part) && !/\\d|\\w/.test(part)) {
part = regifyString(part, this.params);
if (path.length > 0) {
// If this is not the last part left in the `path`
// (e.g. `['cities', 'new-york']`) then recurse into that
// child
parent[part] = parent[part] || {};
return this.insert(method, path, route, parent[part]);
// If there is no part and the path has been exhausted
// and the parent is the root of the routing table,
// then we are inserting into the root and should
// only dive one level deep in the Routing Table.
if (!part && !path.length && parent === this.routes) {
methodType = typeof parent[method];
switch (methodType) {
case 'function':
parent[method] = [parent[method], route];
case 'object':
case 'undefined':
parent[method] = route;
// Otherwise, we are at the end of our insertion so we should
// insert the `route` based on the `method` after getting the
// `parent` of the last `part`.
parentType = typeof parent[part];
isArray = Array.isArray(parent[part]);
if (parent[part] && !isArray && parentType == 'object') {
methodType = typeof parent[part][method];
switch (methodType) {
case 'function':
parent[part][method] = [parent[part][method], route];
case 'object':
case 'undefined':
parent[part][method] = route;
else if (parentType == 'undefined') {
nested = {};
nested[method] = route;
parent[part] = nested;
throw new Error('Invalid route context: ' + parentType);
// ### function extend (methods)
// #### @methods {Array} List of method names to extend this instance with
// Extends this instance with simple helper methods to `this.on`
// for each of the specified `methods`
Router.prototype.extend = function(methods) {
var self = this,
len = methods.length,
function extend(method) {
self._methods[method] = true;
self[method] = function () {
var extra = arguments.length === 1
? [method, '']
: [method];
self.on.apply(self, extra.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)));
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// ### function mount (routes, context)
// #### @routes {Object} Routes to mount onto this instance
// Mounts the sanitized `routes` onto the root context for this instance.
// e.g.
// new Router().mount({ '/foo': { '/bar': function foobar() {} } })
// yields
// { 'foo': 'bar': function foobar() {} } }
Router.prototype.mount = function(routes, path) {
if (!routes || typeof routes !== "object" || Array.isArray(routes)) {
var self = this;
path = path || [];
if (!Array.isArray(path)) {
path = path.split(self.delimiter);
function insertOrMount(route, local) {
var rename = route,
parts = route.split(self.delimiter),
routeType = typeof routes[route],
isRoute = parts[0] === "" || !self._methods[parts[0]],
event = isRoute ? "on" : rename;
if (isRoute) {
rename = rename.slice((rename.match(new RegExp('^' + self.delimiter)) || [''])[0].length);
if (isRoute && routeType === 'object' && !Array.isArray(routes[route])) {
local = local.concat(parts);
self.mount(routes[route], local);
if (isRoute) {
local = local.concat(rename.split(self.delimiter));
local = terminator(local, self.delimiter);
self.insert(event, local, routes[route]);
for (var route in routes) {
if (routes.hasOwnProperty(route)) {
insertOrMount(route, path.slice(0));